Has WoW Music lost its magic to you?

All I know is if I listen to the music of Outland or Eastern Plaguelands (Classic) it’s just so much more immersive than anything else Blizzard has put out in a very long time. Atmospheric tracks are fantastic and should be embraced again!


I turn down the music when I am playing and listen to Queen. Makes me feel like I am in “Highlander”. There can be only one.

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I have a playlist for the car if that answers the question.

minus the horrific inn music from pandaria, I think wow has an excellent soundtrack.

i love the og org music


Legion’s music was quite good, I still remember suramar’s music.


I find the actual soundtracks Blizzard releases to be a substantially subpar selection to the tracks available in any given expansion.

YouTube the 8 hour OST of your favorite expansion and you will get your chill fill. Heh

WoW has some awesome tunes in its repertoire but most of its in-game soundtrack is designed to be background immersive ambient music, so in a way it’s intended to be forgettable, not something that’s in the foreground. It’s not like Warcraft II and III’s soundtrack for example. (Those were not “ambient” music.)

ever since they sacked russell brower, the music has no OOMPH


There is music? Seriously, I think I turned it off 5 years ago and never have listened since. Like my own tunes.

I haven’t listened to Blizz’s music since Vanilla. I got sick of it after about 1 week and have been listening to my own music ever since.

Never really listened to the zone music in the game. I find it distracting and not immersive at all.

WoW’s music never really did anything for me. I’ve always preferred my video game scores to be more, I think the proper term is melodic, and in the forefront. WoW’s has always been focused on ambience.

Turns on Bloodborne soundtrack

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I always turn the background music off in a game. It ruins the immersion for me to have nondiegetic music in games for some reason.

Oddly enough I’m a musician in real life so you’d think I would like it but what I like in a movie for some reason is a turn off in the game.

I remember the good ol’ days everyone liked the music in WoW.

Nowadays everyone mutes the game play their own playlists.


Makes me sad, I really enjoy the music of the game, I prefer it over the mainstream crap that is on the radio.

Not sure why people who say they completely turned off WoW music years ago even post in this thread. Like, okay, next person… :roll_eyes:

Anyway, I’d have to agree with what Titanspite said:

The music now is okay. I still get goosebumps when I listen to it, but they’re not as strong as they are with let’s say WoD music. Pretty much anything from Burning Crusade to Legion was amazing. The magic just isn’t really there anymore.

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BfA had some good songs. Like Tirigarde Sound, Zuldazar, Drustvar, Stormsong Valley, and Vol’dun have some nice elements.

The only music from Shadowlands that I liked is from Ardenweald. I can’t stand all the other zones and covenants music. Especially maldraxxus, that place is just darn depressing and disgusting.

Wow has music?

yeah, orchestral music

When I first started, I used to get super excited when I would get the sound for discovering a new area. But now, it’s just like “oh okay.”

I think for the most part, Kul Tiran music is really good. I’m not a fan of the other zones’ music, but they aren’t bad.

Gonna have to disagree with you on the Ardenweald music. Ardenweald gives me too many Disney vibes with the music and the zone, so I can’t really get into it. I’d have to say Revendreth takes the crown for best music of this expansion so far. I’d rank Maldraxxus second, Bastion third, and Ardenweald last for covenants. Oribos music (not the Broker themes) is also really good.