Hate blood elves want high elves?

I am Kaldorei cant help it :stuck_out_tongue:


We elves gotta stick together for this cause.


No, get it right. Us Alliance Elves.


Blood Elves are High Elves. Some use the Blood Elf name. No law exists saying they can’t call themselves High Elves still. What you want is a group of traitors that ignored Anasterian’s command and decision to withdraw from the Alliance, to claim what is the entire race’s collective heritage; and you likely want to do so because Alliance players still are salty about the decision Blizzard made to make Blood Elves a Horde race.

It really feels like the Alliance cries for High Elves are just a calculated effort to damage Blood Elves, and to recast / pass them off as somehow being inferior or more corrupt than the traitors who ignored their King’s command.

Blood Elf = High Elf.

At this point I really wish that Blizzard would give all Blood Elf players a toggle to appear as “High Elf” on the mouseover (but to remain Horde). I swear, this entire back and forth is beyond tiresome.


No, but Blood Elves does not consider themselves High Elven. Did you forget about that?

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So Blood Elves are in the Silver Covenant and work with the 7th Legion, Alliance Vanguard, and Valiance Expedition. I could have sworn that that was High Elves who have their own story, doing their own thing.

They have their own separate lore diverging from when they separated from the Blood Elves. This has been done in more time then Void Elves have existed to make any type of culture shift and change from what they were only a year ago. So this this hand wave you keep pulling with your arguments, doesn’t remove them from what has been historically done from the Horde and the Blood Elves story.


That’s not true. It’s a political decision and there’s no rule saying some might not feel different. High Elf is the name of the race. Some identify as Blood Elves. Others may not. They are literally the same race and your arguing over semantics and political affiliations / personal preferentials.

High Elves are not the Alliance side-kicks to Humans. As much as some would like it. Or is Valeera a High Elf now by virtue of her affiliations to the Alliance, and to Stormwind; as opposed to the Horde? Because she certainly looks like a Blood Elf to me.

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So you requote me several times and still have no point? On top of that you’ve already reduced yourself to name calling. As far as I am concerned, between you and I, the discussion has closed.


they dont have their own separate lore. theyve literally never had a story narrative just about them. standing on an airship is not lore or development

these are likely the same elves reappearing. reprising their role of flavor NPC. which is perfectly fine. they exist. they are a thing. they are just extremely rare. there is no reason they cannot be used, at least in small numbers, because that is true to the story. two elves on an airship out of the thousands of alliance NPCs in BFA who participate in the fourth war? thats reasonable

Wrong. The day that Kael’thas proclaimed themselves that they will no longer call themselves High Elves was the day they became Sindorei aka Blood Elves. Have you not played Warcraft 3?


Name me one Blood Elf that identifies as High Elf.

“We must put this misery behind us. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian
 as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas!”


I have, and I also know that Kael’thas betrayed the Blood Elves for the Legion so it follows that some disregarded that. For Anasterian is the battle-cry, not for Kael’thas. But then again if you want to be willfully ignorant, I’ll leave it at this.

When Blizzard more than likely decides to add Blue Eyes to the Blood Elves customization later this year maybe you’ll realize that however. Watcher already said that if you want to play a non-corrupt Thalassian Elf you go Horde.

Sorry but his word is law, not yours. Be glad you even got Void Elves.


The world itself is not at a stand still just because it focuses on one area for an expansion. Azeroth didn’t stop existing and story didn’t stop flowing because we were on Dreanor. Anything and everything they do can be considered story and lore as to what they’ve done. You personally can choose to ignore that, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t so.

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Yes, I just showed a pattern of you dismissing any disagreement as just plain greed to the nice request. But go on, go flap off and declare your victory to your flock.


Watcher Ion also says many things and he’s pretty uninformed about the game’s story/lore. He is less interested in that too, and has been since day 1 he worked for Blizzard. People who support his claims are just nothing but trolls trying to start fight at the pro High Elf fans trying to put them down.


Why are you playing if you have such little faith in the Lead Developer? Oh. Right. I see now. It’s because everyone who disagrees with you is automatically a Troll. Which technically speaking
 every Elf “is”
 but that’s neither here nor there. Regardless, I get it now and I am glad Blizzard hasn’t caved.


I’ve seen better developers out there. Who actually listens to fans and actually respects fans all round out and answers them without being vague or hurt other fans about it.

His name is Naoki Yoshida from Final Fantasy XIV.


Then you should go to FFXIV. Ishgardian Elezen sound like what you want.

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I do play FFXIV. But I am also subbed with WoW. I think I have the right to talk about what I want such as High Elves for Alliance. Since I am subbed, isn’t that allowing me to talk in here calling out trolling antis who are trying to prove themselves they are right?


how do you play 2 mmos? aint nobody got time fo that

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