Hate blood elves want high elves?

I disagree.
They are playable on the horde, they’re just called Blood Elves. But they’re the exact same elves in the first place so that’s just quibbling over semantics when the race IS playable already.


… and “High Elves” is not an actual current group. There are high elves who are part of the Silver Covenant or who are part of Stormwind. The nation of High Elves renamed itself to Blood Elves. What people are asking for isn’t High Elves, they are asking for high elves, or more specifically Alliance high elves.


No, Thalassians have been a thing for ~7,000 years.


That would be head canon

Like getting paint on your skin that won’t rub off easily. Anything more is head canon.

Ye they can.

If you agree blood elves are the same as high elves with only a semantic difference, then they are playable on the Horde.
Otherwise, you are trying to enforce semantics, while simultaneously, decrying it in other aspect. The logic makes no sense.

Now i know you’re ignoring me because the truth hurts but, hey, the truth be the truth.


I do wish this Fel tainted myth would go away.


Except no one is talking about Blood Elves when asking for High Elves (Except for trolls and salty people).

It specifically refers to the group called High Elves.

They are all different versions of the same thing and people want to play this one because it doesn’t exist elsewhere.

It literally refers to something else.

My mistake.


There is by no stretch of the imagination it is anything close to that weak. It’s literally generational and most magics can’t cleanse it.

Someone should tell the Orcs to take a bath. :roll_eyes:

Or I have other things to do besides argue on the forums about elves.

No one really owes anyone here 100% focus.


Yeah, they are asking for High Elves the ones that didn’t change their name to Blood Elves and get involved with Fel as you just mentioned.


I don’t think you know what head canon means if you believe the OP is head canon bud.

It is certainly a stretch and headcanon.

You have absolutely no information to indicate this dude. Seriously, provide a citation for it. Otherwise, head canon.I know you won’t provide a citation, you guys never do.
Nor do you have any information to indicate no other magic can over ride the paint color.

Which you are literally doing…in a high elf topic.

If only the high elf community thought the same of themselves.

You literally said half elves are headcanon while having a thread suggesting half elves.

You can’t make this crap up.

Then prove it?

Being tainted by fel is a major thing and it extremely dangerous and no where comparable to…

Getting paint on you? lol

Blizzard literally said that it would take generations for Orcs to lose their Fel Taint. It’s the established lore.

When your kids are born with it it’s definitely a lot more than a paint stain.

You literally can’t make this stuff up.

Either you want me to respond or you don’t.

Pick one.


lol theres no citation for this and everybody knows it. typical pro fanfiction. keep dreaming bud. developers already said it will fade. and priests/paladins flat out already proved they can change by being closer to the light and speeding up the dissipation the fastest. blood elves(high elves) are on the mother of all detox plans and have been getting bombarded by arcane/holy magic 24/7 for over 8 years now

the high elf fantasy you crave is waiting for you on the horde. paladins, rangers and magisters. thats what blood elves are. if you want something edgier void elves are there for you dred


Blood Elves can now have golden eyes, I think that effectively put the “generational” thing to rest.


Where did I make such a statement?

Sounds like you are. Literally

You made the claim that it is more than has been stated by the developers. It is up to you to prove them wrong.

To quote the devs. Like orcs, they manifest fel taint in a very visual way, which is not seen in other races.
So if a human is tainted by fel, he won’t show it unless he has a large amount of it, which is what we have seen throughout wow’s history.

Blizzard literally said “It will take along time.”
Even then, the fact that blood elves have gold eyes, means the generational thing means nothing now.

No, its just you and your headcanon.

“omg its generational! IT MEANS A BIOLOGICAL CHANGE!”

devs: They just manifest it visually unlike other races.
also devs: Maghar orcs and green orcs are the same race

You: high elves and blood elves are biologically different.

The devs weighed in on the matter.
Fel taint = visual only
Nothing more.
Same as getting paint on your skin.
Same as when a baby is born addicted to methemphetamines.
This is known as vertical transference.

That baby is still a human even though the parents passed on their taint.

You: I have more to do than argue about high elves
Me: But that is what you are doing hre
You: You either want me to respond or not

That makes no sense in terms of a response. I am pointing out the contradiction of your actions. You are arguing about high elves even though there is more for you to do. Just saying.



And we get another “No! You!”.

Why would I do that? I’m saying the developers said fel taint would fade with generations.

You’re the one who has to prove that it is the equivalent of a paint stain.

Then it’s not equivalent to a paint stain.

Thus meaning it’s not equivalent to a paint stain.

You really like to throw this word around.

I never said that.

This has always been my argument.

I never said that.

I said it depends what you consider Fel Taint.

Magic =/= Biology

They never said that. They said they show it in a visual way. Not that it was only visual.

It’s more of a curse. It is by no means equivalent to paint.

You can’t pass on a paint stain.

I go do other things and you accuse me of ignoring you because “I’m right and your wrong.”

This isn’t the first time you got ticked at more for not being on the forums all the time.

When I have time to argue about High Elves I do. When I don’t I don’t.

Quit making some creepy vendetta out of it.

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The. Blood elves are not fel tainted. They’re attuned to magics around them. The green eyes are just a result of that. Just like how the gold eyes are now cropping up due to the Sunwell 2.0.

It’s not some biological change.


high elves are just blood elves with a different opinion. if you want to play a high elf so badly, roll a blood elf. a blood elf IS the high elf experience


That’s Fel Taint.

They are leaking it out of their eyes.

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A blood elf is not the alliance aligned high elf experience.

There is a difference.

Still the same race though.


ik, thats a void corrupted high elf now

shadow aligned void elves against light aligned blood elves. thats where the story is going and there aint no room for fanfictions


That’s actually not quite right either.

They’re asking for the ones that never left. (or remained with the Kirin Tor refusing the name change and sucking magic bits.)

Void Elves are Blood Elves that got Void corrupted… That’s not what they’ve been asking for.


Do you exist in an alternate reality where providing a completely unrelated response makes sense?
Let me make it easier for you.
Where did I claim half elves were head canon like you claimed?

You made up my claim of half elves being head canon. I know you’re trying really hard to be obnoxious as possible, but its not going to help

The fel taint is visual for orcs and high elves.
This is what the developer stated.
This is the equivalent of a paint stain, which is a visual change, not a biological one.
A biological change = void elves.

A paint stain is a visual difference. Not a biological change.
Per the devs, the fel taint is a visual difference and nothing more for orcs and high elves.
All you’re doing is going is disagreeing for the sake of doing so and not because you have any method of countering my statement.
The devs are the originating source, take it up with them if you don’t lik the fact that green eyes or green skin is just a visual difference and nothing more.

Words have meaning. So they are used accordingly.

This is your implication.
If the fel taint is greater than a paint stain, a.k.a. purely cosmetic/visual difference, then there needs to be biological component which is the next step up.
Furthermore, you did post previously that there were biological differences between the two groups.

So which is it? You’re making a lot of contradictions.

So why are you debating it now?

Perhaps you should consider the statements you have made in the past in conjunction with those you are implying.
Either it is like a paint stain, a.k.a visual only.
Or its not.
You saying “its generational so its more”, implies it to be biological.
They are your words, not mine.

That is literally what it means. This is like you and the helfer community with Ion’s statements.
“kinda are”
“he didn’t say no to high elves directly.”
I’d rather you stopped looking for nonsensically specific statements for the sake of preserving your beliefs.

I pointed out you spent quite a significant amount of time arguing it, while also ignoring those responding to you.
Hence, why your excuse seems flimsy.

I could honestly care less about what happens to you dude. I am simply pointing out that your words and actions don’t match up.

You’re joking right?
Like…you can’t seriously be so incredibly obtuse that you caused an entire argument because of your obnoxious desire to take things literally for the sake of your high elf agenda.

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