Hate blood elves want high elves?

Some elves have blue eyes in Warcraft III. Others have different color eyes.

I’ve asked you to provide proof the proof inhave is in all time of showing the elfs prior the the fel was blue with rare exceptions. Of course you can deny it but you guys even have a different symbol from the non blood elves


Play through the campaign. That’s your proof. If you don’t want to do it. I’m not gonna go and make screen caps for you, lol.

Not sure what it matters anyway. It’d just provide more customization. It’s not life or death. And elves having different eyes is not preventing Helves of the Alliance. You don’t have them because Blizz doesn’t want to give them to you. Nothing else.

Our differences with the Helves of the Alliance are political, not racial.

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Blood elves are high elves.
Not all high elves are blood elves.

This isn’t debatable. Blizzard says so.


Blood elves and high elves are for the most part the same race in However, blood elves have glowing green eyes and their hair and skin are much darker or otherwise unnaturally coloured, due to the absorption of fel energies during the period the Sunwell was lost. For the most part however, they are considered separate due to cultural differences more so. Taela Everstride Allerian Stronghold even says, somewhat bemusedly, “No, don’t feel bad. I get that a lot… I’m a high elf, not a blood elf. Don’t worry, I won’t suck the magic out of you.” Same race yet different like I’ve been saying. That’s like saying mechagnomes are the same as gnomes lightforged drani are the same as non forged. At the end of the day they are the same yet you pick them like different races. When they all should have been customazion options.


No our hair and skin aren’t much darker. I picked darker features. But there are lighter ones available as well. We didn’t all absorb fel. Some of us fed off of mana wyrms. We also don’t have cultural differences. We all feed off magic, just different forms. It’s political. It’s about alliances.

That’s all from wow soooooo also all of you fed off of fel then changed to mana worms hence the green eyes.

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No we didn’t change to mana wyrms. I’ve literally never sucked fel. In the story some elves sucked fel and became the Felblood. The rest of us stayed behind.

Ok listen you can RP whatever you want doesnt change the truth.

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I’m not RPing, I’m going by starting zone quests. I’m not sure wth you are using, lol.

why do you think she has to tell you? its because they are identical. also this whole concept of sucking magic from living beings was resolved with the restoration of the sunwell. there is no difference besides the political in the present

interestingly taelas leader there auric has returned to quel’thalas, its likely the few elves there under him did as well

You are definitely rping about it.

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I don’t RP at all. You haven’t obviously played through it or WCIII so what are you arguing here?

Playpen stop trying you’ve failed already ok. We are talking about the past I’ve already stated about the present go be a felled elsewhere.

Uhm… I’m sorry to break this to you. But the Lightforgred Draenei are Draenei, and the Mechagnomes are Gnomes.

The Orcs are also, still the same race as the Mag’har.

These all have differing views on the world than each other and surely they are worthy of being separate playable characters. The Alliance Aligned High Elves certainly would be as well.

But they are 100% the same race. Politics doesn’t change your race. And no. Their exposure to the Fel did not change their race. They are highly attuned to magic and its effects can cause changes in eye color over time. It does not mean they’ve evolved.

Now the Void Elves. Theres a quandary. Are they still High Elves?


I’ve definitely played wc3 the fact that in game it stats you guys using fel as well as abusing
a creation of light to be paladins shows enough.

No blood elves fed on fel, the ones who did where Kael’s felblood elves in outland.


What? That is not in WCIII.

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It clearly states the differences between the elves that fed off of fel and the ones that didn’t. The ones that did are the ones you go to face in Outland and defeat. We do it too. We face them and kill them, because they’ve then allied themselves with the Legion. The same Legion that poisoned the well to begin with.

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Except prc and mag’har are different because of the fel changing them. The lightforged and non lightforged are not the same due to the light changing them. I kill a normal Draenei he dead I kill a lightforged he explodes.

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