Except we don’t need a void infused elves in our ranks, while you guys seem to do.
Except we don’t need a void infused elves in our ranks, while you guys seem to do.
They share the same problems and then some, is what I should’ve said
Pretty much only the same problems.
Because you asked me who I am responding to
Oh, apart from High Elves, I also want Snow Elves and Half Elves and Dark Elves and Black Elves and White Elves and Witch Elves and Elves Elves, and…
Ugh, too many words in the English Dictionary. Any word to be added with an Elf at the end.
This post has me as your reply tag, so I was asking you why you were replying to me.
I believe High/Half Elves and San’layn would be the last elves that could realistically added to the game
I am also an Alliance player waves from Lannisteros though he is taking a break on being played ( I want this warlock to replace my mage on Horde so I can enjoy Horde again!!!)
Anyways I think its unfair to say we have no attachment to them, the Forsaken sort of received the same treatment on Horde… and the formed narrative they have gotten over the years I think arguably makes them one of the most interesting races in WoW
Nah, I believe we can add more
Do have to admit we have spent more time with High Elves faction As alliance players, in wow, then with the Ren’dorei.
Oh sorry I just realized. That was an accident
In a final attempt (for today, I’m persistent so I’ll just keep trying) to calm things a bit, here’s an image from my deck for your peaceful enjoyment:
How can we take you seriously when asked to prove where he has stated they are a different race you point out to when he just says they are different?
I asked you if you understood the difference between saying they are a different race and saying they are ideologically/politically different. You said yes, but This proves you don’t.
Of course but that does not invalidate Void Elves…
And doesn’t stop the HE support nor should it because they are simply two different narratives.
As much as I like elves…
Would it be far-fetched to say that high elves might take players away from playing void elves; especially since we know they will have class overlap with high elves probably having more unique classes?
I do, because then whats the point of the faction system?
They are a niche race, but it also doesnt help that they have no basis or development in either of the factions either. Its not that they are on both but, they are on both with zero lore.
You do understand different and the same are two contrasting words right?
Which proves you don’t understand
Maybe not enough then, i dont know i have more love towards high elves then ren’dorei based on my game experience. Not saying the ren’dorei wont have that same love in the future they just have to earn MY loyalty to love them as as the high elves
Is that the ocean or a Lake murg??
My grandparents live on the beach in Del Mar, and I think the water is the most peaceful place to live by though oddly cold a lot of the time