Hate blood elves want high elves?

Ok, well, having devolved into a cycle of…

…I don’t see anything particularly worthwhile here for me. So I’m out.

Have fun in here. :wink:


While I don’t personally hate blood elves ( I have like 6 of them) I think I can understand why people might.

They kinda muddied the Horde (ironically) as the horde used to be a bunch of monsters that at least pretended that they are running from their dark sides/pasts and the blood elves joined the Horde looking like barbie dolls, torturing the naru and consorting with demons.

Blood elves are also super fickle in their allegiance, as just in WoW alone they have defected or tried to defect multiple times, whereas the high elves have joined the Alliance and stayed there, even at great cost to themselves at times.

There is also the matter of ideological purity which appeals to those who want to play a super goody goody as high elves are perceived to be. Blood elves have a lot of blood on their hands and none of it was out of necessity. They sabotaged all of tempest keep, including the exodar. They infiltrated bloodmyst isle to finish off any survivors of the crash of the exodar, they kidnapped and tortured a naru, they have given themselves up to the legion (sunwell) and they assisted in the destruction of Theramore through the use of a neutral power (dalaran), causing massive political damage for very little gain. They have since been on a redemption tour (that they owe Valen for) but none of that was remotely necessary. The High elves carry none of that baggage.


high elves left the alliance, changed an adjective and joined later joined the horde. they stayed where they always did, quel’thalas and dalaran. not SW like you are fanfictioning only a few individuals never left

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To be more specific. A “Dalaran neutral” high elf would be unlikely to just walts into silvermoon due to being neutral.

But like I said that’s a whole other topic. Similar to how the wardens and Cenarion helped out the night elves in darkshore despite being “neutral”


Correct, they left the alliance and called themselves blood elves.
Those who remained with the alliance (which is 10% of the high elf population pre-arthas) are still alliance.

I don’t really get what your point is. If anything he only fanfic here is your “few high elf individuals”. Your “few high elves” happen to be the silver Covenant, 7th Legion soldiers and stormwind inhabitants.
Nice try though.


10% did not stay with the alliance(lol). please provide a citation for this

i was hoping someone would bring this up, that the SC of dalaran are actually a tiny alliance militia in dalaran(a city open about its neutrality)

lets look at what they have done

WRATH they sat around dalaran

they did nothing in cataclysm but stand around with the farstriders and darkspear trolls

in MOP they helped kaina kill some blood elves, then helped the rest of the kirin tor patrol the isle of thunder

not present in WOD

joined up with the hunters in legion with the farstriders again

they only ever appear as representatives of the kirin tor so where is the alliance implication? the 7th legion elves are also SC elves but to fight they had to change uniforms and only a few were that loyal. as for SW high elves…lol

“With a total of 20,000 high elves , and 8,000 half elves . When Kael’Thas founded the blood elves , approximately 90% of the surviving high elven population left and joined his cause. High elves are one of the playable races in the Warcraft RPG, but not in the World of Warcraft”

Copy-paste from the high elf wowiki

Okay? So did the sunreavers

They assisted in the dark spear rebellion as their own.

Thank you for further proving my point.

What? They fought during the nightborne rebellion alongside the night elves and blood elves as the silver covenant. And were part of the hunter hall quests.

You’ve just provided me more high elf.examples than any allied race in the game, and somehow this is supposed to help you argument? I don’t know what to say, it’s tragic haha.


Anyways I’m out, have a good week everyone


i have no response for this as you are citing a non canon source

hey wait a second

sunreavers AR anyone? :joy:

if you played MOP there is a quest where you accompany anduin to dalaran to ask for the support of the kirin tor. to which jaina rebuffs the request stating that dalaran is neutral. that changed later in the expansion ofc. after the purge the kirin tor had no choice but to join the alliance with that act and jaina even travels to SW to tell varian he got what he wanted, the kirin tor joining the alliance. that lasted til the start of legion and dalaran went back to being neutral and ofc by extension the SC, which they are a part of :relaxed:

a neutral nation is not going to allow a tiny militia to attack another nation they are not at war with. its why the SC did not show up for the fourth war(or the kirin tor). it would mean dalaran is not neutral, its that simple

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Severe shock

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There are physical differences between sin’dorei and quel’dorei. Physical differences manifested by sucking down demon magics because they were all magic addicts. Reddening of skin and hair, the green, fel taint in the eyes, etc.

Quel’dorei refused to do such abhorrent things and are still as they’ve been for centuries.

That right there is a huge rift between the two groups that has resulted in distinct factions. There are more quel’dorei left (stated there are more than a thousand living in Stormwind alone) than there were ever ren’dorei. There is no justification for quel’dorei not being made their own allied race.


We didn’t all suck on demon magics. Only the felblood did that. There are eye changes sure, but everything else stayed the same. I’m a perfect tan thank you very much. I worked very hard on this, laying out in the sun.

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This is why Silvermoon was positively packed with blood elves sucking magic from fel crystals with demons packed inside. Because it isn’t showing them replacing their sunwell addiction with the fel. Nope, not at all.

After the sunwell was reignited, yes, they were free to stop, but that doesn’t change what happened. Kael’thas gave you a new source of magic to suck, and ya sucked it. Like certain white house interns, you regretted it eventually.


Yes, there were elves that did that and they ended up following Kael. Some elves stayed behind and sucked from mana wyrms. #notallbelves

I’ve not made anything up, but her to end this really easy what makes s green orc different from a mag’har orc. The fel inside the green what makes orginal blood elfs different from high elfs. The fel hence the green eyes. Yes now they have gold but that is only blood elfs. So therefore different races. The high elfs of dalaran didnt do the whole fel thing while the blood elfs of silvermoon did.


No, again, not all Belves actively fed off fel. The ones that did ended up being the Felblood. Other Belves fought back against the Felblood because they then allied themselves with the Legion. The ones that poisoned the well to start with.

I personally prefer Void elves, but the massive threads against high elves don’t have a single argument that isn’t flawed.
Ion says Blood Elves are high elves, but then let lose Mag’har Orcs which are orcs. The lore supports high elves, yet high elves in my mind have generally remained neutral but leaned more toward alliance. Just make high elves neutral and let each player decide, but also give alliance a cat race to counteract Vulpera love. I think this is the best solution for the debate, since most horde players are against alliance getting HEs due to selfish rationalisation.
Then give horde those water goblins, that should have been their allied race anyway.

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