Hat micro-holiday

We already have them for shirts, so why not give us one for hats

Let us run around towns opening crates and getting hats, maybe give some of the hats an effect that seems unusual like the hats on fire or has a rain cloud above it

Everyone loves hats, plus could add some special year round hats toy can buy during it

While I think this is a troll thread to derail the lgbt micro holiday thread, I wouldn’t mind a hat micro holiday. There could be some neat ideas for interesting hats to wear.

I was actually messing with my transmog stuff and remembered we had a shirt holiday

I just want hats :frowning:

the tavern crawl micro holiday has about 20+ hats from crates in Gadgetzan

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Oh, I actually didn’t know that, never did the tavern crawl one

Guess that’s kinda close

tavern crawl has many hats , even one that lets the hair hang down from the helmet, which looks exceptionally good on female characters, but the downside they only last 4 hours, you can go back as many times as you want tho.


Oh dang

Well they have the ground works for hat-iday then, so let’s get some permanent hats