Hate blood elves want high elves?

We’re Kultirans using different models before BFA? (Here comes the “but they’re on the same side”)


The precedent is there. If they want it they should ask for it.

It has no effect on the ones we play anyway.

There’s also a chance for those deasart guys you see in Uldum.

Oh I do love the Wastewanders, but geopolitically they don’t seem as interesting, especially when the Horde has added the Vulpera as their own caravan sand traveling folk.

They would be great for customization options on both sides tho.

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There is actually more to that, and there can be stuff done to make the High Elves different from the Blood Elves that won’t effect the lore, doesn’t take magic and doesn’t take thousands of years of evolution.

After all, I want to actually play one for there own lore. To really experience what happened to them after the Third War and how they ended up where they are today.


Are you going to suggest they re-do every High Elf NPC in the game now? Or suggest power-lifter Elves? What’s your rationale for a different model and what differentiation would you see as reasonable? Oh, and please don’t try and predict my arguments…you’re not good enough at it and you don’t know me.

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Oh, I get to negotiate? I’ll only except Ankoan or K’thir for the Alliance.

This is kinda unrelated but how come belfs have 2 different eye colors?

Murg, so apart from High Elves, how about the Fallen Night Elves as well? Or Undead Night Elves to put into better terms actually. And I am saying for the Alliance as well?

Except the lore does not necessitate it, and all the reasons outside the lore to not do it.

Alterac Humans, Manari Eredar and San’layn for Horde; Dalarani High Elves, Grimtotem Tauren and Argus Krokul for the Alliance?

If Alliance gets an undead race, I hope it’s that and not light forged undead.

Negotiations are closed.

Alterac Humans and San’layn for Horde.
High Elves and Undead Night Elves for Alliance.

Whether I know you or not is irrelevant. But if you want my take on it, I think you’re a pretty okay guy. I just disagree with you, not dislike you.

Why wouldn’t they? They had done so when upgrading every other race models along the way so far. That only makes sense.

As a Shan’do I would feel obligated to put them all back into the ground regardless of faction. They are an insult to nature and they profane the Night Elf race.

So you are now stating a group of Blood Elves went off to be High Elves for the Alliance? LOL!

Not closed.

Whatever on the Horde

and K’thir on the Alliance.

oooh, you’re one tough cookie.

I’ll ask it again:

In other words why would High Elves be distinctly physically different…what happened to them in 15 years to cause a distinct difference…and what would that difference be?

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No, you’re playing word games with figurative speech to be manipulative.

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thats pretty much what they amount to. blood elves with a different opinion