Hate blood elves want high elves?

Garrosh was an extremist and the Horde fought back against him. That whole story line was a tease and nothing more. I’ve never been treated inferior by most of the Horde. Now, Nathanos, he’s gonna get my foot. But he’s already gone anyway. He left with his waifu.

Not “The Alliance”. It was a single, racist general. I agree, let’s bring him up for trial for war crimes. Oh… He’s dead. Justice served I guess.

None of this is right in basically any way. Go read up on your lore.

WarCraft was originally a Warhammer licensed game, but they lost the license during development and had to just tweak things to avoid a copyright suit.

Not just that general. But no soldier sent, Nelves sent spies. Horde sent help. It was a series of things.

That is right its 100% right
If not explain or do you not understand how evolution and mutation works hand and hand.

Yeah I remember that. Likely was a factor.

There’s a difference between “you now have a steady drip of [addictive substance]” and “you no longer need [addictive substance].” Blood Elves got the former, not the latter. High Elves wanted the latter, not the former.

I don’t think anyone wants to try and argue that there’s any near as many High Elves as there are Blood Elves. That point is so far from true that it would be a laughable joke of an argument. Which is why that’s not the argument most of us make.

Chronicles, for all it was supposed to be, doesn’t line up very well in every aspect. They’ve even changed some things after the fact, rendering it less than perfectly canon.

In Legion we see High Elves in Dalaran. Enough to field, at least, a small standing army. The Sunreavers and the Silver Covenant still very much exist. While it’s deeply unlikely that the Sunreavers would ever join the Alliance for, well, obvious reasons, that doesn’t mean the Silver Covenant couldn’t make the choice to do so.

Arguing that the High Elves are currently, at best, spread far and thin isn’t necessarily a good argument. The whole point is that events can spur change. It’s not impossible, or even unreasonable, to suggest that something occurs that rallies the remaining High Elves behind the Silver Covenant who ultimately join the Alliance as a small but powerful force.

There aren’t exactly an infinite number of Void Elves, either, but they managed to make it work. In fact I’d argue that Void Elves are more of a stretch than High Elves. They needed a literal deus ex machina just to exist at all, coupled with having inarguable finite numbers that are observably too small to repopulate without concerns.


I play a stay-high elf from the city of Dankistan

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Most elves still feed passively off the well like we do now. Why do you think there are still pilgrimages? The only ones not allowed near it are Velves and they feed off the void.

Please tell me where in Silvermoon that is happening. I just went there and didn’t see that. There’s some wretched doing that in the wider zone, and the crystals in the starter area that are explicitly mentioned as powering the islands experiments, not as any sort of personal tapping.

The eye color change happened from exposure to fel energy in the vicinity now any sort of fel feeding.

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I don’t believe that this invalidates the statement, though. High Elves still espoused a belief that they should wean themselves off of the addictive aspect of the Arcane. They wanted to learn to abstain entirely, they absolutely did not want to stay in a position where they were draining other living things of their magic.

The Sunwell is restored and powerful, for sure. People make pilgrimages, for sure. That doesn’t mean that those people making pilgrimages aren’t still working on completely abstaining. One could make the argument that the Sunwells return only made it worse for them because it’s that much harder to abstain, so they reverted to a “step down” program. Make pilgrimages while you build up your resistance until you no longer need to do so at all.


Updates to the game world would definitely be welcome, especially now that we’re moving to this version where the world is ‘current year’ and playing through the expac is time traveling to experience it.

But, the point remains that the blood elves were drinking fel energy from those crystals. Not the fel ones we fought during the sunwell patch, but the regular blood elves. You can say #NotAll, fine, but they definitely weren’t limited to just the ones that stayed by Kael’s side.

Doing the whole repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth thing here?

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No we were not. The crystals are there. We weren’t tapping into them. The felblood elves did. Those are the ones that allied themselves with Kael, that you fight back against during TBC.


I think personally the pilgrimages are also a holy thing. We have simular events in the real world where people make pilgrimages to holy sites. I think it’s less to do with magic, than, “I’m going to this holy site.”

A bit of both maybe?

I don’t know about hating on blood elves but I think people may dislike the manner in which they are used to summarily execute the honest desire to play a race they have seen and wanted to play for years in a context that makes the most sense.

A desire. I might add, that takes nothing away from anyone opposed but only adds to the game-play experience of those in favor.

Unfortunately those debates and tete-a-tetes usually either spiral into playground name calling and foot stomping or they become an examination of lore trying to substantiate some position or another.

But WoW devs and story staff care nothing at all for lore. It is little more that the crumbling mortar between code-blocks for them. They change it, retcon it, draw on it or ignore it entirely depending on their mood at the time.

The lore discussion is a very convenient crab bucket for us all to spend our time therein pulling each other down.

When people were requesting Alliance high elves Ion points to lore and clarifies that the population is too low to be playable. People keep asking and he says Blood elves need a distinct silhouette for PvP.

Pandas come about and now no one cares for distinct silhouettes anymore.

Then void elves come into being (with no lore reason whatsoever) and their population is a tiny fraction of the fraction that remains. But somehow they have enough population to be playable.

Lore is clearly of no consequence, silhouette argument is out the window, population argument is gone.

There really is no argument for not having alliance high elves.

There is some room to speculate on why the devs have failed to give their paying customers what they have been asking for years, but if one throws out childish temperament and petulant contempt for their income source then one may be left with a great big shrug of the shoulders.

And this is accounting for people who are supposed to be professionals and directed toward growing their customer base with a product that people will enjoy and return to, as well as recommend to others.

As far as players who seem to be fractiously opposed others getting something they want… I dunno. People just be like that I guess.

Blood elves are, in my opinion, not the problem. Using them to flatly deny, ignore and brick over the good asks of paying customers is very much a problem that needs to be called out and placed squarely in the numb hands of the devs who keep dropping that ball.


“No soldier sent” you mean against the Scourge? You know Lordaeron was already plagued and had fallen utterly to the Scourge before they ever turned their eyes onto Silvermoon.

They do also kill all the runners sent to get help before they could get anywhere, ensuring that no one knew Silvermoon was even being invaded.

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I like the way you’re all “Everyone against this is just greedy and has no real reason to possibly be opposed to it. Let’s stop the name calling and just give us what we want”

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Just like they have no soldiers now for the Nelves. But magically can pull them out of their butts at times of convenience. But no I’m not talking about at the time of the attack. I’m talking about aid after the attack.