Hate blood elves want high elves?

Bad arguments like this should go to the bin lol:

1- Their story is the same… until it wasn’t. They have had vastly different experiences for the last decade and a half. More that we can say about VE’s for sure.

2-To say HE’s have no culture is just asinine; no group of poeople is devoid of culture, what changes it’s the context of the culture itself, and it case of the remaining High Elves, we can easily make the case of their assimilation into human Dalaranian culture. If High Elves have no culture, then neither have Kul Tirans and Gilneans lol.


How do you betray the Alliance when you were not allied with them?
WC3 states they left the alliance after WC2.
Literally 99% of their race said “cool, we’re done and we want to be left alone.”

No culture of their own would can easily argue.


Again at that point we were betrayed by Garrosh. It was Garithos all over again just this time in an orc skin. So yeah we simply just doing good business. We are loyal to those who are loyal to us. Betray us an we just simply move to the next line of defense.

I still respected Lor’Themar there. Lost it this xpac though for betraying Sylvy. If he went 180 at the end when she bailed sure. He was lacking critical information, I can understand that. But she never betrayed the Blood Elves and never got us in harms way like Garithos and Garrosh have.

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As if dalarani culture isn’t obviously a mix of human and elven influence :roll_eyes:

And yet, even to say that you do not belong to the culture you participate in because of your lifestyle, that’s a very odd statement. So because the culture you live in to the point of assimilation isn’t your own you don’t belong? So you can’t have a former cultural identity nor a new one? Should we unpack that?


Yeah. No. Nothing binding them together, except the thousands living in human cities that then sided with the Alliance over Silvermoon when it left.


She wants you all dead she legit has no love for her old home, she never visits it lothermar points that out. You guys get shafted by the horde generally more then any other race. Sure with the council it will be better. But at the end I dont care really. Highelfs and bloodelfs in game are seen as different races by all the races in the game.


Except for the fact that the mass majority of the high elves people think of are Vareesa and the silver covenant who are not Dalaran in origin but Silvermoon as most of the race can lay claim.
Let alone there is little information on how different the Dalaran high elves are from the rest of their brethren. Let alone that the dalaran high elves are friendly to their silvermoon kin, so it would not make any sense to place them on the alliance.

So…yeah…high elves don’t have a culture of their own, and those who might, Dalaran, wouldn’t ever be viable for an alliance race anyway given their status and lack of information on how different their culture may be.

There are many cultural groups who may live within an area but not partake of said culture while refusing to assimilate.

No need to unpack it because I obviously never made such an argument in regards to former or new cultural identity. :man_shrugging:

High elf culture is that of the blood elf culture.
Given all other examples outside, maybe, Dalaran, there is little indication that the high elves are their own thing. Considering their usage of the phoenix wings along with the architecture we’ve seen, the usage of blood elf titles,suggesting the high elves developed their own culture over 30 years is a stretch at least.


The silver Covent doesnt like the blood elfs and vareesa is the general ranger of dalaran, aswell she was the leader of dala with rhonin when rhonin was still alive. so ya the high elfs have a new culture


That is incorrect.
Vareesa is ranger general of the silver covenant, not of Dalaran. I do not believe she was ever considered a leader of dalaran. If she was, she isn’t currently.

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Your name fits this comment in how wrong it is.


No one but players like you have ever decided playable alliance high elves were bad for the game.

Void elves were added because blizzard wanted to do something new and cool. They were not made as a replacement for high elves.


How can you state that the SC isn’t predominantly Dalarani? There’s nothing to suggest otherwise.

Probably as different as humans from other kingdoms are from other humans, like Stormwindians, kul tirans and Gilneans.

Is just wild people accept this three realms having playable races of their own, but can fathom the same for Silvermoon Elves and Dalaran Elves heh.

Yet HE’s have been mentioned as being assimilated into their host cultures several times. My point is that we have an interesting mix by having HE’s assimilated into let’s say, Dalarani culture, because Dalaran itself is obviously a culture with both elven and human influence.

No, because we have been told that HE’s have been assimilated to a degree, thus their culture is obviously closer to their hosts.

Which could be said about Quel’danil HE’s since they are the only ostensibly autonomous HE group left, yet we have seen the major cultural shift they have had by shunning the arcane.

Nonetheless, to say that it’s an all or nothing situation about cultural identity because High Elves observe some old symbols that are still also THEIR legacy, is absurd.


By all the races in the game? Lol? We regard Blood Elves and High Elves all of the same race. High Elves are still sons and daughters of Quel’thalas.

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No this is 100% correct she is the leader of the military of dalaran. She is the ranger general of dalaran. The blood elfs where aloud to stay there under the conditions of 1 the silver covenant keeps an eye on them as well as it was for the fight against Arthas. Aka if we never went to Arthas the silver covenant would be the only elfs in dalaran that housed it. Aka there culture.

No you guys dont, the lord doesnt want them to be killed but doesnt allow them to visit home.

Do you have anything to suggest that they are? Vareesa herself is from Silvermoon, what makes you believe the majority are not as well? Many of them could have done as Vareesa did, and used Dalaran as a place to stay.

I mean, Gileans are werewolves now essentially thats a pretty big difference.
Kul tirans also have the same skinny/buff appearances for many of the NPC’s along with the strong man.
It was literally an excuse for the designers to give the alliance a new body type to enjoy.
OH, and where did all these humans end up?
So clearly, racial identity is more important than the lore which is just a vehicle upon which gameplay carries.

And that is nice and all, but Dalaran is the only one that may have done it and we don’t know the extent to which this applies.

We’ve been told they’ve assimilated, which means their culture has been given up in lieu of the one they joined entirely. They don’t have a culture of their own. Obviously, this is suspect given what we see in lore.

Not really. Changing a singular aspect in how you live is not a cultural shift. Choosing to go vegan is a life stlye choice, not a cultural shift.
They’ve engaged in everything else besides the arcane because of the addictive nature. it was a pragmatic approach which is high elven like in every way.

Do you have anything besides maybes to cement your claim of them being different?

Why ask why?

No…no she isn’t.
The military of Dalaran is the Kirin Tor’s army. She is not in charge of anything in regards to Dalaran outside of her own tiny group.

Per the storyline of Shadow of the Sun, the blood elves are there because the Kirin Tor wanted them to come back. The silver covenant is literally Vareesa’s own thing.

Nope, Megara extended the invitation prior to Arthas’ awakening.

Where do you first hear the ranger general title?
Not dalaran.


Lol? We allow any High Elf pilgrimage to Quel’Thalas and the Sunwel. You might be treated with a more hostile attitude for choosing to have abandoned us. But we don’t restrict access to our lands and city, all are welcome as long as you are a child of Quel’Thalas.

The only thing we restrict is void users that can threaten the Sunwel.


The game creators decided this and Void Elves are the response to helfers. Dont’ like it? Blood elves are there for you.