Hate blood elves want high elves?

You do realize culture is an amalgamation of more than just whom you associate yes? The high elves are people known to be slow to change, and to live thousands of years. Suddenly, and without any further information from the story, they have a different culture because you say so?

The fact Vereesa modeled herself as “ranger-general” is a direct statement towards the maintenance of their former culture as well as her recognition of the blood elves as belonging to the same culture as her own. COnsidering she also considers silvermoon home, it isalso an indication that while they are separate politically, they are not separate culturally.

Of course, those who are quick to question others on the depth of their knowledge are often lacking in their own.


Actually most helfers hate the fact that blood/high elves were given to the Horde to begin with, so yeah…it comes out as hate for blood elves.


I don’t think it’s that they “hate” blood elves and just want high elves, as visually speaking they are 99.9% the same with exception of eye color, it’s more that they “Want” and like blood elf visuals and game play elements like the starting zones and such, but feel that the horde is a poor fit personally to them as a whole. maybe they like blood elf culture, art, physical looks etc but can’t stand all the blood and feces and spikes and living in huts with outdoor plumbing and straw beds the rest of the horde lives in? blood elves and houjin pandarens hardly seem like they should be “at home” in the horde given their cultural backgrounds they come from, just compare the wandering isles and quel’thalas to Ogrimmar. unfortunately void elves simply don’t deliver on these aspects artistically, we live in space not a grandiose city and while we do speak and act like and admire the same art and stuff blood elves do socially, void elves just “aren’t” 100% blood/high elves.

I completely disagree. I believe the non core horde races of orcs, trolls, and tauren fit just fine in the horde.

The issue is blizzard doesn’t make proper use of all of the available themes.

They are too lazy. They need to do more than what just the story demands. As it stands they always do the bare minimum of work rather than doing everything that would reasonably happen due to current events.

I am not asking them to remake the world every expansion but they do need to make use of the world. All the races need their architecture updated. All the capitals need a revamp.

Orcs, humans, and night elves already have their new architecture. We could count undead but I believe the way the story has gone disqualifies that because despite just getting new assets it all needs to be replaced as radical changes to their culture occur. It makes no sense to stay as they are. Their culture throughout WoW lives and dies with the banshee queen.

No the general ranger thing can be used as a statement that yes they are high elfs for it was a high elf thing. But blood elfs kept all the old traditions while the high elfs of dalaran changed the meaning as well as they are intermingling and having halfling children with the other races aka they are a new culture. Every thing takes stuff from previous cultures and then changes it a little. If you dont understand how that works and how they are identified as a different race in game then you are delusional.


The Ranger general title is specific to the high elf culture (blood elf), and is one Vareesa holds onto as well. Given we have numerous high elves also conducting pilgrimate to the sunwell (of unknown origin but possibly Dalaran), it suggests a strong adherence to the original culture.
A slight change to cultural practices are simply life style changes.
Choosing not to practice arcane because it hurts you =/= cultural shift.
There is nothing to indicate such a fashion, and if you wish to keep pushing it, then you’ll have to give a long list of examples on how high elves are different from blood elves.
One, I argue, you cannot do without making stuff up.


well yes “these” races fit, my point was that as Ogrimmar stands now blood elves and pandaren “don’t”. their justifications for being in the Horde don’t necessarily fit either. Huojin left for horde because ji fire claw believed action was the greatest injustice and that actions speak louder than words, but as seen by several recent cutscenes from several expansions the worgen and especially greymane, the night elves, and even to a lesser degree Anduin himself shares these ideals. equally the Blood elves joined because one military leader of the Alliance left them to die when there were bigger problems the alliance was facing as well as to get to outland, but clearly the Alliance has proven it does not share the ideals of Garithos by accepting the void elves into the Alliance as well as forgiving the Horde Orcs and trolls and such countless times over, etc and has proven it has just as much access to outland as the Horde (unless this is a gameplay specific mechanic).

to me it would’ve made just more sense for blood elves like pandaren to be “neutral”, because as Umbric and the dissenters show not “all” of the blood elves were loyal to Kael’thas and the new blood elf shift in authority, many still upheld pre-horde values and ideologies and could have easily defected to the Alliance just as the majority migrated to the Horde.


I mean hate is a strong word but blood elves have a more haughty and arrogant demeanor whereas high elves are more calm and tame akin to humans/night elves.

It’s kind of like saying you can’t hate nightborne or highborne because that means you hate night elves.


Except high elves were never given to horde? The high elves are alliance, the blood elves are horde.

Also projecting much?[quote=“Båbygîrl-illidan, post:135, topic:450353, full:true”]
Sorry if hate is too much of a strong word. I mostly meant people seem to strongly dislike blood elf’s for whatever reason in these forums but also seem to advocate for high elves. Which I find ironic.

Well they’re two different groups, I do find it silly though since I love all elves night, high, blood, whatever.

High elves are alliance
Blood elves are horde

That and their eye color is the only difference really.

We’ll agree to disagree then. I find that ingame the high elves are depicted to me much more like night elves than blood elves.

Pics or didn’t happen, I would like to see these horde high elves. Last time I checked they only had blood elves.

Except they literally aren’t…
High elves are alliance
Blood elves are horde.

Even if you or anyone thinks they’re unlikely to be a playable race.

People should stop bashing fans for requesting a race they love. It’s obnoxious, you didn’t see this kind of behavior in masses when horde requested the zandalari, san’layn, vulpera, Maghar orcs, hozen etc. Whether they became playable or not.

This isn’t necessarily directed toward you but people need to chill about something that doesn’t affect them.


Sorry if hate is too much of a strong word. I mostly meant people seem to strongly dislike blood elf’s for whatever reason in these forums but also seem to advocate for high elves. Which I find ironic.

Aren’t they the same thing?

Uhh…this has never been shown to be the case. The high elves and blood elves are both arrogant, haughty, and prone to act on impulse

They literally were Dorp.


this seems to be more of a general “Alliance Vs Horde” divisional rift than hating Blood elves specifically, though there are occasionally players who just “hate” a specific race just because they dislike them in general or a specific thing about them. usually if I see someone accosting a Blood elf or any other specific race it’s accompanied by “Alliance dog” or “Horde scum” or “Sylvanas loyalist lunatic” etc.


I see…
I’ve just found many people who play horde who dislike belfs, but as you said there are players who just dislike a certain race.

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high elves are a horde race. thats what blood elves are. high elves

a couple are a part of the alliance but thats it

and after blizzard went to all the effort of making velfs they likely never will be


Well, no, actually…that’s not right.

Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei are biologically the same race; which is the Sunwell-altered descendants of the Highborne Kaldorei exiled by the rest of Night Elf society (Tyrande and Malfurion specifically) after Ashenvale. Even after the Sundering they refused to obey the ruling that arcane use was forbidden and were exiled over it.

Those Highborne moved to the Eastern Kingdom, created the Sunwell ~7,000 years ago and in so doing created an energy source that exposure to kicked off the change from Highborne to Thalassian. At that time all of them were High Elves. The Sin’dorei did not come into existence as a named group until after the Scourge.

It is actually impossible to be more wrong about that than you are.

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No. Quel and Sin dorei are not Highborne…they were Highborne. Thousands of years ago.

Cannon is wrong. Gotcha. :+1:

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Are…you sure its simply you not reading it correctly?


I don’t need to want them because the horde already has them.