Hate blood elves want high elves?

They have no idea. They are clearly just here to argue.

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You have no idea and are here to rp.

Well then I’m RPing right now as a Helf that you can’t have.

I do not care if we get them or not so cool. But your a blood elf not a high elf or do you forsake the blood elf name now too? Also answer me this how long do blood elfs live

the race is high elf(lol). blood elf is a badge of honor

And see I do feel there should have been elves on both sides. Like Pandas are now.

We live hundreds of years. My plan is to be the one that finger paints in the elven old folks home.

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You identify as a blood elf. Not a high elf that’s what I’ve been getting at this whole time.

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Yes hundreds other state thousands but only a few lived that long. So culture changes and splits and that can happen very quickly.

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It was the Highborne and other castes from before the move to Silvermoon that lived longer. Some sites claim Helves live thousands of years, but it’s more hundreds of years.

There’s thing about cultures where they change over time. Blood Elves changed almost overnight in response to a great tragedy. They rebranded, took up new practices, and took on a new outlook on the world.

It’s not as though the High Elves didn’t have their own thoughts and feelings about the events. They certainly had the same experience, but they rejected the path the Blood Elves wanted to take. That’s a fairly clear indicator of a difference.

I think this isn’t really very relevant, to be honest.

Firstly, at least, we know that the High Elves didn’t want to abandon their Alliance allies. That might seem like very little to you but it seems like something to me. It indicates an ideological divide between the two; the High Elves clearly favor the values that the Alliance holds over what the Blood Elves were offering.

We can go further, as well. The High Elves appear to value a more “self help” and “slow growth” outlook. They eschewed the Blood Elves and their siphoning of magic. They felt that draining the magic out of elementals, creatures, and other such things, was wrong. They thought they should find a cure to their addiction, through meditation and a slow drip from trinkets and baubles, not merely feed the symptoms.

I’d argue that High Elves, unlike the Blood Elves or the Nightborne, truly want to be free from their hunger. They want to walk freely in the world without fear of being cut off from external source. They want to hold their head high and have the ability to say that they overcame themselves. They, like the Night Elves, are currently a very limited group of Elves who don’t want to be beholden to magic itself.

I’d call those things whole heaps of differences. How they prepare their tea and what they eat on holidays isn’t nearly as important. They are, as people, very different minded.


Belves have been free from their hunger since the end of TBC.

im sorry but high elves left the alliance completely. the last mention of them in chronicles(definitive edition of the lore up to the most current version) being a few went with jaina to theramore before dalaran was destroyed. there is no epic divide among the high elves that helfers like to paint. theres a tiny few actual loyal to the alliance

the only pockets that existed were the small expedition in outland and the ones on the boat. the rest returned to quel’thalas. or are you going to claim the tiny dalaran population led by kael stuck around with the humans led by garithos persecuting them?

theres a couple canon ones in SW but thats it. literally a few individuals remained completely loyal

Who’s done more for the elfs btw the horde or the alliance?

For the Belves, the Horde. More time spent and elves overall allied with the Alliance out of a pact from years before. So only wanted to stick in there for that, for the most part. Of course some wanted to stay. Most elves though would most enjoy being on their own and surviving that way. Elves typically don’t like to ally with anyone. But now with everything that’s gone on and the years’ past, Belves are starting to feel more like being in the Horde is not just convenience or survival.

Are you sure you keep bringing up the hunger and eyes. Who saved you from the hunger.

Velen from cleansing the well.

Living for hundresds to thousands of years means less than the 15 years they spent in a human city?
It isnt absurd, especially since in anthropology, ethnoce ntrism is very much a thing.
If you can demonstrate said cuktural shift then do so, otherwise, its just suggestion with little support.

So the alliance would then be the reason you are no longer hungry. Would more elfs be inclined so side with the alliance just like your regent lord was going to. Regardless of Jaina going crazy and killin a few/ imprisoning them. Your race would be more thankful to the alliance then the horde. All the horde did was give them a home but didnt save there entire race from a plight

When you put it that way it truly is eye opening. The leader of this game is either a troll or completely clueless, I’m not sure which is worse.

The Alliance is also the reason we were wiped out, pushed away by Garathos and why no help was sent to us after Arthas tore through the place. Sylvanas and the undead came to our aid then. The Nelves sent spies. Velen works with everyone, no matter what faction. Same with Khadgar.

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