Hate blood elves want high elves?


They are biologically the same

Unless you know they were doing it all in secret as they were? it’s like hey let’s get what we can but not let Sylvanas Notice by making the other skirmish go at it.

There was no on inside them because no one sits inside a ballista. It’s a big bow on wheels
did you even do the scenario?

This is a ballista, show me where people hide unseen inside of it.

That’s not an issue.

“Biologically” they are the same as Night Elves because High Elves are just Night Elves deprived from the Well of Eternity and Void Elves are just Blood Elves corrupted by Void.


This is not how war works. You never bring all your peices to one place when at war. That is one of the worse possibly decisions you could make. You don’t just drop all front lines in other areas you’re defending to take one shot in the dark. You’d never win, and you certainly wouldn’t make a good general or king.

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I’m convinced you didn’t do the scenario. There are literally hundreds of alliance and horde forces camped right outside the gates. Not exactly a surprise.

The devs did go out of the way to represent the Silver Covenant though that cant be denied.



I never said it was an issue.
Yes biologically they all stem from the same root.
I’m just pointing out that high elves are from the same root as blood elves

I also kinda feel devs have doubled down on the Alliance High Elves by adding more of them to The Alliance in BFA.


But in any case,
I hope everyone is enjoying their day. Maybe have a nice cup of coffee and sit down and relax. :blush:


Got me some green tea relaxing :wink:

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Blood Elves are High Elves, but not all High Elves are Blood Elves.

The High Elves on the Alliance has been shown to represent as a different group of Elves that are within the Alliance, even in game.


I am catching up on Real Housewives of New Jersey while having coffee. An odd form of escapism to call relaxing but I call it so all the same :blue_heart:


I was talking about how they stem from the same root biologically

Biologically they clearly aren’t. Like

What can be used to define a thalassian elf is a connection to the sunwell which NO other race possesses except them.
Both high elves and blood elves have this connection, ergo, they are the same bio race.

This is a video game and whatever the devs want the story to state.

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how do you know the void corrupted high elves didnt provide them

High Elves can simply be made to look different and there can be lore reasons to justify their different appearance if they become playable. They can use a more muscular and rugged model. Sure maybe not all of them look like that, but that would be the model that would be used by the High Elf player character.

The same thing is true for Kul Tirans. Not all Kul Tirans are giant brutes, but that model is the one specifically used for player Kul Tirans.


I see this topic got bloated fast by the usual suspects.