What you listed is my desire for HE’s, but my bias in question was in regards to defending someone and what I am telling you is I would defend someone despite bias because thats not an issue I have a bias on if I think something is right or wrong.
So my character is in question with you based off my praise of other people in the few times you’ve seen me post?
I would defend anyone regardless of bias so on that count I would say I have no bias, perhaps it came off wrong since you felt the need to inform me everyone has biases which I will agree to, but on what I felt was being spoken on is why I said what I said.
But the thing is they didn’t, they don’t call themselves “elves” In Thalassian they are still Quel’dorei, they haven’t changed their name at all since they were “Night Elves”
“High Elf” is just the translation into common of this, “Sin’dorei” is the first time thalassian elves actually changed names and is not how someone else calls them.
And even the term “High Elf” is metatextual to an extent. Before the Night Elves were introduced, they were just Elves.
The thing is, “High Elves” did not rename themselves to that, it’s a name that just fell into them from an outside perspective. Is it now with the BE divide that I feel it has so meaning, of holding on to something.
My point is that HE/BE are denominational terms for a specific group, but which roots aren’t linked to biology and have always been about caste/ideology.
But for the conversation we are having here, I think everyone should understand the difference. Saying “High Elves are Blood Elves” just obfuscates the nuance we are talking about, most likely in an attempt to outright deny it.
Welcome to General Discussion Forums, where flagging is the new disagreement, and people get overly defensive on things that are not being pressed onto them.
Before we continue, I want to ask if the name they have is what they choose to identify as when they go through biological change: does that make the name its biological racial name?
Does it tho? IMO, the appeal of High Elves as a playable rice is intrinsically linked to their history and place in the alliance, that’s what makes them stand out from Blood Elves.
You can’t play a neutral character, so it has to be either side, and if you are horde… then you are a blood elf. High Elves exist in opposition, or at least contrast to the BE’s belonging in the horde; if you take that away, you take away the reasons for differentiation.
Then I saw this added in real time to the end of it
And I would say your point was to allude I have a bias when I choose to defend people and I am telling you I do not I would defend anyone I see despite biases we share or don’t share