It’s the ocean, Lann. A harbor on the southern tip of an island off the coast of Vancouver.
Ah, there’s one (kinda) on each side. I’m currently living in Delmar (the town so good it needs two states, or words to that effect) not far from the Atlantic
I make myself a coffee, I come back to the computer, and as soon as I am about to take a sip of my coffee, I see your post then spit my coffee out.
To be fair though Forsaken probably seemed the odd guy in classic too though I never played classic wow either back then or now, I just think it doesn’t do service in the ask of HE’s to invalidate VE’s, not only do some people like them but they aren’t going anywhere.
And you disliking them just speaks to the fact they are a niche narrative so if anything it should give MORE credence to the HE cause because if Blizzard really wanted to do away with HE’s the population of VE’s would have come from HE’s but they chose to make VE’s former BE’s.
Same question. How does that “damage the alliance”? Does it damage the alliance that kul tirans and mechagnomes are so under-played? Why would one alliance group losing players to another alliance group affect the alliance?
As I said, I don’t get why intra-faction population changes affect the faction as a whole.
Uhm, their whole contrasting ideologies? Maybe then we could focus in the actual ideological differences between the factions instead of the smoke and mirrors of “you get to play as this on this side!”
Which is not true for High Elves and Blood Elves.
Babygirl, do you understand that if you stand next to a blonde blood elf, we can say you two are different, right? It does not mean you are not the same race…
Like, for real. High Elves and Blood Elves ARE different, that you choose -for some godforsaken reason to believe that refers only to biology, instead to ideology and politics- is completely your own problem.
High Elves and Blood Elves are different. It doesn’t mean they are not the same race dear lord.
Very nice! I guess the trees and stuff just look different then the ocean I’m used to seeing
There is a Del Mar on The Atlantic too?? LOL!! Thats funny! I’m from San Diego so its a Pacific Ocean all I can go off of as a point of reference
Oh, you’re living about 20 miles from where I damned near died as kid when I briefly lived in Delaware. We were at Rehoboth Beach and as I was swimming back to shore I was backstroking and ran over two Portuguese Man O’ Wars and then their trailing stingers. No, you don’t want to know what that was like.
Sometimes, we all need that craziness though.
no space. It’s a little town that straddles the border of Delaware and Maryland (thus the name) that is on the similarly named Delmarva peninsula (as Delaware, Maryland and Virginia all have bits on it)
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you genuinely want to understand what people are talking about before saying or doing anything else if you can stop your conversation with other people for one second and just answer my questions.
Do you know what the pro high elf community is asking for?
Do you know that (regardless of what people say or think) all blood elves are high elves, but not all high elves are blood elves.
Do you realize that this fringe group that does not associate with blood elves call themselves Quel’dorei, have history as part of the Alliance, and players want to play as them?
I’m not trying to be smart. I’m trying to understand the point of your argument at this moment. I do not want to dismiss anyone as a troll.
OOF! I know Del Mar here is just a beach spot, though it boasts the racetrack too that are pretty popular
An East Coaster! The world of TV caters to you while I must wait 3 hours
/ walks out of SW in a hurry but grabs as much free coffee before leaving.
Can’t wait to get my own NE city with a “dangerous keep away” sign
Yep. My dad was running a chemical plant in Dover at the time. We lived in Delaware for less than a year and then I got to do my senior year in high school while living 30+ miles from anything resembling something you could rightly call a town, in a little burg named Templeville just over the DelMar border in Maryland. Population at the time was around 70 people. Boy that was fun.
Well, that’s what you get for living in the past. I’ve only been back about a year, in my apparent kinda living near where Murg has lived, I was on the other side of the Strait from him in Washington state. And dammit Murg if you tell me you lived anywhere near Austin I’ll be slightly creeped out. (although it wouldn’t be as odd as when I found out that some old guildies had moved there about the same time I did)
No, but it’s one place I always wanted to live and didn’t get to.
It’s not bad, good food, but traffic is horrible, and god forbid you want to drive anywhere when ACL, SXSW or F1 is in town
I just realized where Vancouver is in placement to Washington I was thinking he was near Toronto where I have friends and visit!
In that case the tree placement of the ocean where you live Murg fascinates me, though it kind of makes sense I think it gets slightly colder and colder as you go up and if you’re past Washington I think they are known for their trees / forests
I love in the middle of a bunch of corn fields
… y’know, in case anyone was wondering
Yes, the island is in the Pacific Northwest rainforest belt.