Hate blood elves want high elves?

What are you talking about you got the good end


Horde got two races we worked the entire expansion with. Alliance got two shoe horned races.


How? They managed to make them look worse than the models that were specifically made to be less system intensive so they could fill in a city realistically. You got awesome void elves with neat particle effect hair that look great. (Or you know, it’s opinion based and neither side got better, they just got different)

We got the races from leveling (because please, tell me where highmountain came into the story after the zone was done) and the first patches. You got the race from the final patch and a potential (sadly wasted it seems) lead in to some of the themes of the next expac.

The nightborne were the entire focus of most of the expansion…

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So, as I said, should the alliance be attacked because of garithos?
We know the story of what occurred, but the disagreement is if it was justified.
Let alone that the kirin tor asked the sunreavers to leave, and theie opportunity to do so was cut off.

If you are told to leave, but I blow up your car, its either you fight to escape, or i lock you in prison for something you didnt do.
Thats not really trying to fairly expel anyone.
Let alone only the sunreavers came under attack.

Their story ended in 7.1

The way I look at it if the Ren’dorei were so successful and everyone was satisfied there would be no more Alliance Playable High Elf Threads still popping up & requests for Alliance Playable High Elves would have ended.


Mages. Portals. They had options. They instead chose to fight. They chose to give up noncombatant status.

Now you’re putting words into my mouth. Not once did I say those that are on my side are good and earnest and everyone opposed are greedy. This is something you’re fabricating within yourself, not something I have said.

I clearly stated that I don’t feel that anything that has been brought up to this point against them is validated without bringing the other races and allied races into question. At which point it does seem like people making those arguments are for themselves moreso then the game.

That doesn’t mean people on my side are good and aren’t greedy as well, because there has been some that have been. I am sorry you seem to have a problem with me, but as I have said twice now, we will have to agree to disagree.


You’re just fine. :slight_smile:


She wouldnt be passive aggressive if you had an open mind and be level headed in talking about this topic. You are as bad as they go.


Given how the story was written, it is quite clear opening so many portals is not only difficult but dangerous,
Furthermore, the attack happened shortly after Jaina sent out the order which went against the Kirin tor.
Let alone that while the blood elves did assist in the creation of said mana bomb, they were not happy about it and desired to leave the Horde because they did not agree with such actions, however, they were in no position to refuse given their reliance on the Horde for maintaining the boundaries of their kingdom.

Jaina’s actions prevented the blood elves from going to the alliance, and her actions also prevented those very individuals who the kirin tor wanted out from leaving.
You cannot blame people for defending themselves when backed into a corner.
Let alone, as I demonstrated, non-combatants were also being attacked and robbed. So yeah…
It was a rather bad moment for the alliance in many ways.

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they share the same lore with blood elves(high elves). even the devs know its about preferred aesthetics. there is plentiful evidence that it is in fact a large driving force behind the desire for alliance high elves. if it was about lore pros wouldnt deviate from the script and go into ‘de void the void elves’ threads and say ‘just give them blood elf skin tones lol’ or peddle AU fanfictions. because the source of the light skin isnt coming from ‘alliance high elves’

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Actually your Blood Elves came from the High Elf lore and now are on separate paths of the High Elves. I wasnt the one that made them into two different factions, Your loving Devs keep them separated not me.


Man, this forum sucks for looking through posts with the way it’ll jump back 50 or so posts when you’re trying to go one by one up a thread.


So who’s alt are you, since you seem you seem familiar with this rodeo?

I find it funny with you, because you tell me about not fully pulling up on Orctang who you think is being a jerk, but yet, you don’t pull up on Starlagosa who seems to like to discredit other peoples post.


Well, thanks for continuing to show that you’re just in this to drive up drama I guess

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We all crossed the line a few times just some us will admit and apologize others dont. Think that has been well proven and documented in previous threads we were all part of…


Nah, we’re just too perfect for this world.