Hate blood elves want high elves?

Ya I have look at all the variants of purple, why are you disregarding my statement you think it’s right that they A gave the horde nightelfs but then gave the alliance bloodelfs but purple. You are twisting words and I cant seem to see if you understand how it’s not a fair trade.

If you think this is purple then I can recommend several great tools to calibrate your monitor:

So when the npcs call nightelfs purple elfs you are going to disregard that? See how it works I can twist your words to. You think it’s fair, fine you are wrong. I also see a light purple hue on them. But Its fine ignore the fact they are described as purple in color.

I agree with this statement. It feels more like he is using a manipulation tactic. Simply stating that “this is how dialogue works” is implying that I don’t know how it works and hoping to manipulate the arguments away from his disregard for the information already provided. I guess if it doesn’t fit his narrative, it’s not correct or worth the effort. Which I agree is not how dialogue works.

You made a statement I had not responded to previously, and I then gave you my view of it. Is your idea of dialogue “Hey, I already talked to someone else about this so you don’t need to give your opinion.”? That’s a pretty screwed up definition of the term, Cure.

verb (used without object), di·a·logued, di·a·logu·ing.

to carry on a dialogue; converse.


conversation between two or more persons.

an exchange of ideas or opinions on a particular issue

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They’re multiple shades of purple/pink.

I think what he means to say is that horde got a set of fair skinned and purple elves. Whereas alliance just got 2 sets of purple elves.

I said nothing about npcs.

I’m pointing out that your logic would apply if the high elves didn’t already exist.
No one is asking for blood elf clones, people are asking for the current high elves that are already alliance affiliated to be playable.
There’s zero cloning or faction obliterating involved in this whatsoever.


are NPCs. You are very specifically saying that since there are NPC High Elves you should get playable High Elves. The only way for you to get them is to clone the Horde-playable Thalassians over to the Alliance.

I don’t get why you’re saying this. Generally for a race to be played, people request them.

I really don’t think there has been any NPC race that has interacted /participated & been part of the Horde Story like the Alliance Leaning High Elves have been with the Alliance Story. At Least not on the same scale.


There is a difference between telling someone they can’t have an opinion, and informing someone that it has been address already about 4 posts above and to see what they feel on that. The fact you decided to immediately take offense and tell someone they don’t know how dialogue works, means you’re manipulating the conversation to your means, and not considering someone was showing you where you can find something about the topic which was already being talked about.

Whether or not you were responding to myself or not, what you said was infact about the same topic being discussed. So I’ll apologize for that, but I also feel you should not jump to conclusions about someone and using sarcasm as a means of discussion. It really doesn’t do you any justice.

Horse hockey. I didn’t say that until you said this:

as if that somehow meant I had no business responding to it.

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Except I feel like were not having a conversation.

You’re closing your eyes "lalala"ing everything I say because not staying relevant.

I understand your view of not wanting blood elf clones as that would suck. But there would be no cloning since the high elves already exist, which is why your stance is questionable.

Murg, you’re a good person, and I love your gif’s, but seems to be going backwards again with the argument. Pretty sure that you already know this, but when we roll our characters, we’re only rolling as a faction of that race, not the race as a whole.

People have been requesting for the High Elves that are already within the Alliance. And when I say “High Elves that are within the Alliance”, I actually mean the group that call themselves High Elves still. If people are more unhappy about the model, then alter the model a bit. There is ways of making them look different that doesn’t effect the lore, doesn’t take magic, or doesn’t take years of evolution.

Because at the end of the day, people should have every right to play there favourite race without feel like being forced to play on the faction they may not prefer. And not everyone actually does care about the actual models, people just want to play it for the lore.


I sure hope Murg is feeling better now that you’ve made sure he knows he’s ‘a good person’.


Murg has always been a good/honest guy in these threads and easy to get along with, though I dont agree with him most of the time, its always fun seeing what he has to say. :wink:


If they were playable, no one would be asking so I don’t see your point in this statement.

…No, because they’re already alliance

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I agree. Though we have our disagreements, Murg is one of my favourite forum posters.


Gee, thanks Sara…I feel so much better about being told my position has no validity solely because it’s been my very consistent position for years…but that I’m a good person.

And here we completely and utterly disagree. You are talking about the removal of race as a component of faction identity and I will never agree with you. I believe factions and faction identity are a core component of the game, and you don’t. That’s fine, we can agree to disagree…

Where you, Val, Ely, Averie, and several others on the Pro side and I have historically been is…

…and it’s been that way for a very long time. I hope it remains so.

Faction core identity ended a long time ago wotlk or cata or mop even more with allied races. So I’m sorry it’s not the same game as classic, tbc you have to accept that.

I’m not the one you need to convince. His name is Ion Hazzikostas and apparently he and I share similar views on factions.

To quote Ion just last year, from his Forbes interview:

“The Alliance-Horde divide is something that’s integral to Warcraft. It’s integral to the franchise, to the world, integral to World of Warcraft.”

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