Because blood elves are the most…ahem, attention seeking of the game. Meanwhile since the inclusion of Allied Races, what did The Alliance get? High Elv- I’m sorry, Void Elves.
They’re already alliance, and like I said, your argument doesn’t work because they’re already alliance.
If they simply did not exist on the alliance I would fully agree with your statement.
There’s no merry-go-round. You’re just not seeing anything but your own view.
I would understand yours if high elves didn’t exist in the alliance, as it would make much more sense.
No one has proved anyone wrong here. I believe that faction identity is a valid concern and that cloning an existing playable race to the opposite faction impacts it negatively. You apparently don’t believe that.
Your fact that there are High Elf NPCs in the Alliance in no way disproves the fact that High Elves are not a playable race in the Alliance. You think that doesn’t matter. I think it matters.
So you would agree then that since they do have there own purple elves now the alliance should have a fair skinned elf? I mean that would be fair as well as the correct thing to do.
No, one of those things does not necessarily logically follow the other. Compounding one mistake by making another mistake is pretty much the opposite of logical.
The horde has a playable group of Thalassian Elves. The Alliance has a playable group of Thalassian Elves - although admittedly the GMO version.
Except this is a game where you cant clearly give one faction the same thing as other factions race. This being purple elves and not give the other faction the same option. It’s not about stacking problems it’s about being fair.
My issue is this its really simple nightelfs are purple elves that’s an alliance race. Horde got purple elves. Horde has Bloodelfs which are a fair skinned elf race. Alliance got the model but another purple skinned race. It’s not the same nor an equal trade.
How can it be a clone if Lore/Devs/Game recognize them as separate factions, also with ARs like LFD, HMT, put them in armor they look same. I feel personally that argument has been outgrown,