Hate blood elves want high elves?

That wasn’t all the Alliance Forces. That was all he could spare from the other battles.

This was a tactical strike with Saurfang’s Horde.

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because liadrin isn’t part of the honorbound. She was never shown to be part of it. Turalyon, muradin, nor danath wear the 7th legion tabard.

The 7th legion and the honorbound are special forces arriving at the warfront to reinforce the normal troops which make up the primary force.


If you think that then you are deliberately ignoring what Anduin said in the scenario.

See above.


No I am not. If the assault failed there were going to be no more chances for a decisive blow to cut off the head. It was going to be a war of attrition until the end.

It wasn’t a situation that the alliance loses the war if the orgrimmar assault fails.


Have you guys read the night hold rebellion, the Silver Covenant showed up with the Kaldorei when answering the call i find it interesting how they worded it.

To aid the growing rebellion within Suramar, Archmage Khadgar issued a call to any who could spare forces to help. Two groups ultimately responded, the kaldorei and quel’dorei, and the sin’dorei. led by High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind, Ranger-General Vereesa Windrunner, and Lady Liadrin respectively

Kinda showing the Silver Covenant came with the Night Elves.


Wasn’t there High elf war machines in that ending too?.. SC w/e you wanna call them blue and gold not red and gold.

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Plus we are starting to see more High Elves around the Alliance anyhow, I feel its just a matter of time. But there is room for both in the game now.


This coupled with the fact they didn’t make VE’s former HE’s I think it is only a matter of time until the decide to make them playable because they have been shown to be divided.


I keep reflecting on what the devs said while ago about how old heroes will be dying and new heroes will be rising, think Veressa and Alleria will be a couple of those new Heroes on the rise. (imho)


Bull. Nowhere does he say that. What he does say is:

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People have problems seeing that Khadgar was there bringing his small force of Kirin for while Veressa was there to leading her forces of Silver Covenant. They try really hard to blend them together.

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Start at 30 seconds in and tell me where he makes any mention of some supposed tactical strike. This is it, win or lose, no other battle matters if they fail here.

Congrats on completely missing…

Because the war was being lost on all fronts by attrition. otherwise they wouldn’t have tried it.

That’s just all he could free from the other battles.

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Umm you do know high elves are blood elves right ?

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Oh so you know who was inside of said war machine because I bet ya the SC didn’t just send them with out the drivers. Oh and the fact they where there sent at all shows the SC was helping the Alliance out. Bet ya Anduin requested it and they said sure. 100% Lothermar didn’t ask them for help.

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Y’know, this is one of those where I keep thinking the story is more complex than it actually is, and Anduin is limited by what he can pull in for this assault by the on-going war, and having to take into account not pissing off parts of the alliance who are more all in on the war.

But then I remember various other things where I can come up with deeper stories that are more grey and complex, and how completely uncomplex they ended up being.

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When it’s all or nothing you hold nothing in reserve, you concede lesser skirmishes and even what might have been other larger battles. If they lose here the war is over. If they win here, then with Horde leadership allied with them the war stops and those other battles are a moor point.

They aren’t that’s why they’re called High Elves.

High Elves are the ones who never became Blood Elves or Void Elves.

