Hate blood elves want high elves?

It would be really silly to deny the option just to walk on egg shells.

No one is denying this fact Fyre

Actually a lot of posters are and will fight it endlessly, no matter what sources are referenced.


It’s really a silly thing to fight about. It’s a semantic argument that causes unnecessary angst.

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Someone was just using a snippit of me using figurative speech to signal an attack. It worked. When I pointed it out he made a personal attack. A lot of people who argue for playable Alliance high elves are just here for the drama. I get it, both sides have their demons, but one group is a lot more intense than the other.

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There are people on both sides here for drama.

And some on both sides here for the meat of the discussion.

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We don’t have a Czol, and you guys have a bunch of them. They even have a cheerleader.

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antis only attack arguments not posters

True. IMO so far, all we have is that your BE needs a strong connection to the light to have golden eyes. And we know is related to the Sunwell having holy energy as Danuser says so in the interview.

But, does like, living physically close to the Sunwell affects this? Those are the sort of things that would be nice to know.

Doubt AR will get any customization :confused:

Agree with this. The only reason they would not give BE’s blue eyes would be because they do wanna just move them forward from being High Elves. Otherwise, why not just give em blue eyes?

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You have a Fyre. I’ll admit a few of the trolls quit coming here tho.


Fyre just says blood elves are high elves. That’s not the same thing.

/hands Fyre a mirror

You constantly subvert the discussion by questioning sick motives and treat people and though they have no idea what we are talking about. You constantly put your assumptions as facts.

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any examples?

Wait who’s Fyre? Am I missing something?

Throwing underhanded shade like this to try and make it sound like devs should put us pros in our place.

I’ve also quoted you numerous times in the past for accusing and implying that we are wanting the high elves for deviant and perverse reasons.

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I would want them for deviant and perverse reasons.


It’s because both sides load the statement to shut the other; no one is just genuinely using it to state a fact.

High Elves are Blood Elves only is true in the biological sense. High Elves aren’t Blood Elves on the political and ideological sense.

Both are true, and if we don’t actually allow for the nuance of it, we are going to have the same discussion every time someone says “High Elves are Blood Elves”

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i mean how would you describe it? how many times have we seen a pro waltz in and say blood elves arent high elves or dont consider themselves high elven anymore(lol), that the green glint is permanent, that they drank fel kool-aid? only the words of devs will assuage these denials of lore

Granted we are on different shifts, I don’t think Fyre approaches that. Fyre is defiantly a bit rough, but can you reference something specific? A lot of people who aregue for Alliance high elves call us trolls just for disagreeing with them.