Hate blood elves want high elves?

canon is what blizzard says it is. it is not up for your reinterpretation because it doesnt match your desires. and canon according to them is theres only a few, there arent more behind what you see when it comes to them

That still shows they are working with the faction and there is been zero lore to state they are neutral. And have linked many times that they still are Alliance.

Here we go again with the ridiculous headcanon.

Do you have any proof that they “snuck on a plane”? By what measure of the imagination are they hiding there?

And the tabard proves they are working with the 7th Legion. Thus proving they are Alliance again.

  1. You don’t know the future.

  2. next expansion takes place in another dimension so nothing on azeroth matters.

  3. Even if they don’t show up it doesn’t by any stretch of the imagination mean they are neutral. Just that they aren’t part of the current story.

So, again, I ask where is any evidence that states they are neutral?

And they say they are Alliance.


not getting into this again el. liadrin appears in the same warfront wearing her blood knight tabard. the 2 easter eggs put on a 7th legion tabard to represent the alliance not dalaran and everybody knows it

they are simply easter eggs blizzard thought would be fun and the pros took way too seriously as usual

They always wore the Tabard.

An easter egg is something hidden. Not put front and center.

And again the “easter egg” is just another assumption without any evidence to back it up.

You need to accept that the Silver Covenant is 100% an Alliance faction and move on to real arguments.


Blizzard also has not explicitly affirmed your case either. Remember, void elves completely shatter the population argument. So do Darkspear trolls, and LFD
 a ship full of Draenei?


Citation needed for this please

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lol dude if pros had anything of substance to argue with other than the fact that they really, really want to play a horde race then they wouldnt be going around getting themselves excited over meaningless gestures such as this one

the people who hate blood elves, hate them cause they make the horde less of a ‘manly-man, heavy-metal, lok’tar ogar, blood and thunder!’ faction.

while the people who want high elves
 i don’t understand. my guess is they wanna be legolas, or want the alliance to be the dnd races faction.

i may not want high-elves, but i respect the people who want them’s passion. void-elves was just blizz spitting in their faces.

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I dont believe that was their intent given they stated they felt high elves simply crossed the faction boundaries which they wish preserved. In this case, I doubt a slight was intended and they mostly wanted to maintain the design integrity.


its all about legolas and gimli high fiving each other killing orcs


I can always get behind the killing orcs part.

But the first half, it’s laughable that people are so certain of this.

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I believe in the worst of people. 8D

Ok, the complete lack of SC forces present at the Gates of Orgrimmar when Suevanas shredded Saurfang? And please let’s not use 3 unmanned balistae and Vereesa.

Let’s all remember Anduin’s declaration that he had gathered all the forces he possibly could, that this was it - win or lose. Something I think real Alliance forces would have shown up for, no?


Its not that I hate the Sin’dorei I actually appreciate their story, I just feel there is enough room for both Playable Alliance High Elves and Sin’dorei now that ARs have been introduced, (imho)

Game/Lore/Story/Devs do recognize them as two different factions of the same race.


the thing is though the only silver covenant forces part of the 7th legion are the shield-mages.

They don’t join up in any other role.

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That was a grossly missed opportunity, I mean talk about show of neutrality to work with the rebels and alliance. The rebels included Lor’themar as we know.

Then Throwing in blue ballistas? How silly.

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Silver Covenant are not neutral in the feild, officially they maybe, but Veressa has allot ill feeling towards Horde. The Game and Lore proves this.

why wouldn’t liadrin wear her blood knight tabard?

for this reason. but she doesnt have to switch tabards to the honorbound. she is free to represent her true faction without implicating the neutrality of another nation

if this was the case we are missing several legions of troops from stormwind, kul tiras, ironforge, stromgarde, and shadowforge.

That wasn’t an all or nothing assault on orgrimmar. Those forces were simply those freed up from other fronts that were now over. There were still other active fronts across azeroth at the time and the soldiers there couldn’t just pack up and leave.