Hate blood elves want high elves?


Because they don’t have High Elves. If they had High Elves people would hate them and want something else.

Essentially, it’s pouting.


The interview where Ion makes his infamous “horde is waiting for you” speech.
Iirc, he states when allied races were considered that high elves were there, but they decided against it and went with void elves because it would harm faction differences.


Yeah, they never stated Void Elves were a race replacement for High Elves.


Saying “we chose this instead of that” literally means such a thing.
Not everything needs to be stated verbatim.


You are wrong vague statements are not proof of someone’s opinion.


They are hardly vague if it is literally
“We were going to do high elves but chose void elves isntead to respect faction boundaries”.


Link to that quote?

You mean to the youtube video?
I’ll look it up in a bit, I have a few things before I return home.

I haven’t double checked yet but it may be this one


Cus I’m curious :woman_shrugging:

Cant hate the same thing.


Everyone wants different things but you should know that by this point in your life.

Personally, I like all elves and want a lot more added to the game.

Sin’dorei / Quel’dorei is now a political schema; while they are the same race, there are two sects which have vastly different political ideologies and allegiances.

It should be no different than Kul Tirans / Gilneans / Stormwind Humans / Lordaeron Humans - but Blizz got bold and said “we need a new human model.”

It is frustrating, to be sure, that Blizzard keeps saying we’ll never get high elves, and that there are too few to be a valid racial option
 and then they start throwing high elf npcs into every facet of the game just to rub it in players’ faces.


Just pointing out the logic is flawed because they are the same thing :woman_shrugging:

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I want Blue eyes.

For my Horde Blood Elf. ^^


That is incorrect logic as well.

I like your logic and I’m not trying to be contrarian, but could we apply this line of thought to void elves? Since their history is high elf?

Obviously they’ve had a very big change in current mindset and beliefs, but would you say their history is still high elf?

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If they don’t say the exact magic words in precise order as determined by the people who want high elfs, then it doesn’t really mean what it obviously means.

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I don’t want High Elves if they will share the same model as Blood Elves to be honest.

A 50/50 blend of salt and denial.

Like, people will throw up a ton of smoke and long winded explanations but that’s what it boils down to.