Hate blood elves want high elves?

how do you deny all the lore and development commentary on the subject that has maintained a steady stream of high elf = blood elf for the last 15 years

Never said they couldn’t get a different model, I’m not against playable high elves

It literally does dude. If the devs say so, and they make the game, it makes it so. You can disagree with it, and that is fine. From a design point and lore point, that is what occurs when you roll a blood elf.
You may not get the specific group, but you get the race.
Unless you are suggesting blood elves and high elves are different races?


This guy is đŸ€ŠđŸ€ŠđŸ€Š
Like I just can’t
Please stop commenting before you make an even more fool out of yourself

Three words: Goldshire!

If this were true they wouldn’t have been renamed to Blood Elves, but it is not.

perhaps the strongest anti argument ever made


But it also refers to the “golden city of Quel’thalas” and Silvermoon City is the City Quel’thalas is the kingdom

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Nope and stop with the name calling.

No clue, Playpen
other than willfull dismissal of the fact that all Blkood Elves are High Elves but all High Elves are not Blood Elves.

Im trying to help you here đŸ€Š

No you are not.

The renaming is to honor the high elves who died at Arthas’ hands.
It is not representative of any biological change.
Otherwise, by your logic, Kul Tirans and Storm wind humans are different species.


Same race two different factions,

And I’m not debating that. I am saying though that Blood Elves do not consider themselves High Elven.

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farstrider types always disagreed with draining from living beings and joining the horde

hey waitaminute! farstriders AR anyone?

Nope, you are not. I will speak freely. You can keep your wrong opinion if you like.

You have been reported.

I want you to read this outloud, and then think about what the nickname of New York City is.

And just like that you progressed into being Danth.


cite a piece of lore or developer saying blood elves arent high elves bruh

because i cite many sources that say other wise bruh


And the idea that a political difference is all it is, when its down to being cultural at this point as well.