Hate blood elves want high elves?

Ayy you figured it out.
They’re willfully ignorant on the subject. It’s not really worth trying when they’re arguing for the sake of trying to just troll people or rouse negative feelings on the subject.

The sunwell was destroyed from Kel’thuzard’s rebirth as a lich up to its’ reignition at the end of BC some 5 years later. The sunwell did not change the blood elves. If it did, then the withered throughout Eversong would have green eyes. They do not.

Ya sucked fel. You can write whatever backstory for your own character that you want but Kael’thas sent Silvermoon a source of magic to keep them from withering, and it was demons. Everyone partook from it for some length of time.

It’s some form of inherited code but it’s not DNA as we know it.

An Alien Goat-like Humanoid (Draenei) can have babies with Devolved Titan Made Elementals infected with Plant Spores (Orcs) and if you count Median as an example they can have them again with a Devolved Stone Giant (Humans) who have offspring with Devolved Trolls from Titan Blood Mutated Trolls (High Elves).

At what point is there DNA in any of this?

Does everyone know that?


The answer is not nearly so mysterious as you seem to imagine. What makes them different?

umm… the alliance?

Perhaps you wanted more than that, but that’s whats there, and it is a lot. The horde has a distinct sensibility, loss and travel, a scattering of their foundations and a sense of tragedy ruefully shouldered.

The Alliance also has a sensibility, history and foundations strong in their historicity. It has a sense of cultural existence that some people feel and appreciate.

If you are looking for something more aesthetic then certainly there would be more blue than red. Underwhelming? Well most of the distinction between any given thing is in the mind of the player with the context of their surrounding.

Some people want the context of the alliance to be allowed.

You have still failed to address how that removes something from you.

I sometimes refer to Void elves as the poison pill. Not because I dislike them but because many people DO like them and I don’t want to invalidate that.

No one asked for Void elves but they are here now and lots of people enjoy them so it doesn’t do to go around shouting to replace them or throw them out. I don’t think anyone wants that anyway. I certainly don’t.

It just makes it harder to make cases for high elves when the rebuttal is “but void elves…”

But I totally understand that people do play and enjoy void elves and I am certainly not looking to kick dirt on that.


I’m going by what the game and the devs have told us about fel magic, and how it poisoned the well. We didn’t feed off the crystals. If you’d like to share when us player population did, I’m all ears, but those NPCs were said to be a part of Kael’s group and became the Felblood. Again, they state we did not change completely, because we fed off fel passively. Not by sucking on crystals.


Everyone was part of Kael’s group. He broke off with the military to explore the promise land afterwards. Illidan showed all sin’dorei how to suck fel and mana from creatures.

Ya we have garona who is half. We have a litteral race of half orcs half ogres that have different dna then an orc and an ogre. Do you know how dna works?

fine. this is so easy. i dont mind at all. it would take away from the uniqueness of the blood elves. blood elves are the focal piece of the high elf story. the high elves of the warcraft rts series are the blood elves of today. a few individuals remain with the alliance, but the vast majority are not and remain in quel’thalas or dalaran. and its with blood elves and now void elves that the high elf story should reflect(and will)

You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves manifest it in a very visual way.

source from an ask cdev with metzen and afrasiabi

oh yea, and the question asked for context was

How did the blood elven fel eye glint become so widespread? The Warcraft Encyclopedia suggests that Rommath only taught the blood elves of Azeroth about how to siphon arcane magic, as most of the populace would likely be “horrified” if they knew the true extent of Kael’s dealings with Illidan.


Not like that.

Orcs and Ogres are related anyway.

So their Plant Mutated Devolved Elemental code is likely compatible.

But a completely seperat Species like Draenei would not be able to mix with that if it was DNA.

Get it right man, it’s rocks.

DNA doesn’t seem to function in WoW as it does in the real world. High Elves and humans aren’t genetically related, but they can produce offspring together. It’s not worth thinking about it too hard


This is fair, a lot of people do try to discredit VE’s but overall I have found many HE fans have never gone out of their way to discredit them just dislike their initial intro, as in they should have been HE’s not former BE’s.

Which is why I still believe that given Blizzard is reported to be divided on the topic of playable HE’s leaving them in limbo and not using them for the population of VE’s leaves them in play if they change their mind.

I also value both stories greatly, I prefer Horde but play Proudmoore Alliance and love the server more than a faction, so it allows my little slice of Horde like RP, I RP as a former Sylvanas loyalist… but that is a niche I belong to I believe who would enjoy a Horde vibe race even down to personality etc on Alliance, so I get the frustration and is why I continue to advocate for the story we do not see, Alliance High Elves.

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Ok mutation never happen got it. Thank you for the input.

Okay, I can understand what you are saying.

But I want to point out that we have allied races now. They aren’t part of the collective but connected through some thread more tenuous. What if the Dalaran High Elf community were to become an alliance allied race.

Would that similarly wreck the uniqueness of the blood elf story?

I mean, they are already there. They have been for years of game time. They work with the alliance. They are everything but playable.

Would seeing those assets, already functionally operating well within the bounds of the alliance, become playable pose the same problem? And if so Why?


dalaran cant be used because the blood elves are as much a part of it and its history as any high elf if not more. plus the population is mostly neutral they want as much to do with faction conflict as the kirin tor

this is why the developers of the game tell you there are no alliance high elf hubs left

I have to disagree.

Dalaran sports a wide variety of blue and silver elves.

If you want to say that Blood elves are just as in evidence then that’s fine and I will happily cede that point. But that doesn’t mean high elves are not also in evidence there and those are the ones we are talking about.


you have to provide examples of how the population is not neutral. we know they havent cut ties with the homeland as they still return to it. every horde race can interact with them in the same capacity not just elves. and dalaran isnt going to a host foreign army in their city that is at war with either faction

Ok, so I found one spot with a set up like that in silvermoon, two crystals by some pillows. There’s a magister there interacting in some way with the crystals (no spell casting info though, so could be interacting in some non-draining way) and looks like they stuck in a Nightborne to wander around.

I checked all the marked building in Eversong, nothing set up like that. I mean there’s a part west of what, Fairbreeze village where someone is dancing near one of the crystals. I mean hell, in Duskwither Spire there’s a ton of the crystals in the floating bit, and not even the withered there are draining them. The only place I’ve seen the scene you presented is in Magister’s Terrace.

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They may be referring to the Warlock trainers I think its the first rooms in the dark alley coming from the Sunfury Spire, one looks almost drunk on the fel, but I would chalk it up to BE warlocks…

Well, with respect, I really don’t. The story elements turn on a thin dime. That really isn’t the limiting factor.

Dalaran hosts two foreign armies and a Mage-general directing them both.

But that is neither here nor there.

What i am interested in is your perspective on the matter. You have clearly told me what damage you feel would be done by making High Elves flatly an alliance playable core race.

And I understand what you have said.

I am interested to understand if that same damage exists if the high elves become an alliance allied race and nothing else changes.