Has WoW influenced your hobbies?

Loopholes in the laws are insane. The bad actors learn about them and spread the knowledge, which is how we keep having people getting away with just about anything. Prosecutors won’t even try. I’ve no idea how we keep supporting and propping up this broken system.

I’ve tried looking up to see if there have been proposals to help fix these loopholes but I can never find anything reliable.

So… can I crash on your couch?

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Back in high school I created little cartoon characters of my hunter and rogue. Shortly afterwards, I began keeping a daily comic journal where I’d draw out one or two things that happened to me throughout the previous day, either in-game or in-school. My hunter was typically my self-insert rather than drawing myself.

Over time I began updating their character designs and thinking up little scenarios for them. They eventually became kids because they always acted so childishly in the daily comics.

I don’t get a chance to draw all that often anymore, but I still think about the characters on a daily basis. I don’t think I ever would have developed the hobby if it weren’t for WoW.


There’s really no laws that protect the owner. If you open your residence to anyone with the understanding they are allowed to seek it for shelter, that’s it. You’ve made the verbal offer. The rest is again, all verbal discrepancies that cannot be proved or disproved, even WITH a written contract. They can argue that you never required them to renew said contract. Or they may argue they had an understanding extensions were possible and you just renegged on that. Many get the 90 day emergency stay extensions while they “search” for other housing options and try to ride that out into infinity and beyond. Particularly in winter - which is effective because people need shelter in incliment weather.

I will glady refer you to a couch. Locations may vary.

This always makes me think of Pacific Heights. Ever seen that movie?

I’ll wait to ask you for certain… in the winter.

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Wow, I have. It’s been ages. I had to look up the trailer to remember the story line. :laughing:

I will make sure the couch I refer has a lovely winter view, no where near my actual home.


You’re really hospitable, aren’t you?

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Druids have a thing for trees. You’ll grow to appreciate it!

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I love these!

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