Hate blood elves want high elves?

its just the main thing :woman_shrugging:

I’d care what you think if your behavior today hasn’t proven you’re just in it to attack people who disagree with you.


I think this stems from Pro’s feeling (note I said feeling) trolled for asking for a race thats already in game although not playable in a RPG that should I think a lot of us feel cater to including A LOT more races with no limit in the idea of “slots” to allow everyone to RP the way they wish. The divide comes maybe from seeing HE’s as a bad thing but I get the idea a lot of people feel like the stance is a spiteful one to take.

I think sometimes both sides can invoke this feeling from each other.

I think Tarrok is extremely decent I’ve found this out for myself.




Oh he can be Mean if he wants, especially when he is with his posse and they tag team folks. Been on the receiving end that group a few times.

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But you apparently do, since you consistently respond back to me.


But you also think alliance don’t deserve fair skin elves even if it was void elf skin option. When the horde have both purple elves and Fair skin elves.


I think we all come off one way or another but Tarrok disagreeing on HE’s is one thing, but he’s also the first person in defending things that I think are more accurately a depiction of good morals/ being a genuinely kind person, just from personal experience again


wo wo wo. i thought this was about lore not skin tone


Should also add that it comes across hypocritical when it’s feeling that way towards only one side, when the opposition does it just as much.


No the point is that it’s what the issue is and im sure if void elves had the fair skin tone it wouldn’t have even been that big of a deal.

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I don’t think it’s good for the game to dilute the story with a more generic version of something that they already put in as a twist.

Like I would think cheery forest spirit style wood elves would dilute what Night Elves bring to the story

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See and that’s the issue you have an odd bias towards the horde. All these alliance players want at the end of the day is to play fair skinned elfs. Also they could have added twist to them for they would still have been void elves but instead you think no horde got purple alliance no get purple it fair yes fair i see fair trade.

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They could have the moment their faction killed a neutral city with a mananuke.

they could have surrendered. The prisoners were released alive.

Yeah, you can surrender. It is a easy concept.

BTW the sunreavers were not innocent at all…it wasn’t just a “blind eye” they actively helped by opening the portal:

Under orders from Warchief Garrosh, a Sunreaver agent conjured a Sunreaver portal at Domination Point and Fanlyr Silverthorn, along with Horde adventurers, entered the night elven city of Darnassus in order to steal the Divine Bell, a powerful mogu artifact that had evaded them on Pandaria

Yeah the Horde and Blood evles violated neutrality, and the purge was the result. You are trying to claim they were innocent, but in a war there is no innocent. They were and have always been aggressors.

Meh, I’m not a fan of the elf swap at all, but can’t do anything about it now.

That is indeed around the time that Lor’themar began speaking with Varian about leaving the Horde. The actions that occurred were not ones the blood elves agreed with, which I imagine is because it involved high elves whom Lor’themar has tended to view upon as a failure on his part.

Many prisoners escaped, and the matter did not resolve until after it was acknowledged Jaina and Vareesa were in the wrong for their actions.
No form of compensation or retribution occurred to the silver covenant in spite of their actions towards civilians.

The Kirin Tor says leave.
You say “fine”
You go to leave, and you find out the Silver covenant has murdered your method of leaving and has begun attacking people around you including civilians. So it is very understandable that they fought for their safety. Suggesting it is a simple manner is simply ignoring the context.

You mean the part where it says a sunreaver (singular) acting under Garrosh’s orders did it? A singular individual acted, the Sunreavers did not as a whole.
Both Jaina and Vareesa admitted their actions were wrong in the wrong for this matter, I cannot understand your desire to try and white wash it.

In war, there are many individuals who are innocent who are drawn into the circle of violence against their will. The idea that there is no one innocent in war is an ignorant statement.
Fact of the matter is that the Sunreavers were indeed innocent, and that the action of one member is not representative of said faction.
Let alone the fact that Theramore was a valid military tactic, and was warned ahead of time of what was coming and were given ample time to escape. The war was already occurring by this time. So the notion that they were aggressors is simply trying to paint a victim picture for the event, which there isnt.

Hence, why it is grey.
They felt justified in their actions, but their actions were wrong because they took the fight to a group that was innocent in the matter and acknowledged as such later on.

it is grey because there was a war also going on that the blood elves were at the time involved in. So there is both black, and white in the matter. Hence the grey.

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I straight up lost it at Sylvanas

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You’re mixing up story with race homogenization. You don’t get a bland story by adding helves. They have too much lore on their own already, and the powderkeg that is the conflict between Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei can do nothing but feed into the divisiveness between the factions in a way that doesn’t feel cheapened like “oh look! ANOTHER BADDIE THROWN IN OUTTA THE BLUE”

They’re arguably better for the story to develop than velfs, and I like velfs. I like them so much I’m against giving them helf customization because it would take away from what it means to be a void elf in the first place.

There’s more to what makes a high elf a Quel’dorei than “cheery forest spirit style wood elves”



This is my take as well, I love BE’s I love VE’s I love HE’s.

The NE vs BE feud - contrived
VE vs BE feud - lack luster
NB vs NE- actually really nice I want that touched up more on

NB BE friendship- makes sense VERY NICE
NE VE friendship- ?

I think HE’s working in tandem with VE’s would be cool I could see dialogue akin to NB and BE’s working together a sort of scoffing rivalry but authentic friendship where each Elf sorta thinks their the better mindset.

On my BE’s I would not like HE’s it would give me a reason to detest seeing them why would I like someone who not only wasn’t there for their homeland… but didn’t return to the fold to rebuild.

I see it adding greatly to both factions.

Also what’s the issue with Sylvanas


That vid Sara posted about WoW’s lore in 1.5 minutes. How the orc passes the sword to the human, then it cuts to her saying “The Horde is NOTHING” and the human passes the sword back to the orc. Just such a perfect representation of how both sides end up working together so much even when its centered around the factions themselves and not even involving outside sources.