Hate blood elves want high elves?

Gonna guess you are a more recent player. Because they were literally everywhere. Every set of red pillows surrounding an area had a green crystals floating in the middle with red, glowing eyes inside if it. They were using drain-type beam spell effects on it.

These were literally everywhere in BC and Wrath. Haven’t played Horde since Garrosh took over. Didn’t want to play a mustache-twirling villain.

No, you said that, just now.

I pointed out that having alliance high elves removes nothing from those opposed.

Feel free to address that or dodge it.

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That’s actually a good observation. The Sunwell was nearly sacred to the High Elves. Even if they want to cure their addiction, it may be simply too important to their history and tradition to not visit it from time to time. Even if that made it harder to cure themselves.

It’s a very powerful place in the minds and lives of Blood Elves and High Elves. There’s no reason to think it’s solely about refueling and moving on. It’s a shared cultural icon between two disparate political groups.

Citation? No where for it say that the ones sucking on those crystals followed Kael. Kael’s betrayal where he came home and stole M’uru completely blindsided those living in Silvermoon. No where does it say that those living in the city and sucking fel energy still sided with him against the rest of the city, nor were those NPCs and their draining animation removed during the sunwell patch.

It says it in the quest texts. Those that sucked the fel went with Kael and became the Felblood. Those of us that played as Belves stayed behind and sucked of mana wyrms. Our very first quest is about the mana wyrms, lol. Passively being exposed to fel, changed our eyes, but not much else. The Felblood were changed physically, completely.

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weve already addressed it. literally every time you waltz in with the same subjective question. it allows a tiny few to redefine what high elves are and turns blood elves into evil freaks and makes a horde race neutral. thats unfair to blood elf players and the horde. it makes absolutely no sense lorewise and gameplay wise they bring nothing new to the game blood elves(high elves) dont

feel free to answer me this, what do the few alliance high elves left have the blood elves do not, what is it that makes them so different as to warrant them as a playable option on alliance? or dodge it(everyone knows youre going to dodge it)

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Nope, Check my mounts. Got the first year only Brewfest slow mount to prove it. Hell, I remember rushing down to the basement in BC to see the little event when Kael stole the windchime that the Blood Knights were getting their power from.

Like this area with a green crystal surrounded by red pillows?


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Void Elves bring a unique narrative to the Alliance that is very reminiscent of both Blood Elves in BC, and Forsaken in Horde (being mistrusted etc see the Cathedral reactions one gets, or how Shandris views Umbric via war campaign) They are a Yennefer of Vengeburg power hungry type, that is something different on Alliance, I like stories like that Blood Elves give me Lannister superiority type attitudes etc.

On the flip side I think the lore of Void Elves appeals to such a different niche then HE’s and the fact that HE’s were not used as the population base for VE’s by the devs says that HE’s could still very be in play one day. And that makes me happy because I think I would enjoy the other type of pride displayed by HE’s.

Void Elves and Blood Elves both display this overtly obvious pride which I typically am attracted to, it comes off almost as decadence or narcissism its fun to play. But High Elves are more like pridefully humble, they pride their humility so are they really humble? They are like Jedi, or Vulcans, intellectual types etc. And I think I would enjoy one very much if made playable (mage or hunter?) And I know I would be happy for the HE community that has wanted them FAR longer than I have.


What Alliance at that point? The Gilneans were barricaded behind a wall. The Kul’Tirans were not on the continent. Dalaran was essentially a college-town and housed both humans and elves and didn’t assist. Their only assistance was to send Jaina to investigate the plague. Instead of reporting back, she followed the words of Medivh and took whoever they had left and fled the continent as lost.

Stormwind was still under reconstruction half a world away with no knowledge of what happened up north. No one knew of th plight of the elves except those involved. There are no mages teleporting around as messengers in WarCraft lore.

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But others that came to our aid found out about it magically. Seems like a convenient excuse.

DNA doesn’t really work in a WoW setting. I don’t know why anyone is arguing it.

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The sucking of fel was why your eyes went green. If it was merely ambient fel energy, every elf would have green eyes after both BC and Legion.

Yes, you used other sources. But you sucked fel for a time. Indulging the addiction was what caused the primary schism between the quel’dorei and sin’dorei. Sin’dorei sucked fel and anything else they could find to sate the hunger. Quel’dorei went through withdrawal.

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I mean if they make babies and kids grow up in. Wow setting the. Ya dna works. Or are you saying we are all the same I’m game via dna that orcs share dna with vulpera. Or do you try to say that because it’s a game we are all code because if that’s the case then no race is the same race at all since all races use different code.

No we got green eyes from the well passively. Not from the stones. We never were the ones to suck fel. You are confusing elves.

Yes but in Eversong buildings and Silvermoon.

The area does not reflect the story being told. This was before phasing was a thing and they could change areas to reflect what was happening.

I would like to point out the majority didn’t “Suck Fel” but where merely exposed.

That said, a number of them did.

Liadrin for example was draining blackmarket green “Mana Stones” in a book that made here eyes glow green. And we can still see some magisters in Silvermoon drawing energy from them from time to time.

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metzen and alfrasiaba already clarified this and crucially that it will fade in time

the high elves of silver moon did not consume fel. high elves manifest the magic they are feeding on through the glow in their eyes. when they fed on an arcane sunwell, the glint was blue. when they were exposed to substantial ambient amounts of fel energy from fel magic powering the city, it shifted to green. now that the sunwell is a font of holy and arcane energies, some priests and paldins are beginning to manifest golden eyes to reflect being closer to the light and getting cleansed faster. blue eyes is probably next in shadowlands for magister types closer to the arcane


Who? No one came to your aid. Do you mean after the renaming to sin’dorei with the Naga? I don’t remember any assistance coming to quel’thalas against the Scourge. The kingdoms fell one by one, largely isolated from each other.

Ugh, I’m talking about after. We had undead come to our aid, Sylvanas come to our aid, we had Velen come to our aid. The Nelves instead sent spies.