Hate blood elves want high elves?

Is that why Captain Auric Sunchaser had to be the High Elf Representative at the Sunwell, to speak for the High Elven people when the Blood Elven people were refusing them visitation?

Is that why in Suramar, the High Elves and Blood Elves had separate divisions, and while not hostile towards each other were also not exactly friendly?

Is that why you can find both High Elves and Blood Elves in the Telogrus Rift, researching the void magics there? And why you can find High Elves in Stormwind mingling among the other populace?

The game makes it quite clear that Blood Elves and High Elves aren’t the same. Similar, yes. Close enough that the developers felt that in BFA adding High Elves as playable would be too similar to Blood Elves. But not the same. Even Ion, in his “they’re kinda the same” speech that people love to half-quote went on to state differences between the two groups.

I saw someone messing around with the models and had the same model, but using Human animations, supposedly. I wonder how well that actually works.


Any links? I would like to see that.

I’ll see if I can find it. It may have just been an image of them standing like a Human, though, and nothing showing any animation work (It may have been stated they were trying it, or I may be remembering wrong). At this point, just treat it as speculation unless I find something more substantial.

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Is that also why he hasnt been in the game since Wrath of the Lich King?

While the queldorei are there in the form of two bodyguard accompanying Vereesa Windrunner and appearing in a cutscene, even as Alliance…there is generally no interaction with them during the 7.1 questing.

  • Vereesa gives no quests/appears as the narrator for world quests apart of the Insurrection line

  • The high elves essentially do not help the push inward into the city (as most of the forces that go in are either kaldorei or sindorei). This is in terms of the fighting at the upper prominence level with the ancients and golems.

  • No high elf NPC appears to give any sort of quest or interaction during the push from the staging area.

  • Until the cutscene, there is only three high elves at the staging area run by Dalaran. Which is the Silver Covenants home city.

To me, this would not be a plot point I would hold strongly and point out when it shows actual weakness in their presence. Why you mention this instead of Isle of Thunder is beyond my reasoning, when the queldorei were a lot more present there and seemed more in a combative role than just sideliine-sitting.

Which has not been explained more or shown off except for Void Elves.

Only added with 7.3.5 and the release of Void Elves. Even then, the ren’dorei outnumber the added quel’dorei NPC. They should have added more but I guess it works?

I mean, he’s still where he has always been, and nothing has really changed since WotLK to alter why he should be there, has there?

And there’s also the BfA Island Expedition team, Auric’s Angels, named after him. Which also includes a High Elf NPC.

It’s not about numbers, though, is it? They exist and are treated as separate from the Sin’dorei, just as you stated in your additional comments.

I didn’t feel I needed more references, but you’re correct. The Isle of Thunder is also another example.

Again, though, my argument isn’t about numbers. It’s about how High Elves and Blood Elves are shown as being distinctly different groups in game, and how they are treated as such.


So he’s still at the Allerian Stronghold in Outland? Why? What is he doing? If he a supposed leader of the quel’dorei, why isnt he participating in the war?

Questions that have been going unanswered since Wrath.

Which doesnt mean anything. It also wasnt originally called that, which refers to the idea that its a team of mages from Dalaran. (Also, because night elves werent part of the Second War invasion force going into the Dark Portal).

Its not about numbers, but about presentation. Its presented as the high elves either “dont have the numbers” until appearing in the cutscene or they dont care. Having Alleria there with two mages amidst a Night Elf expeditionary force is non-sensical, when one of the invading parties is their host city.

Its a better example than Suramar.

I’d be more worried about how badly they treat the high elves in Suramar than singing their praises.

To my knowledge, the blood elves were not refusing high elvee from coming to the su well. Lorthemar even states it is the birth right of all children of quelthalas.
So i am unsure wherenyou obtained the notion


me too. so sick of the denial of lore and im sure blizzard is as well

I like both.

I just dont like playing with Horde players.


On a more recent note that doesnt date so far back. Lor’themar grants Alleria acces to the sunwel for him unable to deny a daughter of Quel’thalas acces to the sunwell.

Of course they arent exactly friendly they choose to rather play house with humans. But that doesnt mean we arent the same we just have an unfriendly relation with each other but still accept each others presence and access to our city as many High Elves might still have family members in Quel’thalas.

No it doesnt to only difference is our name and allegiance. If your live in the US and your brother goes living in Australia for 10 years after that time are you suddenly so far estranged that hes no longer a human being, mutated or evolved to be a different species? Because thats what high elves and blood elves are to each other, we are still all the same elves. The only real mutation that happened is with void elves.


That last part of your argument is weak, if a tribe of 10000 people split off and it becomes 60000 and 40000, the lesser tribe names them selves something different then the bigger tribe, they are different but same background. If traveler found said bigger tribe and was told smaller tribe is evil. They would assume they are evil but they are the same. Also not every blood elf is related.

I mean…they’re still the same people dude. You just supported wht she said.


The lore is very specific. Those who fed off of the sunwell and nightwell changed. They mutated into a different species of elf and are no longer Kaldorei. The caste/sect of self coined ‘noble born’ magic praticioners who like ate plants and crap like a normal biological creature and practiced magic somewhat responsibly are still Kaldorei.

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Juuhachigou was referring to someone who was speaking about blood elves and high elves. Not the night elves.

Yes, and no because they are now a different tribe they are different people. Perhaps you don’t understand how culture works and how quickly it can change.


Only high elf fanboys hate them.

Kaldorei. Yup. If no sunwell or nightwell or Sargeras they’d all be Kaldorei yet is the point. Sin’dorei are decendants from renegade kaldorei ‘high elves’. Cannon that has held true for over fifteen years now. I know Rp’ers try to errata and ignore cannon when they feel it doesn’t suit their character ideas, but cannon is cannon. :woman_shrugging:

actually most high elf fans are also fans of blood elves. They both have their differences and provide different perspectives


Good bot


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It’s because people have this weird misconception that Blood Elves are substandard, reddish skinned fel-addicts that have been mutated by the mana addiction (which the High Elves also have) into mana vampires. That was Kael’s traitors, not the faction aligned with the Horde.

Also for the record, the High Elves were just as reckless with their magic and that is why they built the Runestones. The fact is, the Blood Elves are the High Elves. Alliance players just have a serious delusion about that fact, mainly because they reject Night Elves and want a Tolkien-esk Elf race (even though again, that’s the Night Elves). A easy solution for Blizzard to resolve this would be to do three things in the Blood Elves story.

1.) Give Blood Elves the Blue Eye Customization.

2.) Turn all Alliance friendly High Elves into Void Elves.

3.) Give the Blood Elven Priesthood a stronger presence both in the Blood Knight Order and flesh out the Sun oriented worship of the Blood Elves, into an institution rivalling the Cathedral of Light.

Do those three things and while it won’t stop the whining, it’ll at least make sure there is absolutely no wiggle room. Double points if the game had a sort of religion oriented schism in the High Elf community where half become Void Elves and the remainder rejected Alleria to become Blood Elves.

Bonus: Vereesa goes Horde after Lor’themar allows her to have justice for Thalen Songweaver’s actions under Garrosh Hellscream. Vereesa gets tired of Sylvanas and Alleria’s crazy fetish with dark magic and death magic, lets go of the anger she has. Vereesa and Halduron work together to track down Nathanos, and maybe even kill him.

Feeling like she’s found a place to belong again, she rejoins the Farstriders as the Horde’s preeminent Ranger. Maybe later on Halduron and her also strike up a relationship reinvigorating the Farstriders; which are woefully neglected.