Hate blood elves want high elves?

Right after you jump into a blackhole smurf.

You’re half right.

Although all High/Blood Elves are descendents of the upper-class of Night Elvesn society, Highborne are also part of the upper-class. All High Elves and Blood Elves are descended from Highborne.

Some Nightborne were also Highborne elves, while others weren’t.

For example: Tyrande, Malfurion, Illidan, and Thelysra are all Highborne Night Elves. And Kael’thas, and Liadrin are descended from Highborne Night Elves.

There was azshara and the highborne (those who live closest to the palace and around it) and the commoners aka forest elves.
Then she cut off access to the well to only herself and her most loyal followers for along time(this is the group the BEs come from).
Blizz added a NE modeled highborne way back in cata as the reason NE got mages was because some highborne came out of hiding.
Which is something that happened after the war and malf banned magic some highborne bolted where the BEs just decided to keep it going and got banished.
The nightborne were highborne but because they bubbled them selves and pulled a BE well fiasco they changed in their own way.
Highborne all see to be magically adept and always in a position of authority if legion was anything to go by.

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Yes, but don’t forget that in Classic, all the high elves looked somewhat night elven, though they had pink skin and blonde, white, or black hair. I believe if you go to a destroyed village in the lower zone of Quel’thalas, you get to see them, still.

I hate Blizzard for what they did to Void Elves. I don’t think any playable race has ever been treated so deplorably in the history of the game. Void Elves didn’t even exist until the very end of their recruitment scenario. Virtually nothing was done to develop them through the expansion. Umbric may as well be the only Void Elf, and the Void may as well just be purple-colored arcane magic with the side effect of whispers. There was at least five things Void Elves should’ve been involved with, that Blizzard dropped the ball on.

  • Uldir
  • Eye of N’Zoth
  • Naz’jatar
  • Cure for the Whispers
  • Visions of N’Zoth

Their heritage armor looks like it was ripped off the carcass of a Dreadlord, and their home zone is a bunch of Legion asset rocks with a skybox from the Nighthold raid, all thrown together so haphazardly that you can’t even access most of the islands because you can fall through them!

Blizzard failed hard with the Void Elves and there is no excuse for it. As players, we deserve better than this.

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Because people do not realize that the playable High Elves are indeed the Blood Elves. This fact will only be further solidified once Blood Elves get the blue eye customization.

Just imagine the irritating crying by the petulant Alliance players.

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tHrEe MoNtHs LaTeR


Speak for yourself I like the Void Elf home zone and I like the armor (especially the wings).

While I do agree with you that Void Elves did not have a major role in the story line of Battle of Azeroth, you need to remember they are relatively new. There are major races that have gotten no or minimal love/lore and they have been in the game forever (gnomes, dranaei, and worgen).

Because people don’t read lore.

Wasn’t that what blood elves used to look like, too? Or like some early version model of them, rather

New and without any kind of establishment, unlike every other Allied Race. This is why BFA should’ve been developing them, introducing a few other Void Elf characters, showing us how they’re developing as a society while trying to adapt to life in the Alliance, let alone as Void Elves. Instead we got some Comrade Umbric memes and actual morally grey/evil stuff on the Alliance from them.

I’m sorry, but I expect more from Blizzard than what they’ve done with the Void Elves. I find their treatment absolutely disgusting and insulting.

You’re welcome to like them, I just find it so lazy. These are elves, they should have conjured a proper settlement in Telogrus by now. Each new patch should’ve added an island out there with new stuff being researched by them.

8.0 - An island with stuff from Uldir.
8.1 - A research center with people that have the Eye of N’Zoth being studied/treated.
8.2 - A lake filled with Naga Mind-Squids being raised (let Void Elf hunters tame them).
8.3 - A Nya’lotha platform with banners, cages, books, etc…

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maybe you should have spammed for more old god/void/ethereal customization instead of blood elf skin tones

if void elves feel like they are a soul less race with no depth, well thats intentional. they were created from your desire to play an aesthetically pleasing blood elf on the alliance. enjoy them


Hm… it’s a tricky answer.

In Warcraft 2 and 3, we had High Elves that look VERY similar to Blood Elves today. In Warcraft 3, the High Elves became Blood Elves, and again, they looked like Blood Elves.

For whatever reason, when they created High Elves for World of Warcraft, they chose to make them using those outdated looking graphics (the same graphics used for some human NPCs in Borean Tundra and some ghost pirate NPCs in Wetlands).

Blood Elves didn’t really exist as a real race in WoW until TBC. Even Sylvanas for the longest time used a Night Elf body instead of the “classic High Elf” body.

There were some Blood Elves in vanilla WoW. There was a group in Azshara, and two in Nethergarde.

I love this. Those 3 reasons are why I still would love to play High Elf even though Void Elves are getting the SL customizations. I still will HOPE. I still will BELIEVE Blizz will do right thing and let us have the tag with my character name (High Elf, class)

It might be one way to get old topics deleted.

Because they’re the exact same thing, they’re just salty they’re on the superior faction and they can’t come to terms with it.


I thought this thread died. Who are these crazy people using loot-a-rangs to resurrect old threads?

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