Hate blood elves want high elves?

Overall I think more kindness needs to go around, and less assumptions being made about people I agree.

Let me ask you this Babygrill, when Borbounboxer, You and whoever else it was were singling me out, and ganging up on me, did you ever see me posting here saying “you’re being unkind?”

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They hate on us, cause they envy us!

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Y’know you two, it’s never too late to kiss and make up


It’s not an assumption, if she directly singles me out and not someone else who did the same EXACT thing

We had a reason to because you were being unreasonable. stop playing the victim.

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Am I anti-Alliance if I believe that high elves dont add anything to the Alliance themes, but serve to show that the Horde have better aesthetics that make them desireable?

I will add: I would have agreed to high elves back in 7.3.5 over void elves.

The Dark Lady HAS SPOKEN!

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Because its funny.


The thing is, their biological name is, well “elf”. From a outside perspective, we classify humanoids. But from an in-group perspective, it’s all self denominational.

At best we have the name certain groups give themselves be the root of their racial name, but others we don’t know were they came from. The Tauren call themselves “Shu’alo”, where did the tauren came from?

“Elves” is what we call a certain off-shoot of “Trolls”, their first self denomination was “Kaldorei” children of the stars. Then a subsection of them called themselves “Highborne” or Queldorei, children of noble birth.

None of these are “racial” names, because those only exist from an outside perspective.

“High Elf” is merely the transliteration of “Quel’dorei” from an outside perspective, and it served as a racial denominator, until it didn’t and the Blood Elves happened, and currently High Elves and Blood Elves denominate distinct groups, and as such, our outside perspective has to shift, because “high elf” doesn’t cut it to define to them as a whole by the parameters established.


So are blood elves and night elves the same race then?

Why would that make you anti alliance? If you don’t think HE’s bring anything new, that’s fair, it’s just your opinion.

As for your point as their aesthetics on the horde make them desirable, I don’t understand the relevance.

We are talking about the high elves that lorewise already are part of the alliance or sympathizers of it, that group is the one that is currently divorced of the cultural momentum of the Blood Elves, on the horde.


Hey, you’re crossing lines here Sara
and you know it. Upset or not, that’s over the line.


Oh right, so you had every right to do something actually quite nasty, especially when it wasn’t something towards you, but yet, I have no right to pull you up with insulting another forum poster.

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Think of it like this: if high elves come out and they do become popular doesnt this just reinforce that people just want the Horde model over the lore?

Or strength said argument?

I would just drop it they will argue to death anything, They will take sides with one another you wont change their minds or get them to admit anything like said said earlier everyone is biased in defense and opposed.


Sara, can you read ?
I said a million times. I’m not upset for you for pulling up on me.
I’m upset you pulled up on just me and not another person who did the same thing.

Starting to look like baiting (imho)

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God I love homestar runner.

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