Hate blood elves want high elves?

In a world with magic anything is possible

From a dev point of view at least

It’s because blood elves ruined the horde aesthetic, but high elves are a match for the alliance aesthetic. Some people say they like the horde because it’s not filled by generic fantasy races and humans like the alliance. Now the horde is overpopulated by the most generic and human looking fantasy race.

Yes, except she used there racial name. So would be like if Gnomes were in the same situation with mechagnomes with them. They would just be like gnomes, mechagnomes. Two different races yet the same race.

Have you seen the void elf leader? She is the most infused with the void of all the void elfs so making it an option does work.

This is a contradiction. High elves/blood elves aren’t different races. Gnomes/mechagnomes aren’t either. That said, gnomes/mechagnomes differ way more than blood elves/high elves do. Mostly because blood elves/high elves aren’t different.

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and then ended with telling them they are unworthy of calling themselves that. at best she recognized a political distinction not a different race. context matters :woman_shrugging:

alleria went through a unique process. its pretty much non repeatable. all racial leaders look different and special


Not really. People seem to misunderstand highelfs are not bloodelfs anymore they threw the name away to remeber the fallen so they became blood elfs. Others wanted to stay high elfs and not follow the fallen leader or wait his return. So we now have two different forms of them. Same with gnome and mechagnome two different forms of the same race that arent seen as the same race in the games lore.

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All race leaders are the same skin tone as 90% of there races.

they changed an adjective to honor the dead. the loss of their king(anasterian), ranger general(sylvanas), the sunwell, and vast population of silvermoon. nothing else changed. they are high elves of quel’thalas proper

its like saying tushi/huojin pandaren no longer consider themselves pandaren, that they are different from their kin :woman_shrugging:


I mean bringing up the panderan more or less defends the people who want them on ally. I dont care what they get but making it a customization option is the best and most ideal choice.

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not really. pandaria is neutral. quel’thalas(the only high elf knigdom) and the vast vast vast vast majority of the race is not neutral

makes as much sense as nightborne devolving back to night elves(lol)

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You are foolish to think that is the same as nightborne devolving. I can see what kind of person you are. Pandaria is netural yet they have two different cities. Much sense you have no clue what you are talking about. In the real word we base race on skin when we are all the same race. In game they base race off of what they decide. The game lore shows they are two different races. That means they are two different cultures that dont identify as the same race anymore. But I’m sure you will try to bring something up that makes no sense. End of the day make it a customization option for the void elfs. Which would be the best way to do it.


blood/modern ‘high’ elves are the same people divided by a political opinion. not a different race. just like stowmwind/defias humans

thematically and aesthetically they bring the exact same fantasy to the game and make no sense lore/gameplay wise. the problem is your just pissed they joined the horde

High elves are blood elves. Biologically, historically, and culturally.

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No I play orcs and humans I dont care at all that they are horde. I care about people who don’t understand that they are different from the blood elfs now. But it’s fine you stay thinking they way you do. You do you.

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Sorry one race no longer identifies as high elf the other does. Not the same anymore one has green and gold eyes due to the fel and then reborn well. The other still has the unique blue eyes of the high elfs.

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answer me this then; what do the few alliance high elves left have the blood elves do not, what is it that makes them so different as to warrant them as a playable option on alliance?

and yet blue eyed blood elves exist and the sunwell is arcane/holy :woman_shrugging:

Eye color means nothing. They are still biologically, culturally, and historically the same.

Didnt I say just make them a skin option. We don’t even know how many high elfs are left with the exception that there are less void elfs then non void elfs.

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Except for a race like the elves where eye color is legit the same for everyone with the very rare exceptions I’d say it is a big deal. Until the whole fel and light thing came into play they were all blue eyes. You dont know how the fel or light might have changed them down the a cell level. And if you say fel and light cant do that then idk what to say.

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