Has Wow Abandoned Casual Players

How can a game with +2s, LFR, and normal have abandoned casual players? If Mythic raid was the only PvE difficulty you may have had a point.

What you mean to say is, you want high item level loot with a low skill/effort floor. Nothing wrong with that, but at least be honest about it.


This isn’t exactly new news. I haven’t watched the video but I’m guessing its going to hit on some of the following points.

  • When they added more raid difficulties they split the player base according to skill.

  • When they added M+ they split the player base according to skill and now content type.

  • When they added arenas they killed off the days of casual BG’s and open world pvp.

  • Professions are dead.

  • The game has focused more and more on dance mechanics. People see this and just walk away from the game instead of trying it.

  • Rotations are insanely fast.

  • They allow guilds to sell carries destroying what was once a significant portion of family and friends guilds.

  • They keep adding convoluted stories that most people don’t care about.

  • They kill of beloved characters people do care about.

  • They keep adding new zones instead of developing continual stories for zones they do have.

  • Exploration is an achievement not a sense of wonderment.

  • Removing large portions of content makes it so new players are less likely to join.

  • The over saturation of pets, mounts and transmog makes it realistically an unachievable goal, particularly if you start late as so many things require a heavy time investment.

Its been a slow degradation over the years and most people I know treat this game now as a raid and log or lobby style game. Its no longer an rpg and and that was the game style most casuals I know loved about vanilla wow. Gone are the days when the tanks could get drunk and play with adult friends when the kids went to bed. No its about looking for either a carry or people that are scored similarly so they don’t hold you back.



I have assorted quibbles with the game’s design, but I most definitely do not feel abandoned.

(Then again, this may fall under “define casual”)


It’s really more about the needed research and apps to succeed. Your list is just as legitate as the video. I have always been annoyed by the need to go online to solve wow; in this respect, wow is more casual friendly.


No, it hasn’t. WoW has always been a largely casual MMORPG. Even back in vanilla.


That is the point, if you want to actually get decent loot, you have to slam your head against content that is pretty tough. The older versions of the game weren’t designed this way.

Those difficulties you posted in your comment are just braindead easy.

The game needs to raise the bar on entry level content and scale back on the higher level difficulties. I think Cata heroics and raids were the sweet spot for the game.


TBH I think Dragonflight hit a good threshhold between casual and hardcore. It could do better yes but its at a decent / good point. I think the biggest problem is not the game itself or the devs but the community. The community is outright awful to new players, veterans, and anyone under the sun. People hear you talking about ff14 in game and you get mass reported, people see your dps sucks and you get kicked and told to “get gud” before getting blocked amongst other insults. If you wipe once in mythic plus people leave and the owners key is ruined. TBH even though the game improves for both casual and hardcore, the community continues to get worse, and ultimately is what will kill the game. If older people get burned out and leave, and new players get bullied out, the game will stagnate and die.



First you say game is too hard for decent loot, but then you say you want the skill floor raised?

Besides the contradiction, how does this help casual players? Heroic is already pretty easy, and heroic gear this tier is extremely close to Mythic gear.


This I don’t really understand, although I’ve never really played “casually” so to speak.

There are more gearing options available, more mounts, more transmogs/appearances, more dungeons, more quests and short storylines than I have EVER seen in the game (since 2004). And honestly, LFR is slightly less repulsive than it used to be (god I’ll probably take that back later).

I dunno, tons of stuff to do for casuals. Now, is the content high quality? Meh. The stories are not as funny anymore, and the writing sucks. But the writing always has.

As it should be, and hopefully will continue on this path.

M+ players deserve to gear in such a way that doesn’t require 20 people sitting around for some raid leader to wrangle them in like cattle. Been there, done that, no thank you very much.

This makes me sad. And you’re absolutely right.

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I didn’t contradict myself. I said that the entry level content is too easy, which most casual players engage with, and content to get good gear is aimed at players with a much higher skill.

Why would you bring up heroic raiding? I think this difficulty is perfectly fine and should probably be the top level of raiding. Mythic raiding is just dumb.

High levels of M+ are dumb too, the top level gear should be around +15 or even lower.

Casual players that don’t want slam their head against a timer for dungeons don’t really have any kind of challenging content. World content is braindead easy, and the queued dungeon content is joke.

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Uhh, no.

A bit of a challenge is nice. 15s are barely a challenge even week 1.

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Gotcha. So at the end of the day, it really is just wanting the best gear for less effort like I said in the first place.


The gear treadmill sucks and takes too much time.

As long as I can get gear good enough to smash the open world (mythic 0 to +5 is more than enough) and smash old raids, I’m good.

Playing wow casually is great.


WoW has a marketing problem. They market it as a fun experience for all, but they design it to be explicitly counter to that. The illusion is busted for too many people, so expansion sales will continue to crater, and the pool of people to recruit into the elitist scumbaggery the game is designed around will continue to shrink.


Addressing players who wanted actual hard content and one who wanted easier stuff

Addressed years of people asking for actual 5 man progression content.

Again, addressed people who wanted serious PvP and those who wanted a casual experience. (And wpvp was still fun at ss/tm in TBC.

Reborn with a system addressing years of requests for a progressive endgame profession system for folks who like that.

Gamers are better than they were in 2007. Gotta make it interesting or they’ll move on, and Blizz kept easy modes for folks who wanted them.

Nothing’s stopping F&F guilds from existing. If you were only there for a free carry are you really f&f?

Do new players know old content was removed?


It does.

To my definition
1 of the the 1000’s out there lol, people worried about every small mog, mount, pet, etc and how its hard/deemed impossible to get them
are not casuals. To me.

I am a casual. I favor pvp. I have never been gladiator (either version). I have never been highly ranked, if even ranked at all. ANd I do not care either.

Run pug bg, have fun
and move on.

When I hear “casuals” rant on harder to get stuff beyond them
I think in SP games these people are 100% completionists.

100% completionists
aren’t casuals either. I’d have casual more like me. I beat the game, see I got 40% steam achievement and
move on.

I am not doing those exotic ones .05% of steam players get. since I will be eternally 99% in that case, 40% is basically the same as 99%. Neither is 100% lol. And this is fine with me.


I would 100% be behind something like this if they can get the tuning for each class/spec down. Some classes would have it way easier than others which would create its own problems. Problems create more dev time which gives us less content in other areas.

With Ion Hazzikostis at the helm it certainly makes a good argument. I definitely agree and hope that once Microsoft is at the helm and more people are able to play the game we can get a FRESH set of developers maybe keep some but not all.


The game 100% isn’t tailored toward casual players anymore. As much as I love M+, the soul of WoW fled when they were introduced in WoD. The game is so competitive at almost every level and WoW becomes more and more toxic and abusive by the day.


People keep repeating this, but there’s nothing forcing people into the competition. You can run any level of keys with folks who are chill if you want. You just have to bother to find them, and with so many people claiming the same thing, it should be easy to find folks who want those relaxed runs.

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