Hate blood elves want high elves?

Quel’dorei (means nobility) are just kaldorei who decided to practice magic and felt they should rule their race. They look the same as they are the exact same race. The Sin’dorei are those Kaldorei who traveled to the Eastern Kingdom and lived in proximity to and off the sunwell and thus physically altered them, the most obvious being their outward appearance.

If you someone wants to roleplay as a Quel’dorei ((who didn’t live off the sunwell or nightwell)), then they pick Nightelf (Kaldorei). It’s absolutely no different then someone playing a human saying they are of noble birthright.


The quel’dorei and kal’dorei are different races dude.

Sin’dorei were quel’dorei who renamed themselves after the death of their people to Arthas’ hands.


Don’t hate blood elves. Also like high elves.


Notice who approved of his posts?


Quel’dorei can be understood as High Elves or Highborne.

A highborne is still a night elf and they are playable as night elf mages.

Yarp. Tsk tsk

No, they aren’t dude.
The high elves (quel’dorei) are different from the Highborne.
They are those who descended from the high borne and became the high elves which is their pale skin, diminished stature, and reliance on the sunwell.

The highborne themselves are still about and playable as night elf mages, or as Nightborne.
Hence, why blood elves were previously called high elves, and the high elves were not calling themselves high borne any longer.


Except they aren’t. Their history is exactly the same. And Helfs have no culture.


I’ll admit… atm it’s not well defined, blizzard does not care enough to develop it more (of course the fans are more passionate lately for wow in general it seems) But political divide is another indication of cultural differences, and they have unique divergence in story, as early as post scourge world.


They key thing is that people want them on Alliance.

The Highborne (or quel’dorei , meaning “children of noble birth” in Darnassian.

Quel’dorei is Darnassian and originally referred and still refers to the Highborne. Even if High elves used the same word.

It isn’t really. The divide happened in WC3 already and even previous to that, the high elves who stayed as such were mostly those who still helped the Alliance despite the king’s orders to not do so.

Furthermore High elves fundamentally disagreed on blood elf practices therefore there’s a cultural division there.


This is pedantic and does not refute anything that I have stated.
The fact of the matter is that the quel’dorei and highborne are considered different post schism in which the high elves then came into being.
This is why no one refers to the high elves as high borne, not even themselves.
Let alone that the sin’dorei, named themselves accordingly purely to honor the dead, and not as a change of culture which is evidenced in their architecture and cultural practices post TBC.

I’m talking about what the original posted you responded to was talking about.
High elves aren’t highborne. But the poster who brought it up was not talking about high elves.

There was a group of the Quel’dorei caste some time after the fall of Azshara that did not wish to practice restraint in magic. They expatrioted to what is now known as the Eastern Kingdoms.

Or some people like both and just appreciate the different perspectives of belonging to different factions and having different lifestyles :man_shrugging:


Hate apostrophe’s want regular esses.

Except the ones not living in Silvermoon did not join the blood elves. Like the lodge in the hinterlands, the ones living in Theramore at the time, or the thousand+ of them living in Stormwind. Only the Silvermoon residents decided to betray the Alliance after renaming themselves Sin’dorei.


Ok ima have to intervene your argument is weak because they have the same history doesnt make them the same race worgen have the same history as humans kultiran have alot of the same history as humans we have 3 human races on alliance, saying they have the same history means they are the same is like saying, since most people on earth have African blood lines we are all Africans, which obviously we arent. Thays also like saying the nightborne and the night elfs are the same race, they are but they arent because things changed them. The highelfs stayed with dalaran and the alliance the blood elfs went with the horse and renamed them selves making them two different races. Which as I stated is ingame in a cinematic. So its cannon.


Yeah, that’s the one in which I am referring to, as the quel’dorei is a reference to the high elves now, and not the high borne. Hence my response.
Of course, it seems we all agree on what things are so I suppsoe this is just becoming pedantic at this point.

Can’t really betray those who never cared about our well being and wanted us dead. Joining the Horde was just simply doing good business.


Ya it was so good that your regent lord was going to swap to alliance in MoP. But jainas big brain messed that up.