Hate blood elves want high elves?

There seems to be a huge difference between you and me. I am not in it to win. I am here to just get my request across and the details correct for how I’d like them if it happens. You can have the victory you seem to want so badly, I could care less.

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I mean is that really a honest option to suggest allot of people who ask for High Elves for the Alliance have allot time invested in wow, Ion may be a great Dev, but he does need to check why people really want High Elves for the alliance and not base it on looks,


It’s called people who can manage money and time. Sorry you can’t like many things.

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Why? I play 3.


i just dont have time to invest in 2 mmos. its why i gave up on classic

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Because a lot of folk desperately want a ‘classic’ elf race like you find in most MMOs. You know, white towers, sort of germanic, VERY indebted to Lord of the Rings. Ideally with unicorn mounts, sexy female mages, kind of Korean/paladin male warriors… the whole hog.

And they point to high elves as something that existed in the game circa warcraft 1 and 2 (mainly) with some in warcraft 3.

Said this elsewhere but… what they’re wanting is generic fantasy… something blizzard has worked VERY hard over the past 15 odd years to distance its races from. Blizzard want us to look at their orcs and instantly know which game it comes from. Same with elves. They’re deliberately not releasing High Elves for that reason as far as I can figure.

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I mean that’s a personal thing. I am sorry friend. I hope you’ll find a chance to play other games too while enjoying WoW, and I really mean that without sounding mean. Considering our differences aside,context of words in forum may sound different, but I do mean that not everyone has same situation or fortunate as I do.


I can’t imagine anyone participating in WoW’s current content has the time for another MMO.

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Nobody has time for Classic. That is why I don’t play it.


I’m not in it to win, I’m just sick of people pretending that they have the high ground on a matter of opinion and treating the people who don’t agree like they’re behaving badly. Maybe if you’d get that point through your head I’d let it go.


Uhh? Who’s trolling you? Disagreement and rebuttal of your opinions isn’t a case of me trolling you. Nor am I telling you like some other people on the forum have to me, “to go away / sit down / shut up etc.” No, I respect completely your right to say what you wish, even if I find myself disagreeing completely with the points raised.

Who exactly are you calling out also? That makes me really scratch my head, because last I checked it isn’t a micro aggression if someone says: “Hey, I don’t think this is accurate and here is why I feel that way”.

Did a school teacher or someone else tell you that anyone who disagrees with you “is your enemy” ala Anakin Skywalker from Revenge of the Sith or something? Please understand that I raise this query, not to antagonize or irritate you; but only to point out that I don’t think anyone on this thread has actively attacked you personally Alerovia. I most certainly have not, though I have countered your arguments with my own.

Also what in the blue blazes is an Anti? Is this a case of trying to dehumanize any and all people who disagree with your High Elf desires as “Antis” or something? Or does it mean something else? More elaboration is needed, so I’ll reserve judgment till I hear more from you.


i do play other games. even on console. mmos are a dfferent beast and require significant time sinks to progress. between family/friends, wow, job. why would i fit ff14 in there

either can i AND have some semblance of a social life

that depends if you want to really say 8.3 is considered current content to have time to get me away from another MMO. I just RP and enjoy my time with immersions and playing with friends in WoW. Other than that, I also have other friends in other MMOs.

You don’t have to? Personally, I’ve enjoyed FF14 especially new expansion.

Ive checked into ESO, just dont have the time to play it :(… plus the world isn’t as vibrant as wow. (imho)


Why wouldn’t I say 8.3 is current content? It’s as current as it gets.

Just my opinion–if you’re not partaking in current content in the game, I don’t see it as managing time for both games.

I would honestly feel compassionate about your statement, if your previous behaviors weren’t such arrogant and confronting in every threads that related to High Elves.

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so why do you want wow to turn into ff14? the faction concept is the core of WoW

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I agree with yah on that, plus with other objectives like mount farming and stuff with alts

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So the faction concept is the only thing you can think of the difference from FF14 and WoW? :woman_shrugging: