Hate blood elves want high elves?

dunno what he was talking about, but technically, this could be true for alliance quel’dorei. for example, if elisande is telling the truth that the quel’dorei have diluted their bloodlines, it makes more sense to say the quel’dorei have non elven dna. by saying that, it doesnt mean the sindorei, since they havent been interbreeding with humans, but their kin in dalaran have, apparently.

the title quel’dorei means something like children of the nobles. meaning they are royalty, but, this is the point elisande criticizes the alliance quel’dorei for - she says they’re paupers playing at nobility because they have diluted their bloodlines with lesser races.

they still refer to themselves as quel’dorei, and elisande even addresses them as quel’dorei. this is where sindorei and quel’dorei could diverge physically from each other


Hyper, it doesn’t, because high elves are those who did not name themselves blood elves. This has been stated over and over, both explicitly and implicitly. They are pure blooded thalassian elves just like their blood elves.
It is even described in regards to half elves, where it is stated high elves are more likelier to engage with other races while blood elves look down on it.

Elisande’s statement was a shot at this behavior. How the high elves dilute theirlines by mingling with other races.
This does not mean they are diluted, it means their offspring are, hence the statement being an imperfect tense and not a perfect one.

If she had meant them, it would have been “You are diluted bloodlines”.
Which doesn’t work.


she says you are paupers playing at nobility. she doesnt say you are a pauper playing at nobility. the noble part is children of noble birth. she’s outting the quel’dorei of the silver covenant, to be not of noble birth since they have diluted bloodlines

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The statement of paupers playing at nobility is not a statement at all to do with bloodline.
It means you are acting above your rank even though your actions say otherwise. Hence, the action of diluting your bloodline which makes them paupers. It means nothing about the high elves themselves being diluted.
You re giving far more thought into the statement.

This is an MMO.
This is not a novel.

Stop adding depth to something that has none.

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no the name quel’dorei is children of noble birth. so first she calls them quel’dorei and immediately declares they are playing at nobility. meaning they arent of noble birth. i think veressa, alleria and sylvannas are high elven, but most of the alliance quel’dorei are half elves after 2800 years of intermixing with humans in dalaran

its a lore point. it can be used to explain half elves.

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No, it doesn’t, not at all.
Quel’dorei is the original high elf name, the one the blood elves used prior to the name change.
Elisande’s entire speech is meant to insult. Not speak of them being diluted themselves. It is meant to insult them for their actions. To insult the high elves for taking on human lovers etc etc.

Again, stop trying to add meaning that isn’t there.

Half elves have already been explained.
When a elf likes someone very, very, much, they do a special hug.

If you mean explain the number of half elves, then no, it wouldn’t explain it, nor does it need to, simply because lore never goes into how many there are and who they are. They are literally undefined. They are just there.

You mean; Your vision is that it could be used to…

You should lead with that.

Except the whole species thing, but I guess in WoW that’s not a problem.

well it’d make the devs job easier. the plot point is already there. they just need new models to depict it.

It’s already been said but no, it doesn’t make sense. If they have human DNA, they are no longer High elves, period. They’d be Half elves and, unless there are records in the lore of hybrids materializing out of nowhere and not taking into account weird things such as humanoids merging with otherworldly entities, that still wouldn’t make them High elves any longer.

You really don’t have to roll with that absurd headcanon just because he’s on your side.

correct and it means children of noble birth. so she says to them, hey you queldorei, you are just pretending to be children of noble birth, you have diluted your bloodlines with lesser races. that also refers to the queldorei as pretenders to the throne which an actual high elf would not be a pretender. so it cant be only high elves she’s referring to. she’s referring to second,third,etc generation half elves who still retain the name quel’dorei, as if they were still high elves, when technically, they aren’t. i agree that some of them are high elves, though.

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oh i agree. that’s my whole point.

If there is a hot alien babe, Zapp Branigan is there to sleaze on her.
BEAM ME DOWN KIPH(i don’t care how to spell your name).
There is a hot alien babe needing some… Zapp.

If no one finds that funny I will be crushed.

There are no second/third generation high elves since we’re still in generation 0 of the high elves from which she would make such a statement.
You’re just mucking up an already cleared storyline which would be ill received.

Half elves don’t need an explanation hyper.

Doesn’t that have it’s whole own thread now?

… also have we decided DNA is a thing in WoW? Cause if it is high elves and humans shouldn’t be able to cross breed. Just sayin’.

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in human terms. a high elf takes a human mate and they have 2 offspring. one marries a human also, the other marries a high elf. now we got a second generation half elf that is more human than elf, and a high elf who is a second generation half elf that is more elf than human.

…but considering how rare high elves are in the Alliance, F3 would be very human.

Even in human terms Hyper. Generations are, generally, people born around the same time, and is on average, those who have hit the age of 30 and had children of their own.

Vareesa’s kids are nowhere near close enough to have kids of their own.
Even then, generation 3, if we entertained it, would be 1/8th, which is diluted.
You know what an 1/8th native american looks like?
Not native.

They would have to be practicing eugenics to keep things even up-in-there.


I mean, if anyone takes a look at the earliest pictures of natives, their features are very different from those who claim to be “full blooded” today. Even those who are largely native and can prove it in genetics don’t have the same features due to interbreeding.

Which is largely due to ethnic cleansing buuuut, America doesn’t do that right?

i dont mean it in the sense of real world generation. i just mean generation in the sense of producing a new life. your first gen half elf, produces another gen half elf. etc. all half elves, no matter how much elf they are, like a 5th gen half elf who only has one human ancestor and all the rest were high elves, is still technically a half elf cause theres no such thing as a 1/5th elf or a 3/4th elf