Hate blood elves want high elves?

How many guards in Orgrimmar defending it in game. How Big is Ogrimmar in game compared if it was in a movies or realistic, Like Storwmind was in the movie so Game scale has a affect on all of the game compared to what it really suppose to be. Not just for the High Elf Discussion.


Forgot experiences bro,

City guards does not equal Alliance high elves.

Were talking game scale bro dont get off topic.


do we have developer commentary and lore sources to cite alliance high elf numbers or city guards


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I am talking game scale. Just because they both exist doesn’t mean they share the same scale. Oh and, we have dev commentary to the effect of Alliance high elves not being out there in that way.

Weak troll, 1:10

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Hey bro, BRO!

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you came here to to troll I didn’t come to you

No, you came here to troll.

No you did, LOL


No u

Not me you

I’ve been bested

Bro, come on. Only people who argue for Alliance high elves are trolling, only people who agree with me can have a valid position or serious concerns (this is sarcasm).

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A big misconception I keep seeing is the fact that people believe that the Silver Covenant belong to the Kirin Tor, when infact they were formed by their own members to oppose the Horde. If they were formed by the Kirin Tor, then they themselves would be held suspect. The Kirin Tor merely allows their presence to exist because it is their home too. It baffles me that people believe The Silver Covenant and Kirin Tor are one and the same.


:star: :star: :star:Your are a superstar :star: :star: :star:

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Nah they have right to ask for something feel should be added

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Mostly because they only appear when Dalaran does and your point isn’t actually clear at all. Either interpretation is valid unless the devs comment, though they appear to be a Dalaran militia for a lot of reasons and not at all part of the Alliance for just as many.

Cool, nobody’s stopping them. While we’re at it, people have a right to not want them added.