Hate blood elves want high elves?

Fifteen year old arguements, same old same old, same Sin’dorei players trying to argue and errata lore and deny cannon . Dunno. I really don’t miss roleplaying with Sin’dorei at all, they were quite a pain in the butt to deal with. Far moreso then any other group of rp’ers.


You didn’t really read what I said to you though.
You stated the high elves and highborne were the same, when they are not.
You then stated people are ignoring canon, which they are not.

So how do this translate to your exhaustion of the topic or your roleplay with blood elf players?


Except high elves were never given to horde? The high elves are alliance, the blood elves are horde.

Also projecting much?[quote=“Båbygîrl-illidan, post:135, topic:450353, full:true”]
Sorry if hate is too much of a strong word. I mostly meant people seem to strongly dislike blood elf’s for whatever reason in these forums but also seem to advocate for high elves. Which I find ironic.

Well they’re two different groups, I do find it silly though since I love all elves night, high, blood, whatever.

High elves are alliance
Blood elves are horde

That and their eye color is the only difference really.

We’ll agree to disagree then. I find that ingame the high elves are depicted to me much more like night elves than blood elves.

Pics or didn’t happen, I would like to see these horde high elves. Last time I checked they only had blood elves.

Except they literally aren’t…
High elves are alliance
Blood elves are horde.

Those “couple” that are alliance still identify as high elves. Blood elves do not identify as high elves anymore as that would be an insult to them.

Whether you or anyone thinks they’re unlikely to be a playable race.
People should stop bashing fans for requesting a race they love. It’s obnoxious, you didn’t see this kind of behavior in masses when horde requested the zandalari, san’layn, vulpera, Maghar orcs, hozen etc. Whether they became playable or not.

This isn’t necessarily directed toward you but people need to chill about something that doesn’t affect them.

Edit: sorry I don’t know how to properly post stuff. I think i accidentally edited my old post

It’s impressive how you can so wrong in the face of actual canonical source and yet so sure about it.

### Rise of Quel’Thalas

Sunstrider led the high elven fleets across the world for many long years. Their goal was to find places of considerable ley power for them to build their new homeland. After landing on the Lordaeron continent, they moved inland and formed a settlement in the Tirisfal Glades. After a few years, however, many were driven insane. The belief at the time was that something evil slept beneath the Glades, so the high elves abandoned the region and moved northwards. They wandered the land for years.[15]

Around this time, they had become completely severed from the life-giving energy of the Well of Eternity. This meant that they were vulnerable to the elements and had not received immortality from Nozdormu and the World Tree. They had shrunk in height and their skin had become a peach hue similar to most dwarves and humans.


  1. Trolls, the progenitor race to all elves
  2. Night Elves, Trolls who settled near the Well of Eternity and evolved into Night elves.
    2.a Highborne and common Night Elf are the two castes of Night Elf society
  3. Highborne led by Azshara open gateway to let the Legion in…leading to the Sundering.
  4. Night Elves outlaw the use of Arcane (over 7,000 years ago)
  5. In defiance of that edict Dath’Remar Sunstrider led a group of rebellious Highborne in unleashing an arcane storm on Ashenvale.
  6. Unwilling to slaughter them all, the now-Druidic Night Elves exile those Highborne.
  7. Sunstrider leads them to the Eastern Kingdoms.
  8. Cut off from the Well of Eternity they change: Around this time, they had become completely severed from the life-giving energy of the Well of Eternity. This meant that they were vulnerable to the elements and had not received immortality from Nozdormu and the World Tree. They had shrunk in height and their skin had become a peach hue similar to most dwarves and humans. At this point the exiles have evolved from Highborne - they are now physically changed and no longer the same race.
    8.a at this point “Sin’dorei” does not exist as a term. They are all Thalassian and all called High Elf.
  9. Over 7,000 years later the Scourge happens, wiping out 90% of the Thalassian race.
  10. Less than 20 years ago, 90% of the survivors rename themselves Sin’dorei…or Blood Elf…to honor the fallen.
    10.a 10% of the survivors refuse to take than name and continue to call themselves Quel’dorei…or High Elf…and again this all happens after the Scourge.

Quel’dorei have not been the same as Highborne biologically for over 7,000 years.


Play the game?
Blood elves are high elves with a different name. That base view is what matters. In this case, yes, Horde does have them.


Just did, funny enough I haven’t seen a single horde high elf.

Blood elves used to be high elves yes.
However: High elves are still high elves, and still reside with the alliance.

These are what people are requesting

This isn’t rocket science last time I checked, I don’t get why you have to draw so much out of nothing.


You state this isn’t rocket science, but you insist on complicating the matters with minor matters.
“Well we want the high elves who didn’t leave the alliance.”.
Blood elves are high elves. Their name is literally meant to honor the dead high elves.
So…yes…Horde has them.


Blood elves used to be high elves…yes.

If you were to RP prancing around Silverwood addressing every blood elf as a “fellow high elf” you’d probably get alot of dirty looks.

Like I said, high elves are alliance, and still refer to themselves as high elves.

Blood elves (who used to be high elves) refer to themselves as blood elves…

This isn’t complicated.

Simplified: blood elves are blood elves (whether or not they used to be high elves), high elves are still high elves.


I’m not anti-Helf, but yes we are the same race. That doesn’t mean there can’t be Helves. There are Panda’s on both sides.

All it means to me is more choices, more customization. Things that I’m all for in a rpg.


I don’t care about RP dude. I care about the game and its design. In this aspect, blood elves ARE high elves.
I bolded the word that you seemt o have qualms acknowledging.


a tiny minority on the forums should stop denying lore and what is clearly presented in game. as for those races none of those were already playable. high elves are an intrinsic part of the horde identity, so much so they are a playable core race. but ofc the alliance players only want the sexy supermodel race. there are so few alliance high elves we know exactly who and where they are and when literally one is added every 4 years helfers go into a frenzy exclaiming that ‘ITS HAPPENING, SEE THEY DO EXIST’

blood elves are high elves. alliance high elves are a couple easter eggs and really just blood elves with a different opinion

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Both of whom are biologically the same race. There are two named groups of Thalassian elves; Blood and High Elf. There is one GMO-Thallasian race; Void Elves, who are genetically altered Thallassians.

Politically, and in some ways philosophically, Blood and High elves are two distinct groups…of the same race.


No this isn’t how it worked. The renaming is not about race, but symbolism to honor the fallen Helves during the massacre in Silvermoon. It has come to be a distinction in faction and differences in opinion on power source. When Kael’thas renamed the elves it didn’t change his race, Liadrin’s nor Lorthemar’s. Race doesn’t work that way.

The differences are political.


Blood elves are blood elves.
High elves are high elves.

No amount of stubborn nitpicking changes this.

Like I said,

High elves are still alliance
Blood elves (despite once being named high elves) are horde.


because horde, and the people asking for high elves are on ally side. If belves were ally to begin with, this argument would be swapped.

That is correct, I am not debating this.

I’m just pointing out the fact that high elves who still identify as high elves are alliance. People seem to have a problem with that apparently.


Ok, so then you agree that what you want is to play a different political faction of the same race - not a different race. Cool.

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Blood elves and high elves are the same dude. You’re claiming I am nitpicking when that is literally what you are doing.

no they arent. very few are alliance. vast majority are neutral dalaran citizens who still return to the homeland

clearly you do

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I personally don’t care about whether they’re playable or not.

But yes I believe high elves would be a cool addition.

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