Hate blood elves want high elves?


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Giving it a thought ,i agree yet who is in charge of the story line? Did the horde population drop as well ? And in all this about high elves and blood elves just a ploy by blizzard for an excuse to merge horde and alliance? They giveth and they take away.

I’m sure the horde races all have their sad stories, though I doubt many of them are as “severe”. As far as merging the factions - I honestly dont think they’d do that. The whole point of the game is war between two equally powerful sides. Take that away and you lose the appeal. If they do decide to do that though… I’d honestly just be over them. They’d have destroyed something that the old creators worked hard to make great.

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I don’t think that’s quite right…

People don’t necessarily hate blood elves; they just really wish to have High Elves as a playable race.

It appears that in SL, the Horde is getting High Elves, and the Alliance is currently not getting them. :frowning:

While I’m happy that I can create a Horde-aligned High Elf… it would be so super awesome if I could also make High Elves on the Alliance side. As it is, because Void Elves can’t get blood elven hair colors and hairstyles, Alliance cannot make High Elves.

It would also be nice if they allowed us to turn off the graphic for the void-elf passive racial that turns your whole body purple. That way, if you want a High Elf on Alliance, you CAN: blue eyes, fair skin, blonde hair, NO purple transformation.

I pray that as they add customization options to the Allied races, that Alliance can also get High Elves, too.

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Maybe they don’t see it but some I do believe are intending to do just that with out Blizzard knowing of it. Arguing about what blood line of elf people want is ridiculous they are all elves just different flavors.

What makes the difference of an elf ? what so different as a high elf from others?

Because wc1-3 they were a continued allied force even going in to TBC they were part of the alliance.

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High Elves are the original elf which most of us who played Warcraft back when it was an RTS game got to know.

High Elves are for many of us a staple of the Alliance, yet we are not able to play as them.

Physically, the difference between High Elves and Blood Elves are just three:

  1. High Elves have blue eyes, whereas Blood Elves have green eyes.
  2. High Elves have very fair skin, whereas Blood Elves can also be of olive complex.*
  3. High Elves tend to have fair hair, whereas Blood Elves can have darker hair colors.

*Due to the inclusion of Social Justice at ActiBlizzard, you can now also make black Blood Elves, but that’s more of a reflection of 2020 cultural norms than actual Warcraft lore.

But… there are also INTENSE cultural differences, too. High Elves remained with the Alliance, even after the scourging of Quel’thalas, whereas Blood Elves left the Alliance.

Blood Elves see the Alliance as villains who betrayed them and partook in fel magic in order to survive. They also exiled all the High Elves who refused to partake in fel magic out of Silvermoon City.

For a very long time, there was immense hatred between Blood Elves and High Elves.

Today, Blood Elves have grown closer to the Alliance, and they even almost joined the Alliance during Garosh’s reign as Warchief, and they have slowly repaired the wounds between them and the High Elves.

I think in the near future, High Elves may even be re-invited back as citizens of Silvermoon once more.

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So basically, you wanted the color than the race.white ,blonde hair and fair skin,I get it.

Actually, in Thrall, Twilight of the Aspects, Krasus had a High Elf apprentice who was dark skinned, so it’s a lot older than 2020.


Published as far back as 2011.

TBH id be fire if they created a dark elven race not the crappy void elves ones like warhammer cult of pleasure type.

You can pretend to be whatever you want. But there are no playable High Elves. Not now nor in the foreseeable future. You will always bear the stamp of Void Elf or Blood Elf. So delude yourself if that makes you happy.


I consider the Nightborne as the “drow” elves. Dark skin with white hair.

Im still surprise people haven’t realized Blood Elves were High Elves all along.

I really hope that they allow us to change our racial title when we alter our character’s appearance.

I’d like my Dwarf with wildhammer tattoos to say “Level 50 Wildhammer Dwarf Shaman,” and my blue-eyed, fair skinned, blonde void elf as “Level 50 High Elf Death Knight.”

That would add a lot of flavor to the game for me.

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In away,you maybe right given the story but don’t know every place on Azeroth do we :wink:

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Well technically they would be 1/3 the high elf subrace. Azshara was big on the caste system for a while there.BEs would been the highest tier then nightborne/highborne then the common folk aka forest elves tyrande/malf.

Blood elves ARE high elves so these people hate high elves. ROFL

Nah we hate void elves because its a lame cop out.

Eat light, holy boi.