Hate blood elves want high elves?

Stays for a while, but does wear off eventually. Hence why it took elves 13 years to get rid of the green eyes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Explain red orcs then.

those are actual fel corrupted orcs(lol)

Could you please keep the discussion polite?

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If it wasnt in the dna then. Babies would be the natural orc color. But they arent they are still green that means it effects more then what we see on the outside. It’s a mutation on a cell level. Making them different.

I’m talking less about his high elf excuse and more about his remarks on titanforging, pvp vendors, etc.

Fel is powerful enough, but it’s not permanent. Don’t ask me why they want it both ways. Ask the writers. Brown was their natural color and the fel changed them. Just like it changed our eyes for a time and that changed.

But you guys never drank the fel correct? You took its essence. As well as orc drank the blood of Manaroth so I’m pretty sure it effected them in way different ways then elves. To a dna level of effect that is permanent.

Yeah, but it works more like magic, instead of science in their case. Because it also made them war hungry and rabid and they are no longer that either.

Eh orcs are kind of naturally war hungry well most clans were. I mean look at Garrosh.

The plural of elf is elves, and even if elfs was the plural of elf there would be no apostrophe in it.
Now that I got that off my chest, carry on.

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Different clans were different in certain ways sure, but not war hungry in the let’s make a road out of Draenei bones sort of way. It definitely changed their demeanor. Because for most clans, there was honor in war (why you keep hearing that). Not just blood thirst.

In other words, there’s just as much justification for high elves to be a playable allied race. Glad you agree.

Yes I can agree to that for the most part. But they were still a war fearing race before the change. The change just increased it from like a 8 to a 18.

I’d say more than 18 with how they acted. Especially since they lived in relative peace with the Draenei before the change.

Go look at Silvermoon. See all those elves draining the green crystals with the glowing eyes inside them? Fel. These things littered the entire landscape in Silvermoon and Eversong. It may or may not have been changed later, haven’t been in that area in a while, but it most definitely was there in BC and beyond.

I identify as an attack helicopter…that doesn’t make me one.


It’s there beyond that because they haven’t touched the place again. There’s still the Legion invading and the scourge there too. They really need to update it. My hope is that there is an expac in the future that is central so it gets addressed.

That’s fine but you are not an entire people you are one person so ya obviously you are either a boy or a girl and a human but when a race decided they are going to be called a different racial name then it changes.

They’ve done so much for you, too. Treated you like inferior beings for not being orcs or at least strong like the tauren. The blood elves have always just been a tool of the Horde. It’s even stated in MoP that Lor’themar was about to move them back into the Alliance before Garrosh used them to steal something from Darnassus and Jaina then banished them from Dalaran.