I accidentally deleted my main instead of a low lvl char recently and would love to have it back by Thursday but going by support they still don’t know, anyone have any other clues about maybe how long b4 its back?
Well that seems rather unfortunate, but if Blizzard support doesn’t know, I have significant doubts that even we’ll meaning random forum goers would know.
There is no word or indication.
Could be tomorrow, could be 6 months.
nope. your stuck with it.
Nope. And you’re not the only one that bug has hit, either. I’m sorry.
I don’t see it coming back until 1st patch of War Within at the earliest. They did warn you it was going away for a “while”
RIP to your main
It shall be missed.
Oh no, dude!
That sucks bad. Could you try submitting a ticket or something? Even if the restoration self service is down maybe they can do it for you. Maybe.
Ouchie. That sucks
i tried they said they cant do anything
I’d be surprised if it took that long. I think they’re just waiting to get Remix characters settled out of Remix to make sure the system is stable.
I’m genuinely curious: how did you delete your main instead of a low level alt? Using the same name?
I would just keep putting in tickets. Try to get it escalated.
There is a bug where the game deletes the top char on your list, even though the delete window shows the name of the alt you actually want to delete.
what bug?..
before you delete a toon it asks are you sure you want to delete
Yep. And then the bug deletes an entirely different character.
didnt for me Just tested it, It did ask me of i wanted to delete the toon i didnt tell it too but it did ask me…Example I Said delete Toon A and when asked it said are you sure you want to delete toon B so i knew it was wrong so i clicked no

didnt for me Just tested it
That’s nice. But it’s doing it for others. Did it once to me, as well.
I tried to delete a level 50 Warrior in Retail. It asked me if I wanted to delete the level 50 Warrior in Retail. Then it went and deleted a level 70 Evoker in Remix.

I think they’re just waiting to get Remix characters settled out of Remix to make sure the system is stable.
Not sure about. According to Vrakthris “In an upcoming patch”… maybe 11.0.5 or 11.1
It looks like the character was deleted a few days ago. There were a few characters deleted around the same time (a level 70 Lightforged Draenei Paladin and level 60 Dracthyr Evoker), so you may have been doing a little clean up and deleted that one by mistake. Unfortunately, the Undelete option is currently disabled while some issues with restoring characters is addressed. We don’t have an estimate on when it will return, but we do hope soon in an upcoming patch.
Just stop deleting characters.
Stop using delete as temp storage.
Where did I say I was using it as temp storage? Where did anyone claim this?
OP got hit with the bug that deleted their main instead of the character they tried to get rid of.
So what are you on about?