Hate blood elves want high elves?

While I don’t feel authoritive in any means. Of what I have discussed, please provide me one example where what you claim as far as people not wanting to withhold High Elves being playable isn’t a means of keeping people from what they want? Because so far I have heard numbers, models, race, and customizations (which are now being asked for for Blood Elves to stop the High Elves discussion and elimate them as a choice.) All of these things listed have been done with other races and allied race, but when it comes to High Elves, that draws the line.

No it’s not a form of manipulation when based on evidence and facts, instead of sarcasm and ignorance. If you choose to ignore something just because you dislike it, it doesn’t discredit it. We get that people don’t like them, but there are things in this game we don’t like either. So asking for what we do like is not manipulation, it’s a request.


Ahem… here I am :smirk:


Asking is fine, pretending that the people opposed don’t have good reasons (that you might not agree with, but still valid) to not want that to happen isn’t.

She’s been pretty passive aggressively making attacks at us ever since she decided that she was now pro high elf. And not sure if I’m going to take your word on what’s reasonable after the posts in the containment thread.


When the arguments made that I disagree with are easily measured up by using the same standards as other races and allied races currently playable, then yes I do feel that alone invalidates them for me personally, regardless how that makes someone feel. At that point it really is someone just saying no, you can’t have it cause I don’t want it. So this again begs the question as to where is someone offering an argument against them that isn’t doing this?

No one would get anything in game with this thought process, because there is someone out there for every part of this game and hated certain parts and aspects of it. This is why it is ridiculous, to me.

I respect the fact you don’t like them or want them, but I’ll just have to agree to disagree with you on this matter.

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Yeah might mention only elves killed in dalaran purge were those that fought. Jaina didn’t just kill noncombatants…

Good we agree, the current status of races and ARs show that alliance high elves don’t fit that pattern and those standards. So no alliance playable high elves.


That is because their means of leaving Dalaran were literally cut off. The Kirin Tor wanted the blood elves to leave, and then Jaina and the Silver Covenant killed the flying wyrms that the blood elves used so they couldn’t escape.
As such, they had no choice but to fight.
Let alone, don’t you remember gutting the blood elf who was just trying to escape after he got his savings from the bank?

The horde version also demonstrates that blood elves who were non-combatants were being attacked.
It was not black or white.

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Except they don’t. So we’re at an impass.

They fit and meet criteria for AR


Yeah the official version is noncombatants were captured. If they laid down their arms they were captured. If they fought they died. Pretty common in warfare…and Garrosh made dalaran a battlefield

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Or, you could stop being a wangrod and pretending that saying “People against this don’t have any arguments because I said so” means anything?

So you’re now restoring to name calling? Really? So much for being civil with you.


The official text demonstrates that the silver covenant took the opportunity to attack and rob their rivals who were non-combatants. This is seen through the sunreaver citizen texts.
yes, those who resisted died.
Yes, non-combatants were also attacked and also captured.
Hence, why Blizzard labeled it a grey event.

Garrosh did make Dalaran a battlefield, but if it justifies attacking a singular group because of one individual, then the same standard should be held to the alliance. Otherwise, its a just a double standard.

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Like I stated earlier horde got purple elves alliance should have gotten fair skinned elves not more purple.


He was the leader of the sunreavers, and the leader let the atrocity happen. This is AFTER Garrosh mananuked Theramore. Yeah the horde needed purged from Dalaran. They would have been alive if they did not fight back. They would have been fine if they you know, renounced Garrosh. Soldiers and Civilians die in war, and Garrosh struck first. Same as Sylvanas later…

I think it’s because Blood Elves have Fel eyes, or now Holy eyes, and not the arcane eye of the High Elves. That and the people who really want High elves want to be alliance while doing so. That’s my take on it.

Have you been civil? You’ve used nice words, but most of your argument was anything but as you erased our concerns and issues with the problem to reduce it to “People who want this are good earnest people and those opposed are just greedily saying no just to say no” And you don’t look like you plan to change that tune anytime soon.

You got the exact model with different hair and skin tones, we got a modified model with mostly different skin tones, what’s the problem?

That’s the problem not a fair trade

I know, but no one ever talks about what the horde should get for getting the short end of the stick there.

YAh thats the problem I personally dont want to High Elves for the looks, I want the Lore, and History we have with High Elves, safe to say I have more lore/experience with the High Elves then with the Ren’dorei in the game just a plain fact. I feel allot of people feel the same way.