Hate blood elves want high elves?

Eh, the made it sound like they’re referring to scenes like around the first boss in MrT (I’m still sore someone looked at the one dungeon we could call Mr. T and decided on shortening it to mgt) where there’s a crowds of 5-6 whithered around each of two green crystals with magical tether things connecting them.

im not giving you 3 answers to the same question. blood elf players have invested over 13 years in their story and race. why should we have to give up are uniqueness because you dont want to play the horde? we are paying customers too why is your opinion more valuable then ours?

you still didnt answer my question from earlier. they bring nothing new to the game but giving a tiny minority on the forums access to a horde race. the high elf fantasy is fulfilled through the blood elves

also where did the night elf who wouldnt stop with the blood elves drank fel kool aid go

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i love elves. blood, high, night, nightborne, void and hopefully half elves soon.


I think maybe they were just taking the Warlock display of use/ coupled with the constant fel + general re occurring aesthetic scheme as citation for the practice?

I’m not sure I like to think it won’t effect me too much, I’m RPing this warlock as having come from a family of Blood Knight/ Priests who was studying scholarly priesthood when he took up his true calling! Anything to let me justify the golden eyes that I find aesthetically pleasing, so I would rather not think it was too detrimental to eye color.

I get the idea Fel tries to push out arcane though, just as a force of nature, like in the Warcraft movie and Medivh was all of a sudden swimming in Fel, where as Holy sort of trumps both just my opinion but it seems to act like a weed driving the other forces out. Even from people who are effected by holy magic like Yrel or the LFD with Turalyon they seem to have a focus on wanting to “make things holy”. And then the scene with Illidan, it just strikes me as a weed like source of energy.

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Eh, Warlocks are one thing. It’s just clearly been noted that the general populace of Silvermoon wasn’t drain fel, and probably wasn’t aware those crystals were fel. They were used to rebuild the city, and the cravings from the lack of sunwell were fended off by feeding of mana worms. Green eyes came about as there’s latent fel radiation from the crystals that caused that change.

The one big problem I have with some of the people after high elves is there seems to be this need to paint the blood elves in as bad a light as possible. Like how that poster keeps going on about how obviously the blood elves were feeding off fel, when it isn’t shown in game, and lore related people have made it clear that they didn’t do that. (with the exception maybe of warlocks where that’s just more a warlock thing no matter what race)

You can have your elves, already have Humans and Orcs, I don’t need anything else.

Although, Dwarf women are pretty cute, thick thighs for real.

This is easy. You’d still be the very same Blood Elf, played on the very same faction, with the Green and Golden eyes and Redish tinted skin unique to your race. Their story would remain the same, and still taking the diverging path that is fulfilling their own narrative, which is not fulfilling the High Elven fantasy most people desire. You’d still be paying for the same game and nothing would change about your character. Even the animosity between High And Blood Elves would still make sense.

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youd have the same options if they made them playable for alliance(even though it makes no sense lore wise). theyre the same people youd get all the options a blood elf could have. tan skin, eye colors and any shadowland customization like tattoos

I think this may be a big thing why, because those fel crystals are unique to BE’s so the BE Warlocks get to have this decadent way of using fel, and that same decadence is all throughout and seen to be intricate to the society, so perhaps its an easy assumption error to make, because Undead warlocks do not have an elegant room where the have Fel Crystal Parlors, so I think it may be a mistake of applying the behavior to everyone?

Personally I love BE’s as much as VE’s with HE’s maybe ranking behind both respectively. Its not anything other than the personality of both BE’s and VE’s appeal to me more, but I also want HE’s for Alliance and the community, but I do not like it when anyone displays disdain for the current Thalassian races because I don’t think its necessary in the ask for HE’s on account of I think its best to concentrate on HE culture and personality as an argument. I also believe BE=HE but not all HEs=BE that is just my stance on that though I do see some Pros take that stance too.

I also think maybe the general populace not draining fel can be mistaken with the eyes, maybe some people take scenes like the warlock rooms, coupled with the fel crystals, and then see the eyes as evidence for there perceptions. Because the same could be said of me not using Holy, but I like to think I tap into it or have some exposure to it enough to justify my eyes heh.

What’s the difference? Eye color?

Mmm no not really. High Elves wouldn’t be Warlocks or Demon Hunters. They would most likely go into the more nature attuned ways as many of them have used willpower to get past their addiction through meditation. Hair, tattoos, ECT would be available for all races anyways, depending on what customizations blizzard chooses. You shouldn’t want to with hold that from any race, regardless of faction.


these are both possible. there was a high elf warlock in old dalaran. DHs are possible too. all it takes to be a ‘high/blood’ elf is to change an adjective. its like changing your political party. we saw the lodge hermit exiles do this, after they got exiled they reverted back to ‘high’ elf showing how little it means to them and how easy it is to change it

also your SC tabard transmog reminded me of silvermoon harry

Some of them did, most of them got by by taking magical artifacts to drain from humans like wee doggy treats.

Ahh, I see, and there is my answer. There will be no give, no compromise, no meeting of endpoints. Not even here in the forum when all that is required is the simple consideration of someone else’s viewpoint.

I think that the truth is that you would be kept from nothing. Not even your story would change nor your place in it.

Your expectation of uniqueness is an unfounded luxury of happenstance to which you are in no way assured or guaranteed. I suspect that it is a bit of smoke anyway as I haven’t heard any decry from you about void elves, the similar kind of orcs or multiplicative Tauren.

I think you just imagine it to be a difficult point to rebut and so toss it like a caltrop in the road of our discussion.

If only you had read.

Because you didn’t like my answer doesn’t mean I didn’t answer you. If if you do indeed not like my answer then I will thank you to take issue with my offered point rather than pretending I didn’t say anything at all.

It seems like we are not going to agree on this point and I can’t say I didn’t suspect as much.

But I did want to give you every opportunity to address my own position as well as present your own and even offered you a scenario where we might meet in accord.

But here we are with a significant portion of the paying populous without their request while you reside in a fortunate game-state hurling denials at those of us trying to achieve our own. And for reason you cite a “uniqueness” that both isn’t real (a-la void elves) and clearly isn’t intended to be a thing (other duplicates races).

This is the kind of thing I am pointing at when I say that the opposition to Alliance High elves loses nothing but they would deny others everything. This is a case study in that very thing.

My apologies for for wasting your time fellow poster Playpen. The fault is entirely my own and I will bid you a good evening.


The only thing ‘eye opening’ is about the person who you’re quoting.

As seen here.

Veressa is still very much an Alliance member and thus so is the Silver Covenant.

She also gave out PvP rewards in Legion and there are several Silver Covenant NPCs in the Alliance area and in BFA the 7th Legion Shield Mages wear the Silver Covenant uniforms they wore in WotLK where they where also part of the 7th Legion.

And in the portal room the Silver Covenant NPCs are still hostile to Horde in BFA.

There is literally zero evidence that the SC is neutral. Just that they work with the 7th Legion when taking part in the faction War.


I thought it was established Dalaran is an independent kingdom of the Alliance that allowed access to the Horde?? But that they are very much Alliance, someone had a long detailed post not long ago if I could quote it I would.


no only 2 showed up. they specifically added 2 little easter eggs

these arent canon. dalaran cant exist in two different places/times at once

she was active during legion and appeared in the context of a kirin tor rep aiding the alliance. when legion concluded she went back to dalaran and neutrality

the evidence is the few sympathetic enough(2) had to put on a another uniform to fight the horde in the fourth war and that they live in a neutral city. they cannot fight the horde and run back to dalaran, or dalaran would be breaking neutrality(lol)

heres to another SC less expansion in shadowlands :tropical_drink:

Thanks, I guess…

While yes there is 1 High Elf NPC that is a class trainer for warlocks, I do not feel that that makes a compelling argument. Just as the 1 botanist boss that’s a Blood Elf, shouldn’t give Blood Elves Druids. And the 1 Paladin undead horse men of Naxx, shouldn’t give undead paladins. That’s a whole nother argument that I’d rather not do here. My point being that 1 NPC doesn’t represent the whole race, where as every expansion we have had up until now has had High Elves in our face and doing things with Alliance.

Anyways, that said. I am kind of in agreement with Anthaniel here.


now you know how blood elf players feel. a tiny few have no right to represent the race in any capacity

theres actually no proof for this. just a line that says ‘a few high elves are said to have succeeded in taking this route through sheer willpower.’ key words being a few and ARE SAID to have done it