Has WoW influenced your hobbies?

WOW is a hobby… Though, I’ve bought quite a few of the books based on the universe.

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no because i’m not five

No hurty the animals D:

Ever go geode hunting or fossil hunting?

Definitely the other way around. Most of what I do IRL is a reflection of what my characters do in game. Except shapeshift. I haven’t figured that one out yet. Though I do typically lucid dream. Once I figure out I’m dreaming I can control myself and the environment in said dreams. If that counts, then I can totally shapeshift, no prob.

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I was already doing blacksmithing before I started playing wow.

My next project is probably going to be a sword :crossed_swords: longer then 36in it’s just a problem with trying to quench that I don’t have anything that long lol

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Who said we were doing something as heinous as sacrificing animals?

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Oh that’s where my brain went to.

Anyway, what kind of sacrifices then?

I think you know exactly what kind of sacrifices. :smiling_imp:

It must be a sad life, thinking that fun hobbies are only for children. Being serious all of the time sure seems exhausting

I love that! I hope you get to do it!

I always wished I could be an artist. I cannot translate my thoughts to paper sadly



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I’d really like to live in a Hobbit house built into the side of a hill, but it’d kill my spine lmao.

The movies always made them look really cozy.

If you do manage to build that Dwarven Bunker, I’mma find it and plant a Horde flag inside, capture it like it’s Alterac Valley.


There’s one you can rent for the weekend by where I live. It sits on a like in the middle of the mountains. My wife and I really want to do it once there’s an available booking


Does the room include a pint or is that extra?

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Bring your own pint sadly

Google up Earth homes for rent. AirBnB have quite a few. There’s also treehouses for rent, both on AirBnB and Glamping Hub. Fantastical get away vacation spots have been a hot commodity since 2012. Ever since that carved ice cave/hotel in Sweden for rent went viral. But also… even before then there are entire hotels with romantic themed rooms. Pirates, Jungles, Star Trek.

Go live your best Hobbit life!


Yes it influenced one of my hobbies. After creating my first warlock I cast a spell on my mother in law so that instead of her saying “Do you really think that’s an approprate thing to wear to an event like this?” she was more inclined to say “Oh hello dear, would you like some tea?”

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The interesting things people will pay for. Seeing this, I’m half-tempted to pitch a tent in my back yard, run a garden hose out there for drinking and charge for it.


I really encourage you to read your renters laws before you do. Having been in states that are pro-squatters rights in some really weird ways - people will try and take over your home if you give them even the slightest inch of leeway. If you have any hobby property that is NOT on your own home location, that’s a safer bet.

You can just Google Squatters taking over homes/properties. There’s a ton of nightmare stories from AirBnB and Vrbo, and other rental agencies who do not step in to help their patrons in even the slightest with these issues. I only became aware of it because I lived in Washington state and a couple of our friends went through the pain of learning this the hard way after they refinished and rented out their detached garage to folks who absolutely just moved right in. Evictions, changing locks, it didn’t matter - these people would just break in, damage the property and not leave. And by break in, I mean these people straight out cut a hole in the garage roof with a gas saw to get in one time, because all the doors locks had been replaced and bars were put on the windows.

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I was totally joking but you’re not wrong in that. I’ve seen news articles and watched videos about squatters who trespassed, broke into someone’s property and the courts sided with them. It blows my mind.

Imagine if courts started siding with thieves. Someone steals your car. “Well, they possess the item and possession is 9/10ths of the law, so I rule in favor of the defendant”.

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