Has Wow Abandoned Casual Players

Players have complained that Wow has lost that wonderful feeling that made playing Wow a lot of fun. Over the years the game has changed from a fun adventure of exploration and discovery to a situation where competition and a high measure of gaming expertise
(mad skills) are required in order to participate.

For a better understanding of the topic I am providing this video that better explains it:

So what do you think: Is Wow still a viable game experience for the Casual Player? Or has it become a rat-race for high stress mad skilled gamers?


Not really. Many casuals don’t bother to play anymore, so it seems like there are more hard core players as a proportion. It is still very possible to play casually, as it has always been. Catch up gear has been a thing for a long time now.

Altoholics could use some love like letting us buy currency to gain rep after a different toon already earned it.


That video is about Shadowlands.

Dragonflight is much more casual friendly.

It’ll be even better when we start getting accountwide currencies and rep.


I never understand the casual vs hardcore mindset. WoW is a game that can (and should) be played to the level you want to play at. There is no reason to play this game in any other capacity.


but it’s a big problem for people who want all the rewards


If you make it to where everyone receives everything they want without dedicating time and effort, what incentive do people have to play? Make it too difficult and objectives require too much time people will not even attempt.

What changes would you propose to allow people to receive everything in game they want?

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I don’t perceive wow as casual friendly and definitely not noob friendly. It can be hard to group for rated pvp. You need to know what youre doing for M+. Doesnt lend itself to jumping in and playing quickly which is what a “casual” wants to do.


Rated isn’t there for casuals/noobs or people without every single necessary mod and weakaura alert. Just leave the pillar humping cc fest to the 15 people left bothering with it. Blehhhhh.

Shadowlands PVP was quite a bit more fun tbh.


Solo dungeons with tiered difficulty. Say you have 5 levels, each increasing in difficulty. Each level rewards armor etc…


Man all that old “fun and discovery” was huge grinding and we did it cause we hadn’t seen anything like it before. It’s old hat now. You can’t go back and experience just leveling and zones and what not for the first time. There wasn’t much of an endgame to speak of either.

Now all that stuff holds no magic in it and the endgame goals are where all the interesting progression systems are. And DF is the most casual any of THAT stuff has ever been as far as I can recall.


It use to be but not anymore. I’ve played as a casual player for 18 years and each expansion since MoP has felt less and less rewarding, and/or friendly. I’ve given DF a good try but I just cannot stand it anymore,


Sorry has this been datamined or something?


So you want Torghast.

Tbf I think something like Torghast is cool. Although allowing people to queue for progression content solo takes the world out of warcraft.


In an interview someone said they would like to find a solution to people feeling trapped on their mains because of their reps, but had nothing lined up to solve it yet.

Emet is just jumping the gun and assuming theyre now dedicated to giving account wide rep even though they never said they would actually do anything, let alone have that as their solution.


Yea account wide rep is something they are still holding on to, for reasons. It’s just wishful thinking, but the game also seems to be kinda trending in that direction so people are making assumptions… I’m not holding my breath.

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I think retail is overly complex. I hit 70 a few days ago, I can’t complete new whelp daycare because I didn’t do a certain quest to make an NPC spawn. So I’d have to do like hours of questing just to unlock it.


This flat out isn’t true. There’s casual levels of every type of content available and no requirement to be competitive at all.

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I’m a casual. I don’t do raids, M+ or PVP. I just do open world content. WoW has actually done a better job in Dragonflight of making content for me. I was able to get 4 piece tier bonuses in 10.0 and 10.1, which was never available for me before. There are still plenty of gold making opportunities and pet collecting/battling activities. These are all the things I find fun, and I continue to enjoy this expansion.


Not really, people say it is because the entry level difficulties are easy, but the game has really been forcing players into systems like M+ now for several expansions.

You either slam your head against the brick wall in systems like M+, or you just meander through some of the most boring content in MMOs ever created. There is no in-between content anymore.

The casual player has very little challenge in the game, there only choice if they want challenging gameplay is to engage with the 3 pillar content.


If you’re talking about the obsidian citadel, there’s a skip.

I had done waking shores about halfway, to where you’re at the first Wrathion camp and you have to fight so of his npcs. There was a bronze dragon waiting for me there to skip.

Might be somewhere in that chain that you can find a skip too. Or do 30 minutes of questing to get to that spot.