Hate blood elves want high elves?

Right, I just find discussing this to be fun. Sometimes it is not fun, but most of the time it is. :slight_smile:

Plus as I have mentioned before, it just doesn’t seem to me as tho blizz cares about this particular subject like we do.


Well I’ll leave it up to you to argue with your fellow helfers about that then.
No one can say to me at one point, ‘we alliance only want this’ and then expect me not to counter with what other helfers have said.

I don’t think its so much arguing as it is just discussing interesting ideas that can come together as a whole to introduce a new allied race.

As for anyone speaking to anyone else speaking for an entire community probably isn’t worth even responding to. Especially if you counter with another similar response. Then again it’s none of my business, but it just doesn’t really benefit anyone (not trying to single you out cuz yeah the other person shouldn’t talk for a community either)


I don’t hate the Blood Elves’ Guts. I just want High Elf Buddies and a Girlfriend who is pretty in middle of being pretty but not super model beautiful.

Like basically a nerd or something.

sounds like youre on the wrong faction

Not really my point atleast on the Horde.

Alliance hmm I see Gnomes and etc and they’re not really super model skinny beautiful.

I agree with all this as well. My main issue was once the name calling started, then it got personal. I too respect their decision, but I also demand the same respect that I disagree without the need of being degraded.


Happens all the time, wouldn’t put much stock in some of it, Its a reoccurring pattern by a few.


Didn’t the bloodelf heritage armor questline pretty much killed the chances of highelfs ever being a thing as a allied race? making this trend pointless.

Hope springs eternal.

My friend don’t leave us here.

Tell us more.

Anyways, just before I jump off the forums, I am here to show support for Playable High Elves that are already in the Alliance.


I jumped off the Forums and then the High Elf Love Thread got locked. So am I missing much or something?

It’s the only love thread that got mass flagged and deleted. Dunno what rule was broken.


I…well…hmm…I’m subbed to three and active/donating to 4th. WoW, FFXIV, EvE, and a not for profit emulator project of the old Westwood space MMO Earth and Beyond.

I main Alliance, I am opposed. I am not alone in being someone who mains Alliance and is against the idea.



But they didn’t did they? If you do not speak out against evil you are complicit in it.

Oh yeah an no form of compensation or retribution happened for the people of Theramore either, you know, what started this. No real compensation or retribution happened for the crimes the Horde have committed period come to think. You all have lost a camp that was a legit military target, and yet Horde have nuked a city, burned a tree, blighted their own city, and destroyed DS, etc etc etc.

And yet you acknowledge they were taken prisoners. All they had to do was lay down their arms and would have lived. They joined the horde and by not fighting they evil acts, they became complicity.

Because it was barely a bad act, compared to how much horde has done narratively, and you all act like its comparative…Sorry Belves are evil purely by their complicity.

You mean the war the Horde started? That wasn’t necessary as the Alliance keeps patting your blood caked heads and going “it’s ok hordies, we know you are good somewhere inside”

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every time i try a new mmo, i take a break from wow to focus on it. but thats just me

because it was spam. there was already an active containment thread ‘discussing the topic’ and there were 4 other ones up at the same time(including this one)

I’m…hmm…what’s a good word here…privileged (I guess?) to be in a position where the cost of staying subbed to 3 and contributing to a non-profit 4th is about what I would spend taking my wife to an inexpensive dinner and a movie so I don’t bother. I never know when “Yeah, I’ll bounce over to WoW and check to see what dailies are up or run a vision or something”, “Hmm, I want to run a few trials or an msq daily”, “Maybe I’ll actually take one of my 20 or so ships out of a hangar today and kill something/someone”…pretty much whatever mood I’m in.

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