Hate blood elves want high elves?

Now, with the understanding I’m not saying you’re doing this. A problem with the way you describe it is that it plays into a weird off shoot of this argument. This idea that some of these elves are good and some are bad. And it tends to be kind of stark in how they present it. I’m disappointed in Blizz so far on how they pull it off, but I much more prefer a grey story where almost everyone is a mix of good and bad.

In some ways the High elves are quite arrogant, either through being non-magic users used to surviving in the wilds as some of the lodges were, or through the luxury of provided or stolen magic items to feed off of instead of creatures they were able to avoid the lengths that the blood elves went to to try and keep as many of their number alive. Not just peak specimens, but any survivors left, injured elves, children, and so on. And they look down on the blood elves for what they did to keep their people alive. The next bit ties into this as well.

Depends on how it is implemented. If they recognize that it will be liable to be very popular they may provide them with a larger population of elves who never mana tapped. (as that seems to be the big divider) I’m not bring up population as “not enough so no race” but as a story function so keep reading.

Right now we have a situation where the majority of the surviving blood elves had to do the somewhat bad thing (although, how worse is it compared to killing for meat?) to survive, and a small number survived either because they were elite rangers who could withstand their lesser pangs, or were fed or stole magic item to drain of their magic to handle the withdrawal. That means that for a society trying to provide for all its survivors, not just the most fit, these means don’t work either due to not enough artifacts to feed everyone or that many could not survive going cold turkey. So in this case blood elves did something untasteful but necessary to survive, other high elves escaped that and might possibly be the jerks for not helping out their kin in need.

If this gets changed to a larger population that were able to survive through other means it starts to raise questions about how necessary the mana tapping was, and can change a desperate method to ensure survival until the sunwell got fixed into a dark decadence that paints the blood elves not as desperate but debauched and wicked. And that’s just one way it can effect the other side.

What about the model? How will it compare to the blood elf model? Will it be identical? Will it be new, made with 2020 techniques instead? What about customization, will they be getting things denied blood elves the way the Void elves got the facial hair that blood elf players have been asking for since their introduction?

Basically, will high elves end up being superior models to blood elves, thus hurting players who might have preferred that the already playable high elves got the graphical appearance given to yet another alliance version of a horde race.

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Right, are you forgetting the 529 replies from my 2nd reply in the topic and the 3rd reply in this topic?


They don’t have anything to do with each other. They don’t look at each other as allies.

“High elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, and they are descended from night elves. Nevertheless, due to their shared history and philosophical differences, the three groups do not share a close relationship. Indeed, night elves regard high elves and blood elves with suspicion, disgust, or outright hostility.”


So you quote a passage that says Night Elves don’t like any Thalassian elves to prove that high and blood elves don’t get along?

You’re missing the point. You stated you haven’t posted in most of the thread yet you are one of the top commenters. Nice try.

Missing the point again.

I don’t discrimate. I treat them exactly the same - I wish I never had to deal with both of them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I have said many times that they are the same race. How ever, they are not the same group.

They are still alike if they are the same race :scream::scream::scream:

Please, just stop. You seem to do not understand the meaning of “they are different groups”

NEWSFLASH: Did you ever thing that you’re not playing a race as a whole, but only a group out of that race?

You seem to not understand that they are the same race, being alike.
Humans are humans, they are the same race. They are alike. Are you going to say our race is not alike because we have different political views?

NEWFLASH: I was staying they are the same race and alike. Not that. But keep arguing because you have nothing else to say

You seem to do not understand much yourself. But go on, since that is your only argument, only thing I can do is just laugh it over while you ignore what is there.

EDIT: Damn you system, remove the quote.

The personal views of good or evil is up for interpretation to the players, and at that, it varies from everyone. This goes for every aspect of the game, including Horde Vs. Alliance. No one claims that Blood Elves are bad and High Elves are good. Perhaps in different people’s perspectives they are, but in the point of view of the characters, they feel like the morally right decisions. Trying to pawn off any argument for them is good vs. evil, just doesn’t really matter, especially when it comes to an RPG.

Which brings me to the next point. At WoWs core, it is still an RPG. We as Players simply play the role of the Hero. And while I can sympathize with your arguments about why visuals for High Elves would cause some jealousy for Blood Players, I don’t feel that is a great argument either. If we hold back visuals because everyone has an issue with something or another, things like Kul’tirinsand Mag’har shouldn’t exist either. They should simply be orcs and humans. Void elves shouldn’t exist and be blood Elves that are shadow priests. Night Borne shouldn’t exist and just be highourne Night Elves. You’re choosing to limit choices because others feel personally slighted for things that shouldn’t effect them at all. No one is saying they can’t ask for hair styles and such High Elves would have. But forbidding something because you don’t like it, isn’t an argument.



You’re only argument to them not being similar in any aspect is they have different political views.

I could say literally the same thing about you.

As I thought the only thing you can come up with is “lol”

Because you’re ignoring that in lore, and even in the game, that Blood Elves and High Elves are recongnized as different groups of people that does not share each others opinions?


And you’re ignoring that they are literally the same race ???

Are you saying humans to humans are alike because we share different political views ???

I’m not the one arguing that they need their own special version of a race to be playable because they don’t like playing on horde.

It effects other players, you just don’t care about that effect, or just feel that it’s not as important as your not wanting to play horde.

Do you ignore that Dreanei and Light forged are the same race? Kultirans and Humans are the same race? Void elves and blood Elves are the same race?

We can go on… they are different sub groups which is why allied races exist. You’re dancing around the point because it’s something you don’t like.

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I’m really not.
If you read up I’m saying they are similar because they are the same race. They are arguing that they aren’t similar at all because of political views.
Please read up.

Because you simply assume it’s someone not wanting to play Horde instead of actually seeing the lore based reasons as to why. It’s not me that’s trying to restrict players from something here.

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You ignoring that the first two (and HMT and Tauren, Mag’har and Orcs, DID and Dwarves too) are all on same side?

Says the person demanding that all his assumptions like “Oh no, that won’t have a negative effect on you, and any of those things you’re worried about aren’t actually a problem” be taken at face value.