Have at least one underwater zone in Classic

It was a ploy to get you to admit you were trolling. You are now ousted. Ploy successful.

I’ll always admit it eventually. I mean, sooner or later down the thread it just becomes obvious, so why not own it? Amirite?


Don’t forget druids! After their skill quest of course.

Sounds like someone has never leveld fishing in classic. There is an amazing fishing pole that took my warlock over an hour in the ocean to get. Including a fair bit of underwater PVP lol. Also #NoChanges LOL

West coast stranglethorn. There are several quest lines that take place decently sized underwater area.

Touché. :black_heart:

Just do “The Cursed Crew” or the Merlocs off of Darkshore, the Elites off of STV.

You’ll get all the underwater fun you can handle and then some.

Good news, the Vile Reef and all of its quests are already in Classic. Enjoy!

I will enjoy, random mage. I will enjoy.

I know the OP was just trolling, but their post did bring to light just how many underwater “zones/areas” with actual quests there are in Classic. Was he right about maneuvering in water being updated though? I definitely remember having to jump to rise vertically in the water.

Yeah Vashj’ir was freaking dope. I loved it.

I see what you did there ^_-

Sunken temple if that counts lol

There are a few underwater areas in classic. The vile reef in STV is an example of one.

NO! I never saw Thousand Needles without water so that is the LAST thing I want to do. Don’t even suggest that, OMG really Bornakk? Ugh. :crazy_face:

Vash is the only zone in the game I refuse to touch, so definitely no underwater zone :stuck_out_tongue: And pretty humorous a blue responded to this.

The entrance to Blackfathom Deeps is underwater. Does that count?

And. Naga, too. So some 8.2 vibes for you. lol :wink:

I want a zone filled with lava that instantly kills you. BiS addition

I did all the main quests in Vash, but never did really warm to it. I never went back, and never had more than just my main there when it was new. I went to Hyjal after that, found it a lot more interesting.