Hate blood elves want high elves?

I can’t even with this guy rn

Why…would it hurt?
Babygirl is discussing what they are at their base. Blood elves and high elves are indeed the same. So yes, you can make a high elf. They just renamed themselves accordingly.

What you are trying to strong arm into validation is a matter of lore. High elves, who chose not to rename themselves.
It does not mean you cannot play the actual race. You just can’t play the specific sub-group.
This is no different than being unable to play a scarlet crusade human or Defias human.
You can still play the race.


Nope the option is not in game… Why does it hurt you?

anyone can see you are dodging my questions because you cant answer. that has the same desired effect. so thanks

high elves are playable as blood elves. once the sunwell was restored and began its detox process, no differences between the few alliance high elves and the blood elves remained beyond the political

all alliance high elves offer is the same, but on the blue side. thats why they gave you void elves. the SC is being phased out to make way for alleria and her void elves, they are playable and simply take precedence and the SC simply cannot overshadow them ever again. this is over its just getting desperate now, its like the last gasp before shadowlands updated customization

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The lore is in the game, why does it hurt you?

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The BEs I would equate to being the successors to the HE legacy as far as continuing the Kingdom of Quel’thalas.

But the HE’s who remain HE’s retain their legacy as well on Alliance in a way both separate, different, and removed from Blood Elves.


It seems to be hurting you pretty badly since you want your context validated.
Which it won’t be.

Roll a blood elf if you want to play the high elf race dude.

How do you retain your legacy if you part ways from it? Honest question.
The HE’s don’t seem interested in maintaining the legacy of their race


Or they are being prepped to combine all the Non Sin’dorei High Elves under one flag, speculation works both ways


I see I got you :+1:t2::+1:t2:


I think the HEs not being used for the VE population, may see them come in the form as a CORE race in the near future.


They got both sisters taking the Alliance Side, Im pretty sure word hasn’t got around yet through out the Kingdom Alleria is back also.

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Because you’re not looking at the timeline of the present. Instead, just looking at the timeline of the past before Arthas sacked Quel’thalas with a scourge army.

How about the story of what happened with the High Elves that are still remaining within the Alliance?


Sorry, it don’t work that way.

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It really does :joy::joy::joy:

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Nope it really doesn’t.

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Keep denying lore all you want dude

It literally does, and per the devs, that is what you do if you want to be a pale skinned elf.


pretty sure everyones heard about the commotion she caused when she returned to silvermoon to try to get her people to flip

It…is…Did you not play the nightborne scenario?

It literally doesn’t work anyway you want it to. You can keep playing your Blood Elves though.