Hate blood elves want high elves?

I disagree with you on what you consider a “right” lol. As I said, we don’t have ANY rights to lore developments.


Sara is not being kind

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Link one post where I am not being kind?

See: High elves have to be the biological race, because during the concept in history of high elves; Quel’thalas was not in existence. — This entails that Thalassian isnt the race, but the nationality as is reference to the kingdom.

High elves also going through biological adaption prior to their kingdom foundation, means that high elves (the name) is tied to their biology. However, with the change of the kingdom to the name blood elves has more to do with nationality and political identification than biologic.

There is no real vast difference in culture or biologics between high elves and blood elves. So, we can understand that high elves are the race - but in terms of WoW the sin’dorei and quel’dorei is currently being used as two ideological parties.

Think old guard vs. new guard.

That being said, the decree to focus on their new identity as sin’dorei is akin to someone from an ethno-religious culture not identifying with their religion. For example, former Amish people are still recognized as being ethnically Amish and from Amish descent even after their decree to be away from the cultural practices.

So to say “blood elves are high elves” that is correct from a purely ancestral/ethnic background, as high elves is more akin to biological classification than blood elf which is more based upon politics.


Cant really debate with you, your trying to cloud waters flip the conversation into something else., If Horde got Sin’dorei its only fair Alliance should have High Elves (imho) Thats is what I was saying, not by right not a legal term in real world

Oh goody, let’s see
Hmm… attacking me and singling me out?

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We just lost our home. Give us a break.

Get off my lawn

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I have never seen Sara not be kind, I would say passionate about the topic again but I don’t think its fair to label her unkind

I just linked her singling me out

In the post you linked she claims you were insulting people too? I wouldn’t say thats any different then what you’re doing singling her out right now

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Sure, I’m just saying that words have meaning and saying we have “rights” to high elves frames it as a moral imperative. Which is not as so cause this is a video game.

Remember this is coming from someone that also wants High Elves.


If you scroll up, I apologized, and she still called me out.
Then when another person insulted the same person she ignored them.
I’m not singling her out when she specifically asked me for evidence.
Just please stop your bias is showing

Vidya games are srs business

For sure hahah

And you call that not being kind?

I was pulling you up with you insulting someone. After all, everyone loves a clean discussion where people aren’t going around throwing insults at each other.

I am unbiased :slight_smile: but thank you for the unfounded accusation

If I feel someone is decent I will always defend them especially when I don’t see proof of accusations

Talk to your little lion.

Honestly, I dont buy that. No offense. Everyone has bias


I don’t work in sales not my problem, but it remains true all the same friend