Hate blood elves want high elves?

lazy stoner elfs complaining they can’t get jobs… at least the night born will die from withdraws if they stop, but not those little rosed, blue eyed tweakers… we all know how they burned down teldrassil…
We all know sylvanas took the blame to keep her sister safe.

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Oh my god are you Fyre? Cause that’s the only person that that keeps trying to make the same absurd argument.

1-That the Sunreavers are of the elves that first taught magic to humans, doesn’t mean every elf that helped created Dalaran ended up as a Sunreaver.

2-Regardless. What about every elf that moved to Dalaran after, we have 3k years of time, and a sizeable population of elves in Dalaran that literally now aren’t Sunreavers.

3-So when I am literally talking about every Dalarani elf that can’t return to Quel’thalas, what relevance do the Sunreavers have? None. Because they ARE the ones that can return to their cultural center at will when they please, and not just as pilgrims.

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I mean we just literally pointing at the High Elves left on the Alliance or neutral and you are being a Flat Earther about it :laughing:


but they are the only ones credited by any lore source as those elves. until something trumps that the elves that make up the core of the sunreavers have sole claim

you know dalaran was completely destroyed right? its stated in chronicles the city was evacuated. some went with jaina on a boat to theramore and died later, the rest only could have gone back to quel’thalas

some elves did prioritize dalaran over their own people. and when it was time to rebuild dalaran they came back as blood elves. there is no other explanation for aethas being on the council of six and the district they control. theres no other group. but when quel’thalas joined the horde things changed for the dalaran population :woman_shrugging:

only vereesa and the lodge hermits are confirmed exiles. everything else is speculation

ofc. its not hard to spot me just check my armory for the server first title

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No, that’s just misrepresenting Jaina’s words.

She says:

So… you would purge the city? Cast the Sunreavers from their homes? The very same Sunreavers who helped humans discover magic in the first place?

I don’t know WHEN people starting interpreting that only elves that are now Sunreavers could be of those first elves that taught magic to humans. It’s a flawed interpretation to assume Every Other Remaining High Elf In Dalaran Must Have Come Later. All because you are misinterpreting Jaina’s words.

We literally got told that the city was evacuated -you literally said it yourself-, and then when we see it in WoW, it has a bunch of Neutral High Elves, and Alliance High Elves.

But I guess you for some reason don’t think these current High Elves are of those evacuates -who obviously didn’t follow Kael’thas, and didn’t became BE’s-… even when we have several HE NPC’s in Dalaran making allusion at living in the city for a looong time.

Like this is the level of delusion we are working with. We have a bunch of High Elves living in Dalaran, as well as humans and gnomes; we know the city was evacuated. It’s obvious it’s the same populace, yet for some reason, people keep making the absurd argument that SOMEHOW, all the High Elves now in Dalaran came after the city was rebuilt.

Oh my God I should have read this first.

I already told you I have no interest in interacting with you responding to the same arguments every. single. time. It’s a waste of time because no matter how many times I literally show you the flaws in your argument, you keep using them.

And as I said before, I won’t respond to you any more. Godspeed.


she also says

Now then, as leader of the Kirin Tor and a faithful part of the Alliance, what would you do about the Sunreavers? True, they are advocates of the Horde. But they have been allies and productive members of the Kirin Tor for over 2000 years. This city is their home. Would you expel them?

this is why aethas proclaims ‘this is our city too, proudmore’ they came back as blood elves led by aethas. some reverted back to high elf who wanted to be neutral in a majority human city. its that simple. yes thats my interpretation but it makes more sense then the pros interpretation which amounts to ‘high elves just stayed away this entire time and stood around in rubble’. why else would aethas have a seat on the council of six, making him the most important and powerful high elf in dalaran

and again you have no source saying the sunreavers arent the only ones, so you havent debunked anything :relaxed:

here we go again with the fanfiction. the very last mention of alliance high elves ever in chronicles(the most recent lore) is some went with jaina to kalimdor. we know few did because the devs have stated as recently as 2018 there are very few alliance high elves

do you not understand the dalaran high elf community was done the moment garithos rounded them up and tried to execute them? his racism was not limited to kaels group. its a miracle any high elves came back to help rebuild dalaran later or that any would risk lurking around after that(lol)

aka i have nothing to cite to trump you. ill still be here dont care if you respond. you just tried to separate dalaran from blood elves and i just flat out proved you wrong everyone can see it

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Forget Blood Elves, put Frost elves from the north pole instead! They should have learned how to spec Unholy!!!

how about we just give blood elves(high elves) blue, purple and orange/red eye color options with farstrider/runic tattoos in 9.0 instead. night elves need more options for eye color too

I just plain old hate Belves. I’m indifferent towards Helves. Thank the heavens above that there’s now a lot more (better) races to choose from these days so they’re not all you see on Horde side.

Remember when Horde vanilla players back then were infuriated with Blood Elves joining the Horde and Alliance players were mad Blood Elves didn’t join Alliance?

Remember when Classic players who hate Blood Elves don’t want Burning Crusade?

Yeah. I remember those days.

And Blood Elves in the end became the most played race in Horde side and in general for retail.

So should Horde be thankful to Blood Elves for being by their side?

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Anyone who plays Horde in WoW and hates Blood Elves just needs to get over it. But they can always go play Alliance or Classic if it’s something that bothers them so much.

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I remember there was a Penny Arcade comic strip of Blood Elf joining Horde back in Burning Crusade launch.

tbh, I was very satisfied with Draeneis being in Alliance. Space Goat girls were hot with their Russian accents.

I don’t know, to me Void Elves are an almost perfect substitute. Yes, if there were high elves at least my mage would be one, but given the option it’s void over blood all day long just because that’s the faction all my other characters are on. Really the two models are practically the same, so I’d think alliance players who want high elves but refuse void elves would be relatively few. I think High Elves are mostly because alliance wants elf paladins personally.

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maybe. but too many pros have asked for void elves to be given blood elf skintones, which proves its not about the lore of being one of the few alliance high elves because you would still be a ‘blood elf’(high elves :woman_shrugging:). nope its skin color driving their oh so reasonable request and even development recognizes it

The way the character in said cinematic uses the names is in a way more like factions than races. The three factions of elves came together to defeat another faction of elves.

If alliance wants helfs so bad just play a horde belf :partying_face:

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Just make high elves a customization option for void elves and undead elves a customization option for forsaken; or don’t…could really care less


Because High elfs are way cuter as well as live in a higher place.

Why do people hate blood elf’s but want high elf’s?

You know as much as idc if alliance get high elfs or not, even with ion saying they are the same race. There is still an in game cinematic calling high elfs

They’re referred to as Elves, not “Elfs”.

Thing is Blood Elves are also Void Elves…yet we have Void Elves. :thinking:

That alone is enough reason to have just been given High Elves instead. But nooooooo.


that doesnt make sense. theyre bodies are permanently warped by the void. they would no longer be void elves, why bother create void elves in the first place then

and the high elves are already playable anyway